My girlfriend is pregnant with my child. She is currently at her mother’s place preparing to have the baby. She thinks I am going to marry her but I have my own agenda. What she doesn’t know is that this pregnancy is her punishment. I intend to make her a single mother and then leave her. My best friend, Tiger, doesn’t agree with me. He says Kate is a good woman. “Bro, she stayed with you after all you put her through. Like it or not, it is your actions that pushed her to do what she did. So forgive her and marry her.” I don’t believe he is right. This is our story, me and Kate.
I met her in 2020. She was selling tilapia with her stepmum in front of my shop. I like to keep to myself but Kate wouldn’t let it be that way. She wanted me to be her friend so she started talking to me. Most friendships start on a light note but ours didn’t. She chose to confide in me when it came to her living situation.
According to her, she lived with her dad and stepmum while in an apprenticeship. Her dad couldn’t provide for her. It was her stepmum who gave her GHC4 every day for pocket money. She would go to work in the morning, close at 5:30 PM, and return home to help her stepmum make preparations to go and sell. She would then help the woman sell till 11:00 PM, only to receive GHC4 the next day for her efforts. I felt pity for her.
Once in a while, I would give her a little something to cushion her. I was doing all this as a friend. I also had conversations with her and encouraged her to keep pushing. I would sit with her until she closed and then help her park the stuff. By then her stepmum would have gone home to sleep. So I would walk with her until we got to a place where it was safe enough for her to go home by herself.
As time went on I realized she was catching feelings for me. She started saying things like, “I pray God gives me a good man to marry. I am not looking for a rich man but a good man who will understand me and love me the way I am.” One day when she said the same thing I responded; “If that’s the case then give me a chance.” She looked at me intently and said, “If only you would not disappoint me.” I said never. That was the beginning of our relationship.
She made me understand that I was her everything. “After God, you are my second hope.” Those were her words. I also assured her, “I know everything you are going through already. I promise to love you with all my heart, trust me.”
Only a week into the relationship I discovered that she was busy chatting with a guy called David. I asked her about him and she swore he was just a friend. This David guy had a girlfriend who didn’t care that he had a female bestie but I wasn’t okay with Kate’s friendship with him. I asked her to cut him off. She didn’t tell me no. She also didn’t cut him off. I saw this and decided that I wouldn’t even do up to the bare minimum in our relationship. I felt there was no need to take good care of a woman who has another man as her friend.
I knew she needed me to give her money but I decided to give her only GHC40 in a week. On my good days, I would give her GHC70. The only thing I ever bought for her was a brand new iTel phone in 2021. That’s the phone she is still using today. It’s in bad shape but I don’t intend to change it for her. The good thing about her is, she has never complained that I am not doing enough for her. She has also never asked for more.
She takes everything I give her with gratitude. Even when I think I gave her less than she deserved, she would thank me and pray for me the whole day. Every little thing, she appreciates it. I remember when she was graduating from her apprenticeship. She told me a month before the date but all I said was okay. I didn’t offer her any form of support.
As the day approached, she asked me for a loan. “I will pay it back when my mother comes for the graduation. She will give me the money.” All she needed was GHC400 but I gave it to her with the intention to collect it back. On the evening of the graduation day, I was at home when she showed up with her mother. They brought me some drinks and pies. The woman told me, “Kate said you are the one taking care of her. Thank you so much for your kindness. God bless you.” She proceeded to say a long prayer for me. The woman liked me so much but I felt I didn’t deserve all her praises.
Truly, Kate repaid my money after she returned from seeing her mother off. I asked her if her mother knew she had taken the money from me and she said yes. I felt some way. “You told her I am the one taking care of you yet you took money from her to repay a loan you took from me? How does that work?” She explained that I wasn’t her father so I was doing more than enough. I was surprised. I was even more surprised when I asked her to take half of the money and she started a whole thanksgiving service in my room.
Four months after her graduation, I asked her to move in with me and she did. The entire time she was still talking to this David guy. I read their chats and found nothing suspicious. Nonetheless, I asked her to stop talking to him because I didn’t want him in her life. As always, she didn’t say no. She just continued her friendship with him despite my reservations. This made me feel disrespected.
Honestly, I didn’t understand why she did everything I wanted in the relationship except cut off the David guy. There was even a time when she was seriously sick. It was malaria. I started touching her sexually. I expected her to resist because she was sick but she rather positioned herself to accommodate me. I stopped and asked her, “Are you seriously going to let me do it?” She shrugged, “If you’ve seen that I am sick but you still want to do it then what choice do I have?” Of course, I didn’t touch her. I had no intention to. I was only testing how far she would go for me.
