Luke is my friend. He has been different other things to me over the years but the foundation of our friendship has always remained strong. So we’ve always found our way back to each other. Needless to say at some point we were best friends. There was nowhere you would see me that he was not nearby. Even when I started dating, Luke and I continued to spend time together. Sometimes my boyfriend was part of our activities. Other times it was just the two of us.

Our friendship was so strong that he invited me to his family events. I also brought him around whenever we had something going on in our family. That’s how Luke met Yvette, my cousin. The two of them hit off instantly. Luke is a good man so I was very happy for my cousin. I also knew my cousin would take good care of Luke, so I had no fears. The two of them were a perfect match. Just as I thought my boyfriend and were a match ordained by the heavens.

Well, shit happened and we broke up. My boyfriend and I. It wasn’t a definite breakup. It was one of those situations where we both needed time to cool off and work out our problems. So I was sure we were doing that. In my mind, my boyfriend would come around and we would forgive each other. Only for my younger sister to tell me that she saw my boyfriend and Yvette together, and it didn’t look casual.

We did our investigation and confirmed that indeed, my man and Luke’s woman were cheating on us together. When I confronted my person he said, “I don’t know what you are going on about. We broke up, remember?” There and then, he made it clear to me that we were never going to be an item again. I was very hurt. And so was Luke when I told him what my ex and Yvette were doing behind all our backs.

We called them names. Devil. Witches. Selfish people. We said all sorts of awful things about them in an attempt to ease our pain but still, we didn’t feel any better. Then we decided, “We should hurt them back the same way they hurt us. We should give them a dose of their own medicine. Let’s date each other to get back at them.” At the time, it sounded like a good idea. Everything sounds like a good idea when you are in pain.

The plan was to sneak around for them to catch us. That was how they hurt us, and that is how it would hurt them more. It was supposed to be as simple as that. Luke and I had no romantic feelings toward each other prior to this revenge mission, and we expected things to remain that way. Nonetheless, it turned into something more. Now, we are in love.

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This is the one thing I would have sworn would never happen but here we are. It started happening when our revenge affair began. I tried to block it but there’s no stopping the current of love, I suppose. I hate that my heart has been involved in all this. But this is where we are. Ever since things started changing, he has been wanting us to go public with the relationship. But I have always told him to take his time.

Now, we have gotten to a place where he wants to introduce me to his family officially as his fiancée. He wants me to introduce him to my family as well. After the official introductions, we will proceed with the rest of the marriage rites. As much as I want to marry Luke, I have been putting things on hold. When he asks me for a date to come and see my people, I give him a rundown of my busy schedule.

I have been dragging my feet because I am scared. I believe we didn’t think this whole relationship through. What will people say about me if they saw that I was marrying my cousin’s ex-boyfriend? Won’t they call me a husband snatcher? I am saying this because the whole world knew they were dating.

To be clear, Yvette doesn’t know that I have been with Luke these past six months. My ex doesn’t know it either. So the very reason this relationship began was abandoned as soon as we realized we had genuine feelings for each other. I have just not had the courage to let people know about it. What exactly would I say? “Meet Luke, my cousin Yvette’s ex. Luke and I were on a mission to get revenge against Yvette and my ex-boyfriend for cheating on us but now we’re in love.” How do I fit this into a conversation? This is why we’ve kept things in the dark. But now it’s time to face the light. How do I go about it?


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