The first time I saw the woman of my dreams, I felt a yearning in my heart to be with her. It was so unexpected. I had gone to campus to pick a document in preparation for my graduation. When I finished, I was heading to the mosque to pray when I saw her from a distance. She seemed to be in a hurry so I raised my voice and asked, “What’s your name pretty lady?” She smiled, mentioned her name, and then went her way.

That brief encounter had me saying, “Damn, she is a gem. I have to make this damsel my own.” I wasn’t sure when I would see her again but I knew I would. And the next time I went to campus I saw her. That day we exchanged pleasantries and spoke for a few minutes. I wanted to take her number but my phone was off. The next best thing was to give her my number and hope she would call.

She promised she would call or text but that day I didn’t hear anything from her. The next day too, nothing. However, I didn’t lose hope. I was still anticipating to hear from her. It took days but eventually, she sent me a message on WhatsApp. I was beyond joyous.

As much as I wanted to be with her, I didn’t rush things. I bade my time. I started with phone calls and good morning text messages. She was receptive so with time, I confessed my feelings for her. “I want to be your man. Will you give me the chance to make you happy?” I asked her. She didn’t say yes. She also didn’t say no. This to me meant I would eventually win her with time.

As time went on, she also started calling me incessantly. As if I was the only contact on her phone. I was happy about this but that happiness was not smooth sailing. She stopped calling after a while and ignored all my calls and messages as if I were the plague. After a while, she started giving me attention again. The inconsistency was a dizzying roller coaster ride but I am a patient man.

It took two years before she showed real interest in me. That was when she told me about her past relationships and the hell her heart had experienced. “I am sorry it took me this long to learn that your intentions are pure. I was just protecting myself,” she explained. I understood her so I didn’t hold anything against her. I was just happy that she finally agreed to give me a chance.

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I still remember our first kiss. It had me mesmerized, and stoked the flames of love burning in my heart for her. The two-year wait was so worth it. Nonetheless, as the relationship progressed, we expressed concerns about our tribes. My tribe does not easily accept marriage to people from other tribes. Her tribe is also the same. That was what worried us. But after everything we already went through, we were determined not to give up.

First, I spoke to my mother about her. I told her she is the girl I would like to spend the rest of my life with. My mother was as accepting of her as I was. That made me happy. Whenever I was at home, I would call Delia and ask her to talk to my mother. That’s how they formed a relationship. It meant a lot to me that they did because women are quite critical when it comes to whom their sons choose as a wife.

When Delia’s dad asked when she would bring a man home, she seized the opportunity to talk about me. There were some challenges in the beginning but we won him over in the end.

Late last year, my family went to meet hers and official introductions were made. We got married a few months ago. I cherish and adore my wife more than anything in this world. When I see her I say in my heart that indeed, good things come to those who wait. We’ve been through hard times but I know there are better days ahead. As we have began the rest of our lives together, it’s my prayer that as time passes, we grow old together without losing the love that binds us.

— Baron

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