In January this year, her mother fell ill. Her mother’s husband had also died and the funeral was in a month. She decided to take the opportunity to go see her mother and stay for the funeral. I gave her only GHC50 for her transportation. She took it with gratitude. A week later, her mother got better. Two weeks to the funeral, she called to ask for financial assistance. Her mother needed GHC500 for some of the funeral expenses. I told her I didn’t have it. She tried to beg me because she knew I could help. She even said her mum would repay the money but I insisted I didn’t have it.
After the funeral, her mum called and said, “Prince, I don’t have a problem that you didn’t attend my husband’s funeral. My question is, where is your donation?” I sent her GHC200 as my donation. This woman used the whole day to thank me.
I noticed something was wrong when Kate returned from the funeral. She had deleted some of her calls and chats. I asked her why she did that but she refused to talk. I also refused to let the matter go. “Kate, there’s no smoke without fire. You know me. As I have seen this, I won’t rest until I uncover the truth. Just tell me what you did yourself and we’ll work through it. But if you won’t talk, then today is your last day in my house.” That was when she said, “Prince, you know I love you. I didn’t intend to do it but I had no other choice.” What exactly happened?
According to her, her mum needed GHC1,000 but had only half of the amount. That’s why she asked me for the other half. When I didn’t give it to her she asked David but he also didn’t have it. She also couldn’t watch on for her mother to be insulted by relatives. So she called a guy she knew would give her the money. The only catch was that the guy had expressed romantic interest in her in the past. Indeed, this guy agreed to help. However, he wanted to eat her in return. She was desperate so she agreed.
The minute she said yes, he sent her GHC700. “He told me he would come for the funeral so I should prepare and wait for him. Prince, you have to understand that the guy is an eʋe. I didn’t want to spend his money and not fulfill my end of the deal,” she said. So he showed up and they did it on the night of the wakekeeping. He even gave her an envelope containing GHC200 and declared her as his girlfriend before leaving. She waited for him to leave before telling him she wouldn’t date him and that she was still in love with me.
After narrating her story she went on her knees and begged, “Please, have mercy on me and forgive me. I know I don’t deserve your love again after what I did but for God’s sake, don’t leave me. I swear on my life that it will never happen again. God forbid but even if my mother is dying, I won’t cheat on you to get money for her treatment.” All I said was, “It’s okay, I forgive you. Let’s carry on.” So she thinks I have forgiven her.
How A Man Can Keep A Relationship Going Without Money
How can I be okay with her after she cheated on me? She doesn’t know that she is on her way to becoming a single mother. I am planning to leave her after she gives birth. I didn’t leave when cheated because I was planning my revenge: to make her a single mother before leaving so she would know how it feels to be betrayed by the one you love.
Now that you know the full story, tell me if I am right. Or was Tiger right when he said I pushed her to do it? If she had not refused to keep talking to David, I would have provided for her needs properly. That money she asked for, I would have given to her before she’d even think to ask. So while he thinks it’s my fault, she started everything by holding on to her male bestie. Do you think she deserves my love again? I want to know.
— Prince
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You’re a Prince of darkness. Ahhhh cho cho cho cho Cho! You’re not a nice man! I don’t agree with what your partner did. But, what happened to leaving her! Why create a broken home on top your hurt? You’ve made her a single mum and then what? You think you’ve done something biaaa ma
My friend get out of her life , she deserves correct and better man , not one who gives her money based on conditions. Reading your story I can tell you are an insecure man and she doesn’t deserve that. If you had sent her the money would you have died? Now you want advice, why didn’t you come for advice when she was pleading with you for a loan not even dash , she wanted a loan she would repay back .
Emmanuella Gyamfi message me through. julianaobour66@gmail.com
You are a use*1ess goat and I’ve started saying my prayer for God to deal with you the moment you start with your agenda thus the day she gives birth.
Mark it somewhere
Bro. I know her cheating on you is not right but you pushed her to do it, moreover per what you’re saying is not as if you don’t have the money to help her but because you asked her to stop a friendship with a guy which she might know before you came into the picture perhaps there are no feelings attached to their friendship that’s is insecurity you know? Please my advice to you is that leaving her a
Single mom will not any good thing to your life coz God will judge you so you better change your mind before it’s too late.
When God forgives, He forgets as well. Some people cannot do that and if you are one of them, then let her go. But if you are sure you can forgive and forget and will not bring it up later, and if you’re sure the pregnancy is yours then you may continue with her. After all you are still in love with her. But the decision is yours only.
I don’t like to comment but this stupid man made me stop reading before the end of the story. If you know she is not listening to you so you maltreat her, leave her alone.
