If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.

Everybody loved Abi. She was the kind of girl all the other girls wanted to be friends with. The boys liked her too. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also intelligent. It made her every teacher’s pet. There was not a single person who met Abi and didn’t fall in love with her. She was little Miss Perfect. This made some of us jealous of her. We tried so hard to be seen but she was the only one who got noticed.

After school, I didn’t hear from her again until I started seeing her in my neighbourhood with a particular guy. I had a boyfriend at the time, and occasionally we would bump into Abi. Every time this happened, my boyfriend would look at her in a way that implied that he wanted her. It wasn’t her fault but I secretly hated her for this. It brought back old memories from when we were in school. “How is it that even after school, this girl still gets the attention of everyone without even trying to? What is so special about her?” I asked myself. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn’t bring myself to see anything good t in her. But I was always friendly with her so she never knew how I truly felt about her.

It got to a point where my boyfriend and I broke up, and I lost my job as well. I was hurt by both losses but my major concern was getting a new job. I applied to a few jobs, and then posted a message in our class WhatsApp group that I needed a job urgently. A few minutes after I shared the message Abi called me. She said, “Hello Ruth, I saw your message about the job. Someone I know has an opening for the position of a mobile money vendor. Are you interested?” Although I didn’t like Abi, I accepted the job. And it turned out to be her boyfriend’s family business. So I ended up working in his house.

When I started working there, I got to know more about Abi’s boyfriend, Nii. He is just like her. He is a carefree guy who is full of positivity. It made me like him. And because he is such a nice guy, he did not object when I tried to get close to him. While he thought we were friends, I only saw him as a means to take something important from Abi. The two of them were close. It was obvious that they were very committed to each other. But I wanted to see if I could have Nii for myself. I wanted her to feel the pain I felt every time she got the attention I wanted but never got.

I became Nii’s confidante. Everywhere he went, I tried to be there too. By then Abi was in school so it made things easier for me. Soon enough people started talking. They noticed our closeness and warned me, “This guy that you are so close to has a girlfriend. She has gone to school so he is probably lonely. Don’t allow him to use you to occupy space until the girl comes home.” When I heard some of these things I smiled internally and thought; “If only they knew.”

The truth is, I didn’t mind if Nii wanted to use me. They had a beautiful relationship and it made me jealous, just as I was jealous of Abi when we were in school. I never won then, but this time I was determined to win. So one night, I seduced Nii while he was drunk and lied to him that I was a virgin. I had it all planned. In order to make it look real, I cut myself and left the blood on the sheets. The fact that he thought he was my first, made him treat me more kindly even though I knew he didn’t want me.

At first, when Abi found out about us she left him. I thought that would make him choose me but he didn’t. This made me angry. So I started harassing her. I insulted her at the least chance I got. I don’t know when they made up, but later I heard that they were getting engaged. That was when I threatened to curse Nii with my virginity. He was afraid that I would actually do it, so I capitalized on that fear and used it however I wanted.

READ MORE: We Were Happy Until His Best Friend Came Between Us

I admit that I brought all of this upon myself. Nii never proposed to me or gave any indication that he liked me in any way beyond friendship. I knew what I wanted to achieve and now that it has happened, it tastes bitter in my mouth. Abi got tired of the drama I brought into their lives. She is not someone who tolerates negativity. So she called off their engagement.

I messed things up for her, and I didn’t even get the guy. So what was the point of all of it? Everyone who knows the story looks at me with judgment in their eyes. They don’t say anything to me, but I hear their voices taunting my conscience. I deeply regret my actions, and I need both Abi and Nii to forgive me.

I saw Nii’s post and I read the comments. I didn’t know how much harm I caused until I saw it happen. For those who said, Nii is only playing the victim, please that is not the case. I am the one who allowed my envy to consume me, and for that I am sorry. I sincerely ask you all to help me beg Abi for forgiveness. She didn’t deserve anything I did to her. Nii and his family didn’t deserve it either. If there is anything I can do to fix this, I will do it.


Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to [email protected]