She was very frank when I asked why she was leaving me; “I don’t want to cheat on you so I’d rather leave,” she told me. When I asked if she had met someone she simply said, “It doesn’t matter. What matters is we ending what we have.”
So I let her go. Not that I let her go, she was already going but I had to accept that our time together had come to an end. I tried not to call her. When I watched her status and was tempted to comment, I held my thumb in my mouth. A month later, it was clear she was in a relationship that was better than what we had.
The guy had stability, which I didn’t have. He had a job he flaunted on his social media handles. Yes, I looked for him on social media. My heart was breaking so I had time to look for things.
I wasn’t a perfect boyfriend. I had my lows just like she had her lows but I felt we were meant for each other until she left me. Six months later, the guy left her. According to her, the guy had a serious girlfriend in Germany and the girl returned.
I took her back.
That was the third time she had left me for another guy. The first one she told me she needed some time and space to think about her life. I granted it. Later she was in a relationship with another guy. The second time she said her family were on her to get married but I wasn’t ready so she left.
Each time when she came back, I opened my arms to her and we rebuilt from scratch. This one went on for so long I should have said no when she was available. But immediately she told me she was single again, I was the one who said, “Can you give us another chance?”
I know she’s not good for me. I know she might leave again. I know I may take her back when she returns. I know it’s not normal, the way I act around this girl. It’s like she has my mumu button in her bra and presses it each time her breasts bounce.
I Found Him In Church Cheating Instead Of Praying
I want to be in a place where I give this as her final chance. I’ve told her but how do I make it a reality? How do I make it work for real? That once she leaves again, it’s over. I don’t know what’s wrong with me but these too many chances I give her will one day be the death of me. How do I move on and never look back?
— Habib
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I don’t think you’ve given yourself a chance to open up to other people probably because of the fear of rejection. Put yourself out there and take the risk of starting a fresh page, no matter how many times you’re rejected you’ll definitely find your person out there
I don’t think you’ve given yourself a chance to open up to other people probably because of the fear of rejection. Put yourself out there and take the risk of starting a fresh page, no matter how many times you’re rejected you’ll definitely find your person out there. There are still plenty of good women out there
You’re not ready to move on
There is nothing more powerful than your mind apart from God. Tune your mind to move on . When it ends this time again, block her from your life and if possible erase her. Work on yourself first to achieve stability. You are your own author of your story.
Change your location, open up to new friends, only you can tell yourself the bitter truth, she is not good for you and improve on yourself
Robert Palmer will say: you might as well face it, you’re addicted to love. Deal with it.
These are the type of men who must be castrated not to give birth to mumu boys who will destroy the brotherhood. Is her vagina warmer than any other one you have pounded? Is her cretirus fatter than any you have ever fingered? Dawg her tomorrow and start a routine in your life.