What will happen is that, God will elevate her before your eyes whiles you struggle in your life. Stupid man. You’re not even ashame to put it here. You know she is a good woman yet you led her into temptation.
BRO,spare her.She is innocent here.She was compelled by a circumstance beyond her control.Temper justice with mercy but monitor each of her next steps.
It’s funny how you are playing “god” in her life. U feel her life practically revolves around you so you can do whatever u please with her. Those who said u are stupid are really being nice to you, I’ll rather rest my case.
My brother, the lady didn’t do well, but making her single mother and leaving her,is the worse punishment you can ever think of, which I will not wish for my worst enemy, if you wanted to a revenge, you could have also cheated on her, the same, or better still broke up with her, when she told you about what she did. Making her a single mother is not good and God will not forgive you. You better take your responsibility as a mature man and get things done right.
You could have use the 500 she asked you as a bait to push her to stop talking with the david guy but you didn’t, rather you told her you don’t have money. You don’t deserve such a wonderful lady, you pushed her into what she did and now you want to use it as condition to run away from your responsibility. You are aware from the beginning her situation and have supported her, why make her life harder for her now..
You don’t deserve her love. You don’t love her, you are only in love with yourself. And that will be your undoing. You are so wicked that you don’t care about bringing an innocent child into the world just to punish her. But as our parents say “God is not asleep”. He will raise to heights you can only dream of
I support you all.
What is paining me is that you’ve brought an innocent child into this. Shame on you!
Mr man, you are totally and completely wrong, didn’t know or don’t you know that starving a woman will force her to sin because someone out there is ready to give her the whole world just for a one night sex. A righteous man will fall but will rise again. Forgive her and marry her, she will be a good wife and u will regret letting this lady go. Don’t think u are punishing her cus u never what’s ahead of us in life. The Bible says we should forgive 777 times , how many Times hv u forgive her. You koraaa i doesnt deserve her, how can ur girlfriend mother request for a mpan from u , you have some but didnt offer to help because you suspect her daughter. You disgrace the lady infront of her mum ahe shouldnt hv even come to u again if she knew u hv the money but just didnt want to help. We are not here on Earth for tic for tact. Let her go cus u baasaa dont deserve her
If not for anything, think about the innocent child you want to punish. Think about the future of that child who has your blood and ask yourself weather that child deserves to pay for your insecurities, your unforgiveness and his or her mother’s mistake. In my candid opinion, let the lady go. She doesn’t deserve someone like you. She deserves better.You can never forgive her just as you will never accept your mistakes but take responsibility for the child. You may never know what the future holds.
Bro,all the comments point to one thing,you are the cause of her cheating.
You can’t tell me you also didn’t have female friends or you didn’t cheat whiles with her . Your only issue is that, because she is a seamstress,you see her as below your standards and as such felt she is under your control whiles you can do whatever suits you.
Leaving her after birth won’t change her life because she has finished the apprenticeship and can fend for herself and the kid if you decide not to take care of the kid but posterity will surely come after you and judge you when you are old and suffering.
Don’t leave her. She has lots of good fortune in her which will rub off you.
Forgive and keep her as a life partner.
So living a sinful life, having illegal sexual relationship and hoping God forgives you yet you repaid your fellow being for hurting you. You’re a wicked child of doom and God will interven in Kate’s life while you keep wandering in darkness till you share in your master(the devil) punishmement. You will marry a serpent in form of wife and live in hell on earth. Nonesense ingredient!
I’ve never sent a comment on any story I read here, but this stupid guy just triggered me. You want her to cut off a friend that was already in her life before you came because of your insecurities. You think making her a single mother is an achievement. I hope she comes across this story and read it to see the kind of person she’s dating.
You are the kind of man a mother will pray her daughter never meets. You are wicked. You don’t deserve that girl. Are you the demon her gamy people sent to destroy her life? You will have a daughter someday. Pray she never ever meets a man as cruel as you. You really don’t deserve her.
You are the kind of man a mother will pray her daughter never meets. You are wicked. You don’t deserve that girl. Are you the demon her family people sent to destroy her life? You will have a daughter someday. Pray she never ever meets a man as cruel as you. You really don’t deserve her.
Hmmmm all I can tell you is that, you are Evil. Don’t you have female friends? God has blessed you with a woman with full of respect, gratitude and peace. What else do you want. God will judge you. Mark it.
