I was very popular in my class. It wasn’t because I was the life of the party or anything. I was not even the most handsome boy in the class. I was just a brilliant student. And I think girls found me desirable because of it. They hovered over me like the way bees hover over honey. I must admit that the attention got to my head. I liked being the reason they smiled and giggled. I also liked the look of wonder in their eyes every time I did something smart.

When we got to JHS 1, there were already two girls in our class. They were supposed to be in JHS 2 but due to some reasons, they weren’t promoted with their colleagues. They weren’t completely comfortable among us at first but eventually, they loosened up. I became friends with one of them. There was something about this girl that made me grow so fond of her. She always set my heart racing. It was the first time I ever felt that way about someone so I was confused.

I didn’t know what to do about my feelings. I thought if I ignored them they would go away but that only made it more intense. I felt strongly to confess my feelings to her but I couldn’t do that. Nonetheless, bottling them up made me miserable. In the end, I confided in one of my male friends. “Pleases can you talk to her for me? Tell her how I feel and let’s hear what she will say.” My friend agreed to help me. And we were both happy when Athena reciprocated my feelings and agreed to be my girlfriend.

The love we shared was beautiful and very pure in the beginning. I remember the gift she gave me on my sixteenth birthday. It was a canned malt drink and biscuits. Those were the times we still had our innocence. It would have been nice if we continued like that but we were teenagers. As the years went by, we became curious. Our bodies were feeling things that felt natural. So we started exploring each other in ways adults warned us not to. It was just kisses and intimate touches at first but at some point, we wanted more. We got carried away and did everything. I could ask her to meet me late at night and she would sneak away and come.

During one long vacation, my uncle asked me to come and live with him. I went there and he decided to enroll me in a new school. Unfortunately, Athena’s phone got spoilt so I lost contact with her. I was convinced that I would find my way back to her, so I never gave up on us.

While I held on to hope, I started hearing rumors that my girlfriend was pregnant. I was concerned. If she was indeed pregnant then the baby could be mine. So I wanted more than anything to know the truth. Fortunately for me, I heard from her that very month. The first question I asked her was about the pregnancy. “Who is spreading such lies about me? I am not pregnant,” she denied it. I asked her again, “You know you can tell me the truth. Are you truly pregnant? I need to know.” She insisted she wasn’t. After going back and forth without making any headway, I let it go. All of this happened in 2014 and 2015.

The next time I heard from Athena was when I was in SHS. She called to tell me she had given birth. “What are you saying?” I asked her, “You said you weren’t pregnant so why are you telling me now that you’ve given birth? Before you answer that tell me this, is the child mine?” Without missing a beat she answered, “No, you are not the father.” I wasn’t convinced so I always called her to ask about the father of her child. She always responded with one phrase, “He is around.”

As time went by we kept in touch. I just had a feeling she lied to me about her baby’s paternity so I chose to remain in her life. Just last year, I convinced her to visit me. When she arrived I asked her again, “Please tell me the truth. For the last time, who is the father of your child?” That day she finally confessed, “It’s you, Emma. It has always been you.” She said the day I asked about the pregnancy, she was trying to get rid of it so she didn’t see any point in telling me. However, the pregnancy failed to be terminated so she had to keep it.

READ ALSO: My First Relationship Failed Because My ‘Yinky’ Failed To Rise Up Where It Mattered Most

“When my mother asked who the father is, I pointed to a friend of mine in our neighborhood. I was close to him so people believed me. He denied the pregnancy but nobody believed him. My parents thought he was lying so they took him to court. He was made to accept responsibility for the pregnancy and he has been taking care of us since.” When she finished talking I couldn’t find my words. I was surprised that she did all of this just so I wouldn’t be burdened with the responsibility of fatherhood.

Before she left my place I implored her to come clean with her mother and let the innocent guy off the hook. No man should be pinned with a pregnancy they are not responsible for. She agreed to set things straight.

Later, I got a call from her elder sister. She told me Athena hid the pregnancy until she was in her seventh month. I also found out that she wasn’t my age mate like she made me believe. She is older than me. I wasn’t even shocked by her anymore. And I don’t even care about any of that.

My concern is the guy’s reaction after they told him the child is not his. He said he is not ready to leave the child for anyone. “Even if you come to me with DNA proof that I am not the father, it won’t change anything. This child is mine.” As much as I want to be recognized as the biological father of our child, I don’t have the resources to fight my cause. I am just an undergraduate student with no source of income. The best I can do is remain friends with Athena so I can get the opportunity to spend time with our child. I do hope all of this clears up someday.



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