We were happily dating until she returned from a week-long volunteering program in the North. When she came back, it took me many days before I saw her. She didn’t call like she used to. She called off meetings at the eleventh hour without any explanation. I asked what the issue was and all she said was, “Wait, when we meet I will tell you. I’m praying about it.”

When we met she told me a voice was getting louder within her that she should become a catholic sister. We are both Catholics and met at the parish and fell in love. She never for once told me she had a dream of becoming a Sister until after that voluntary work.

I asked what she had seen. I pleaded with her to tell me who was behind that idea. “Who did you meet while in the North? Did you meet a Sister?” She answered, “I heard the voice of God.”

So we broke up. This girl came to mass every day looking like she had had an encounter with Mary and her Son Jesus Christ. I didn’t judge her though she judged me and accused me of being a sinner. Seven months of piety later, she’s back telling me she’s no longer going to be a nun. I asked, “So…?” She answered, “So I’m available to continue what we had.”

I loved her dearly but seven months is long enough for even an enduring heart to move on. She doesn’t get it that I’d moved on. She’s tormenting me with dreams she only sees, telling me the reason she didn’t become a Catholic sister; “In my dream, you were the one meant for me. If you leave, I will be lonely for the rest of my life and you will never be happy in any relationship. Don’t doubt the power of my dreams.”

It’s A Man’s Fault When His Woman Cheats On Him

The one I’m with currently is also the one I want to be with. I don’t care about her dreams but the kind of trouble she’s causing in my everyday life. She would call at ungodly hours. She would come around uninvited and take a seat. She’s planting herself where she can’t sprout. When I threatened to report to Father, she held my hand and said, “Let’s go.”

At this point, I call it an obsession. Is there a way and means to cure obsession from a Catholic sister who never was?

— Adam

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