Come on man, that a cruel plan and also a very silly thing to do to the one you claim you love. Your name cease to be Prince but darkness. I undestand how you feel after finding out she’s still in contact with her so called bestie. I had the same issue with my Ex but in my own case, she was cheating alot and also had a thing with the bestie. Your girl loves you but she made a really terrible mistake. Who am I to blame her for what she did? If you had seen way beuond the bestie thing and focus more on her, perhaps she wouldn’t have gone to sleep with the guy. Talk to her, let her reassure you and also if she can see this, she should also create boundaries with guys. See, it’s is hard for a woman not to have male friends and admirers, if one truly love you, they’ll do everything to let the guys know they are taken. If you can forgive her, please do, if you can’t make sure you abort that crazy mission.
This is one of the most commented articles, or whatever I should call it. You portrayed a beautiful character in the lady, yet you harbour the mindset to hurt her. Not any other, but making her a single mother. Please you’re digging a grave for yourself
Prince, you know that necessity is the mother of invention. She didn’t plan to do that, but sometimes life puts us in situations where we have no other option. If you really wanted to punish her, you would have let her go instead of holding onto this. I mean, letting her become a single mother isn’t something you should joke about or use as a punishment. You don’t have to do that, honestly. Just let things go, because at this point, it’s not right to make her raise a child by herself. If you don’t have to do that please 🙏
Your level of immaturity is over the roof, do you call yourself a man? You really should be ashamed of yourself cuz I blame you 100% for her actions.
Who raised you? Damn…such a moron.
If there’s nothing suspicious going on between your woman and her male friend what then is your problem? Aaaah…..because of guys like you we can’t get good girls out there. The root cause of her infertility is as a result of your wickedness, selfishness, insecurity and arrogance. You don’t deserve her.
Why on earth would you be attempting to have sex with your sick girlfriend? Your level of manipulation is quite high and the fact that you haven’t taken the chance to give this girl financial assistance even when you had enough money, while watching her thank you profusely for giving her whatever you deemed fit, shows that you enjoy her acts of asking for money from you while you give what you deemed fit, chei!!! On top of that you want to make her a single mum, then when mature women refuse to have sex before marriage some men label them ‘old goods’. May God fight for His daughter because, just like someone has mental, you’re a prince of darkness
Why on earth would you be attempting to have sex with your sick girlfriend? Your level of manipulation is quite high and the fact that you haven’t taken the chance to give this girl financial assistance even when you had enough money, while watching her thank you profusely for giving her whatever you deemed fit, shows that you enjoy her acts of asking for money from you while you give what you deemed fit, chei!!! On top of that you want to make her a single mum, then when mature women refuse to have sex before marriage some men label them ‘old goods’. May God fight for His daughter because, just like someone has mentioned, you’re a prince of darkness
How much is your love again (in usd)?.
You’re a terrible person…. I pray God opens her eyes so she can walk into what He truly prepared for her….
Prince!!! Wo y3 aboa paaa!!!!
You have treated the lady badly by even impregnating her with plan to make her single mum.You should have a rethink and plan well for her.That lady is a wife material,u pushed her into what she did to bail her mum out of shame.Have a rethink and retrace your step for a happy life with her.That lady is your God sent wife and please don’t starve her of support in all areas.
You’re a wicked soul. You’re evil. You’ll never meet a better person than her. She’s gold and she deserves better. And oh, did I forget to tell you that YOU’RE STUPID TOO.
You are just a shameless man ,what would you have her do after refusing to love and care for her and you think being a single mother will be the end of her life ? Just sit back and watch how God will change her life
You’re a snake, you think she’s low but I tell you she’s more better than you are and will ever be … I hope you get to see each and every comment here so it resounds in your mind how stupid you are…never ever refer to yourself as a man because you’re less of it … your self esteem and confidence is in the gutter that is why you only feel good about yourself when the very person you claim you love has to beg you for something you can freely give .. you’re such a narcissist and a dangerous manipulator…even if you should change your mind i hope she reads this story and never take you back because you’re capable of murder
Some men are praying for a good wife, you hahave one but see the drama you’re praying around. Be serious, pay for her bride price and leave happily. She’s your source of blessing, grab her now before you regret. You pushed her to do it, she’s open and apologized, let that be enough and continue your marriage journey.
Bro, I tell it’s not easy out there. people are battling with love
You’re very heartless, how can you treat a submissive and humble woman this way, you can leave her if you want but karma will definitely visit you
This guy is an idiot!!!
Prince, two wrongs don’t make a right. It sounds like you’ve been taking advantage of the lady’s situation.
Because you know she needs you financially, you want to treat her anyhow right? You don’t love her, you’re just taking advantage of her and your saying it with pride. You’re no different from the guy who gave her money for the funeral. You’re totally wrong and I think she deserves a better and more reasonable man.