I fell in love with her church the very first day I followed her there. The pastor’s sermon was on point. It was like a two-edged sword. It reached all the corners of my heart. I was touched to my core.

I also noticed that the next day I received an answer to a prayer I said at the church. The members of the church were also lovely. Basically, everything about the church said I belonged there.


I don’t attend church in the rural area where I live and work. The only times I go to church are the days I spend in my parents’ village. Even that, it’s just once in a while.

However, I told myself that every time I spent time in the city, I would attend the church my girlfriend took me to. Well, she was my girlfriend at the time. Now she is my ex.

I didn’t leave her. She was the one who left. After three years together, I was thinking about marriage. Unbeknownst to me, she was looking for a way out.

I should think that’s why she cheated on me with someone from her workplace. Maybe she wanted me to find out and leave her. Unfortunately, I forgave her instead. That’s just how deeply I loved her.

No matter what happened between us, I stayed with her. And I was ready to do life with her no matter what. However, we had a little misunderstanding and she was in the arms of another man. It was her parents who got involved before she let him go. I am the one they met so they disapproved of the other guy.

Although they worked at the same place, I trusted that she was truly done with him and we carried on. Little did I know that she would wake up one morning unprovoked and tell me, “This is no longer working for me. It’s over.”

I am pretty sure my heart split into two when I saw that message. I spoke to her family and asked them to put in a word for me so she would change her mind. It didn’t work. She insisted that she was done with me. I had to carry my heavy heart and walk away from her family’s home feeling defeated.

After I left, she texted me that we could pray about the breakup and see if her heart would change. I agreed. So occasionally we said hello to each other. However, I realized along the line that there was no way she was going to change her mind. She was just stringing me along to make herself feel better, maybe.

I didn’t complain until I found myself visiting the city often. Just as I already mentioned, I liked her church. So every time I went to the city I found myself fellowshipping with them.

I didn’t want my ex to see me and try to talk to me, so I blocked her before I made the decision to join them for good.

The last time she saw me in church she walked up to me and said, “Don’t come to my church. I know you’re just doing it to get my attention.” I stood there and listened calmly as she spoke. When she finished, I smiled, shook my head in disbelief, and then told her, “You think everything is about you. Trust me, you are not the reason I am in this church.”

Despite our conversation, she went to report me to her brother. “My sister is saying you are here because of her. She wants you to stop coming,” he said to me.

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I don’t understand why she would think I am attending church because of her, when she broke things off with me. Besides, I had a conversation with her before I blocked her. I told her I didn’t like the false hopes she gave me, and that I would prefer it if we didn’t talk anymore. Shouldn’t this be clear enough to her that I am done with her?

I am wondering if she is trying to push me out because she can’t stand my presence. If that’s the case then how is she coping at work with the presence of that guy she cheated on me with? She sees him every day and it doesn’t bother her. So why can’t she see me in church once in a while and not be phased?

Ironically, I encountered the Holy Spirit when I started going there again. Through their teachings and doctrines, I am beginning to fall in love with Christ again. The more I grow in this newfound love, the more I feel comforted. This is how I am slowly finding healing for the broken heart she gave me.

Now that she has made it clear that she doesn’t want me there, what should I do? Do I have to stop the church for her or what?


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