About eight years ago, my life turned into something I never imagined it could. I had gotten to a place where things were shaping up for me. I went from working as a security guard to enrolling in a course at the British Council. After completing the course, I was confident I was going to make something out of my life. The plan was to get a job that paid me better. Then I would attend tertiary school and get a degree. I had everything figured out to the last detail. I was going to do something remarkable with my life. I was so sure of it.
I remember applying for a couple of jobs that fit the description of the course I studied. One of the companies I applied to assembles tricycles and trucks. The salary was competitive. And the benefits were great. When I looked at the requirements for the job, I knew I was a good fit. I even envisioned myself in my new role. I made plans about how much money I would save and how long it would take me to raise the amount I needed for school.
On the day of the interview, I was all powered up to impress the panelists. I was more than certain I would kill it. I never expected what happened when I arrived at the reception. As soon as I showed up, the people there wrinkled their noses. It was as if there was an awful smell at the place. I couldn’t smell it though.
When I looked at their faces, I got the impression that the smell was really bad. And they all looked at me as though everything was fine until I got there. I was surprised because I had no idea why they were all covering their noses. But I also felt embarrassed to know they were thinking I was the source.
That day, they cancelled the interview. I went home feeling disappointed. I wondered if this was the end of the opportunity. Luckily, it wasn’t. The company fixed another day and invited me for the interview again. I thought maybe the whole thing with the smell was a terrible mishap. I was happy for another shot.
The moment I arrived at the office this time too, people started wrinkling their noses again. Just as the first time, I was confused. I couldn’t smell whatever it was but the reactions I received told me they were awful. I saw a woman spraying her office to mask the smell. As if that wasn’t bad enough, flies began to gather around me. I was mortified.
On my way home, I didn’t even want to sit in public transport. I felt so uncomfortable that people would cover their noses and I wouldn’t have a clue the kind of scent they were seeking refuge from.
A lot has happened since that day. I have bathed whatever soap there is. I have used different creams and ointments. When it comes to spray, I don’t think anyone knows more sweet-scented ones like I do. I have used everything I can get my hands on. Some of them were even recommended to me. Nothing so far has helped.
When it comes to prayers, I have done it fervently. I have cried and asked God to take away whatever is plaguing me. When that didn’t work, I decided to go the way of our ancestors. Although it was against my beliefs, I visited shrines. I was promised healing but my predicament did not stop.
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Eventually, I enrolled in the university as planned. Throughout my stay in school, I didn’t make friends or attempt to socialize with anyone. I kept to myself my entire time there. Luckily, I have a friend who has stood by me all these years. Patrick has been my greatest source of comfort in these troubling times. I don’t know how I would have coped if I didn’t have him.
I don’t know who I wronged to deserve this. All I remember is a lady I used to work with during my private security guard days. We had a little misunderstanding and she told me, “When I make you smell, then you will learn your lesson.” I didn’t make anything of that statement. Even after everything I have been through, I am still not sure if she is the one responsible for all this.
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After eight years of spending money on solutions and seeking help from pastors and shrines, the situation has slightly improved. However, people still cover their noses around me, even after I’ve just bathed and used perfume. At this point, I’m not sure there’s anything or anyone out there who can help me.
If this is how my life is supposed to be, then so be it. But if the person who did this to me is reading this story, I am ready to do whatever it takes to restore my life.
— Nana
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Hmm my dear , I tink it’s your co worker ,people dont say things anyhow if you could apologize to her then fine. You could also join us on Alpha hour every 12am let’s pray together my dear in believe in miracles and am a testament to that. Pls join and your life will never be the same
Asemoo Remember the bible says the earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof. Meaning you belong to him.The very same bible let’s us know all things were created for Jesus christ meaning we belong to him.You can be saved if you admit and confess that Jesus is Lord and therefore he should reign over your life.He will save you because that’s what the bible tells us.If we believe in him we will be saved. Some of us just pray without believing in Jesus christ that’s why we are still suffering. No one can save except Jesus christ .
I have actually heard of a similar story like this at the Synagogue Church of all Nations, please if you can, try going there.. Jesus is not embarrassed by our troubles because He alone has the solution…
I have heard of a similar case like this at the Synagogue Church of all Nations. So please if you can, please go there.. You can also find God’s Heart Tv on facebook or youtube and you will be amazed at what God can do.. I can assure you that this will be your last bus stop. When you have run out of hope, it is time to grab onto faith
Have you been to hospital? You body odor can be affected by the food you eat, medication or underlying conditions like diabetes. There are also very effective home remedies like lime, charcoal you may want to try. But do consult the medical experts.
I agree with the comments. There’s not a situation in this world Jesus cannot heal, or deliver.
Search for God’s heart tv on YouTube, join the prayers, forgive yourself, and the person who did this to you. I pray you get your healing . In Jesus name 🙏
Search FOR NSPPD ON YOUTUBE and thank me later.
All of u are saying prayers prayers….but u 4get he had little misunderstanding with a former colleague, he didn’t go into details what she did to the lady also has an adverse effect on her hence the curse?. Please go find the lady and apologize to her ask for forgiveness. This should have come to your mind long time my bro. In this world seeking forgiveness from the person you wrong is also a healing.
Apologize to the lady
Look for the lady and sincerely apologise to her,let her forgive you and reverse the curse, you have no idea the extent people can go,this is not about hospital, creams, perfumes or praying, some of this things must be dealt with at the root course if not forget it,go to the root cause which is the lady,that’s the only solution