I came across Job’s story and it struck a chord with me. It brought back memories of my own experiences and ordeal. So I have decided to share my story in hopes that it might help Job or anyone else who might need some guidance when it comes to an unexplained ailment.
Before all of this began, I was married. My marriage, however, was nothing good to write home about. It was full of drama and heartache. I tried to hold on but things were difficult. I didn’t have any other choice in the end but to let go and start afresh. The divorce was finalized in 2019.
The whole marriage and divorce process drained me emotionally and psychologically. Even after I finally gained my freedom, I didn’t know what to do with it. I felt my life had come to a standstill. I didn’t like that feeling but I also had no idea how to propel myself to the place I would like to be. Heck, I didn’t even know where I wanted to be.
While all this was going on. I had this Facebook friend I had never met. We used to text and sometimes had phone conversations. At some point, we lost touch before I got married. When we reconnected, my marriage had ended. I was so happy to hear from him that we spent hours catching up. I ended up telling him everything I experienced in my marriage. I also spoke about the divorce and how stuck I felt. He was a good listener. He gave me the ear I needed to let out years of bottled-up emotions.
After that conversation, he asked if we could meet. I agreed and he came looking for me somewhere in November 2019. It was our first meeting but it didn’t feel that way. We related with each other as old friends do. That day we even delved deeper into our lives. While we were talking he said, “You can’t heal in the same environment you were hurt. Allow me to move you from this place to a new scene. Once you relocate, you will find that it’s easy to start your life over.” I nodded even though I did not believe it was something he would actually do.
Shortly after his visit, he informed me that he had gotten a place for me. A single-room self-contained apartment. “Are you serious?” I asked in utter disbelief. “Do I sound like a joker to you?” He retorted. “The apartment is fully furnished. All you need to do is pack your bags and move in,” he went on. See, the entire time he was talking my mouth was wide open.
We were friends, yes. But we were also sort of strangers. I mean this guy is not related to me in any way. He does not stand to benefit anything from showing me this level of kindness so why would he go out of his way to rent an apartment for me and fully furnish it? It’s not as if I gave him money. He did it all from his own pockets. I was wowed by this immense show of generosity.
In the days that followed, I found myself thanking God for bringing me a saviour at the moment I felt lost. I and this guy spoke often and made arrangements until I finally moved into the apartment in February 2020. He was even the one who came to pick me up with my stuff and took me to this place.
I know I shouldn’t have trusted someone I met on the internet blindly, but you must understand that I was in a vulnerable and desperate place. I was filled with so much sadness. I was just grateful for the opportunity to take control of my own life.
When I settled in, I applied to a few schools in the neighbourhood to teach. And just when I was about to start a new job, COVID-19 brought a halt to schools. I was faced with another setback but this time around, I had my saviour guy in my corner. He assured me he would take care of me until I found something new to do. “I know I am the reason you moved to this place where you don’t have any relatives or friends. So you are my responsibility,” he said.
He sent me monthly allowances for a while, but all of a sudden, he stopped. He wouldn’t even pick up my calls. Luckily, my friends and family stepped in and helped me out.
While I was still looking for something to do, this saviour guy reached out. He said he had a job offer for me. At this point, I was at my wit’s end and ready to take on any job. That was until he gave me the job description. “I know many prominent people here and there. Most of these men are looking for a good time. If you are willing to give them a taste of you, they will pay you massively.” I wasn’t that desperate.
If anything, I was appalled that he would think that of me. However, he had been good to me so I didn’t want to be rude. I found a nice and polite way to decline his offer. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop him. This man came back with another offer. This time around he said it involved video sex with foreigners. “You don’t have to do anything physical with them. All you need to do is turn on your webcam and play with yourself while they watch. They will pay you a lot of money,” he explained. “What if someone records the video?” I asked him. He answered, “Who knows you in these foreign lands?”
Once again, I declined this offer as nicely and politely as possible. That was when I got to know the true intentions of my saviour. This man got angry and threatened to sack me from the room he rented for me if I didn’t give in to his job offers. He must think he can easily manipulate me, I thought. Then I told him, “You are a respectable person at your workplace. I know how your image matters to you. So I will come to your work and let everyone know what you intended to do with me if you dare sack me.” I never heard from him after that day.
It was also after that conversation that I started getting headaches at night. When they came, it felt as if someone was drumming in my head and was accompanied by a sharp pain like that of a knife cut. I went to hospitals but no medication could cure it. The only way I slept at night was when I took sleeping pills. On days I didn’t take these pills, I would stay awake throughout the night, gnashing my teeth in pain and anguish.
These headaches continued from 2020 until January of this year. While I struggled with this ailment, I gained employment in the nursing sector in November 2020. I had to move from the place this saviour guy rented for me as a result. When I was leaving I took along the things he bought for me; the bed, TV, Fridge, and every other thing.
At my new job, my headaches only got worse. My attendance at work was even affected. I went for a CT scan but nothing was found. They then asked me to get an MRI. That one too didn’t show anything.
One midnight while I was experiencing another episode, I had an epiphany. I sat on my bed and replayed all the times I got the headaches and all the times I didn’t. whenever I was on leave and visited my parents, I didn’t get them. I was away on a work assignment for two months and didn’t experience them. In fact, I never experienced these headaches anywhere outside my room. And it was only when I slept on the bed he bought for me.
To test my theory, the next morning I called a lady I know and told her I was making a new bed. “If you want a bed, you can take mine.” She was surprised I was gifting her such an expensive bed but only I knew what I was trying to achieve.
It’s A Man’s Fault When His Woman Cheats On Him
You won’t believe that ever since I gave out the bed, I have not had any more headaches as intense as those ones. The bed was meant to fulfill a purpose but because I did not allow it to fulfill that purpose, I couldn’t live in peace until I let it go.
All I am trying to say is, that sometimes it is not prayers, medication, or a lifestyle change that will liberate you from an unexplained sickness. Pay attention to your surroundings and your body. Ask yourself how often you get episodes and where they happen. It might help to discard some valuable things gifted to you. You may never know if a gift is something other than a show of kindness and affection.
— Margaret
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This is deep. May God help us.
Thank God you now know that nothing free is actually free. A man you’ve not been sleeping with gets you a fully furnished room and you thought it was because he just cares about you?? Anyway, it had to happen so you could share with people for the good of it. I thank God for your life and continue praying.