I don’t know why she kept that video on her phone. It happened during the Covid. She spent the lockdown with the guy she was dating. According to her, they recorded the video out of boredom. The first time I saw it, I was triggered. It was too raw and explicit. You’ll love to watch it only if the woman in the video isn’t your girlfriend.
But my heart broke because I’m dating the woman whose knee was on the floor in the video while a man was behind her digging for pleasure.
She apologized the first time I saw it. She said it was in her old gallery and got exported to her new phone. I told her, “If he belongs to your past then make everything about him your past.”
I thought she’d deleted the video until days ago, I saw it on her laptop. She deleted it from her phone but left it on her laptop. I was livid and for the first time in our relationship, I threatened to beat her. She fought back. When I screamed, she screamed back.
“Stop going through my things if you don’t want to see a ghost.” She screamed.
“You call this a ghost?” I asked. “This won’t die even if you bury it alive. Why can’t you let it go?”
“It’s my past. It shouldn’t bother you. If it does then you’re the problem.”
Later when passion decimated, we both sat down and had a conversation. She deleted the video and apologized but I feel the apology came too late. This is not the kind of video a boyfriend should see twice. Once is enough to shake the foundation of the strongest relationship.
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Emotionally, I’ve chickened out of the relationship. She doesn’t appeal to me the way she used to and from the look of things, she will always go back to the guy when the chance presents itself. The guy travelled abroad after Covid. It’s the reason they broke up. The distance. They couldn’t get over it.
We are not bothered by any distance but I don’t think I can travel the distance knowing what I know and seeing what I’ve seen.
— Bishop
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If you know this will be a problem in the relationship and you are not willing to let it then please leave.
You are clearly the one with a problem. You actually threatened to beat her because of an old sex tape. Are you a virgin? You have no right to judge her because of an old sex tape. If you’re not ready for a relationship then leave. Nonsense. Even with Kim Kardashian’s sex tape floating round the internet for anybody to see, didn’t a billionaire marry her and have four children with her. You’re here making noise because of a now deleted video that you found on her laptop
I dont support u Reg, if truly the video is her past then it should be deleted permanently. She should be ashamed to have such a video, and no wise man should see such and still want to marry her or be in a relationship with her seeing the way she holds the video so dearly.
From what I can understand, she deleted the video when he asked her to , but the video was also on her laptop and she forgot to delete the copy there. I think making sex tapes is a stupid idea that’s bound to bite you in the ass later. He actually did her a favour by asking her to delete the video. But my problems with him are
1.) He threatened to beat her up. That’s a big no no
2.) He’s being hypocritical. People should stop lying to themselves. Unless you’re dating a virgin, then your partner has been the star of their own porn movie with someone else ( just that it wasn’t recorded). And unless you’re also a virgin, you don’t really have the right to complain. He seems to be feeling really self righteous about the whole thing. He is not a virgin. He too has done things with other people. He should stop belittling her and trying to make her feel guilty. This is a classic case of he who is without sin.
3.) He seems to spend a lot of time going through the stuff on her things, that’s why he keeps finding the videos.
4.) He’s making a really big deal out of this. She has deleted the video and apologised. He should let it go, if he can’t, then he should let her know and break up with her immediately. The way he’s acting he will always hold it against her. He should stop wasting her time.
She can’t delete what’s in her heart. This person is not ready for you. Let her go without hesitation.
Just tell her you can’t continue after seeing the ghost for twice rather than keeping your thoughts to yourself and holding her in suspense
Reg you’re fighting hard to justify an unchanged woman. You read where he says she screamed back at him for going through her laptop. Apparently it’s no mistake that the video was still there. Op, move on and let her meet the man that will tolerate her nonesense.