My friend Abena owes me money. She was in a very tight place and needed my help urgently so I gave her my savings. I meant well for her. I wanted her to have her heart’s desire though I didn’t like the way through which she was going to get that.
She was dating Ebo. For three years these two were lovers and everyone knew about them. One day Abena came to me to announce her wedding; “I’m getting married very soon. You’re the first person I’m saying this to. Don’t tell anyone.”
I was so excited I kept screaming, “Thanks be to God. Finally, Ebo is going to do what men do. He has proven beyond measure that some men are faithful.”
She cut me in the middle and said, “It’s not Ebo I’m talking about here. I’m getting married to another man. Ebo is not serious. I can’t wait for him forever.”
I was shocked. I was like, “Who is this man? And since when have you been dating him that I didn’t get a hint of it?”
They say your friends don’t tell you everything and it’s true. Had it not been that day, I wouldn’t have known Abena had been dating another man called Tom. She said, “There’s Tom who lives in Canada. At first I wasn’t sure about him that’s why I didn’t talk about him. But he’s serious. He’s coming down to marry me as soon as possible. Plans are far advanced.”
I didn’t know whether to be happy or not because Ebo was also my friend. I told her, “You’re an adult and you know what’s good for you but how’re you going to tell Ebo? How’s he going to take it? Have you thought about that?”
I was late for the show. Not knowing the two of them were already on the road of separation. They had been on that road for over a month and I didn’t know about it. I wished her well and told her she had my support no matter what happens.
A few days later, she came again. She said, “I owe Ebo some money and he wants it before he would let me go. Currently, he knows I’m getting married to another man. He’s threatening me. He wants his money or he’ll make it a police case but I don’t have that amount on me. Can you give me a loan? I will pay as soon as the wedding is over.”
At first, I was sceptical. The money involved was very huge. I asked why she wouldn’t collect it from Tom since they are getting married very soon. She screamed, “Are you crazy? Tom doesn’t know anything about Ebo. Do you want me to destroy my wedding with my own hands?” If you have it, please help me. My wedding is in a month. I want to settle Ebo as soon as possible before anything bad happens.”
I couldn’t give her the money so she went to ask other people. Days later, she came back begging and almost crying that even if it was a loan, I should take it and give it to her because she was going to pay as soon as the wedding was done.
At that time the Cedi was very volatile so I kept my savings in dollars. I had $1,700 with me so I gave it to her. She said, “That’s even better. Tom sends me money in Dollars so I should be able to pay in no time.”
A month later, she had a very huge wedding in which I was one of the maids of honour. Tom looked good. He looked like a man who wouldn’t take chances with his life. He spoke firmly and assuredly. I met him twice before the wedding and according to the story he told me, he had dated Abena for two years.
I wasn’t there to judge. I was there as a friend. I was a little bit surprised and disappointed she could do that to our friend but I held those thoughts at bay. The wedding was beautiful and calm. Because of her, Ebo doesn’t talk to me but it’s alright. It’s the price we pay for friendship.
Two months after the wedding, my money hadn’t come so I started asking questions. She was graceful with her response. She told me money was on the way. Her husband had to go back to Canada and start sending her money so she could pay what she was owing me. I waited until her husband left.
One month after he had gone, nothing happened apart from the usual excuse. Six months later, I started getting angry. I would call her on the phone and the two of us would exchange words but she wouldn’t pay what she owed me. One year later, Abena is still owing me $1,700. At this point in time, we are no longer friends. What we have is a creditor-debtor relationship. She doesn’t pick up my calls until I see her in person and we fight.
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I’d reported the issue to her parents who knew the relationship between the two of us. What her parents told me was, “When you were giving her the money, we were not there so we can’t be there when there is an issue.”
Abena even had the gut to tell me she’s not the only one owing in this world so I should stop disturbing her peace. “If I had the money, do you think I won’t give it to you? Why are you stressing my life? And you call yourself a friend?”
Information in the grapevine says her husband is coming for her and she might leave very soon. From all indications, when this girl leaves, my money would become a bad debt. I have to get it by all means so I told her the last time, “Your husband will know about this and how you came to owe me. I will tell him the whole story so you know treachery begets treachery.”
She thinks I have no way to reach her husband so she called off my bluff but I have her husband’s number. Desperation led me to that road. It was hard but I got his contact. I want to tell him about the money but I’m scared of the consequences. The what ifs.
My main aim is to get the money but what if it backfires? I tell him, he gets angry at his wife, they fight and maybe think of a divorce and my money doesn’t get paid.
That’s my fear now. I don’t mean to cause any commotion between them. I want him to hear my story and say, “Don’t worry, I’ll send your money to you as soon as possible.” Nothing will excite me today more than the assurance of my money hitting my account.
We Agreed To Be Friends With Benefit | Silent Beads
Do you think I should tell her husband? Would it end well if I tell him? What other options can I explore to get my money before she finally leaves? I feel like I’m being punished for playing a part in the pain we caused Ebo but whatever it is, my money has to get to me before this girl travels out of town.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
People are not people ooo. She is not a friend ooo. She kept all these relationship secret from you, came to feign and you borrowed her money and now showing you pepper. She is just like her parents, she took her bad character from them. How can you parents say this to a friend your daughter owes. My dear take it to where ever you want to take her (ie either police station, court, prayer camp, report to her husband) to get your money. Nkwasei buo yeya! $1700 is Still money. Take it from her!
Tell her husband she told you she borrowed the money as her contribution to the wedding.
She used your money for her wedding. Send her a screenshot of her husband’s number and report her at the police station
There are alternate dispute resolution centres around, find one and take her there
Find a way to get her to admit taking money from you as evidence , then You can also post your evidence on social media and tag her and all her friends. Create a buzz with it
Or you can let go and take it as a lesson. it’ll bring you so much peace. “Vengeance belongs to God, I’ll repay says the Lord”. There’s nothing prayer cannot do
Send her evidence that you have her husband’s number, and do tell him abt the whole issue
And plz let her know you would tell the husband and please do tell him.
When she denies it, please take other measures
Take your money.
Don’t let it slay,she has just decided to take you for a fool and don’t allow it.
You can also ask Ebo if throughly there was something like that. My dear get your facts rights and present your case to the husband.
All the best.
Just text her husband’s number to her let her knows that u can do the undo…
Send her husband’s contact to her, she will see hw serious u are. If she doesn’t pay then go ahead and tell de husband de truth, let him understand dat she took de money to support her wedding wif a pay back promise of which she hasn’t
It’s possible the money was rather used for the wedding and not to settle Ebo. Chances are the hubby is full of hot air with nothing to his name. Report her to the Police.
Exactly. Use the police and get your money back, if that doesn’t work, use social media and tag her family and friends but make sure you have evidence that she actually got the money from you and recordings of her arguing with you and all of that. Also meet the X and talk to him, he probably wasn’t given the money. Anybody that can lie to such extent can do anything
Tell her husband, from all indication she might travel abroad and ur monie is lost report it to the police pastor her husband explore any means at all to get ur money back
Are are you thinking about your money or your thinking about your friend being divorced,madam inform the husband collect your money and let her husband divorce her .