At first, he didn’t have a problem with it so I walked around the house naked. Our marriage is young and we don’t have a child yet so we are always alone in the house. The only time I put cloth on was when I was going out.
I could cook for him naked and he wouldn’t have any problem with it. He would walk up to me and tap my ass and say something like “When will your buttocks finish getting bigger. It looks like it grows bigger each day.”
So I came to expect his taps whenever I’m walking naked around the house.
Our marriage is only a year and a half old but our bedroom life has started suffering. At first, we could do it daily. Then it changed to once every two days and then once every week until now, it’s once whenever the spirit descends on him to do it.
We had a conversation about it and he said, “You’re always walking around here naked so it no longer appeals to me the way it used to. It’s like I’ve seen it saaaa so I’m used to it. It doesn’t affect me the way it used to. Maybe you should start covering up and let’s see how it goes.”
It was the first time I heard that. I should cover up instead? I thought the more he sees it, the more it entices him. Men have seen all forms of breasts all their lives yet, they see breasts today and they get aroused so his point didn’t make sense to me but I have to take it as it is.
I’m now trying to wear something around here but it’s uncomfortable for me. I feel we are alone here so I should be able to let things roam free. I’m the one suffering now. I’m the one who has to stay out of character to make my husband happy and I’ve been doing it. It’s been over three months since I started trying but there hasn’t been any improvement. Our bedroom is still dead.
Call Your Husband And Tell Him You Love Him | Silent Beads
Is he telling me the truth or there’s something else he’s not telling me? Really? A woman who walks around the house naked doesn’t entice her man? Is it the same for every man or my husband alone?
I need to know so I know what I will say in our next conversation. Please help.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Well for some men yes. I have seen men in the clinic I work who have had affairs because their partners body no longer enticed them. They could not get it up with their partners, and worried they decided to try with new and different women and everything was fireworks. For us men familiarity bleeds boredom and that is why it takes the grace of God to be faithful to one woman. It gets to a time her nakedness no longer moves blood to the right place. Please cover up for him.
I’d do same if my wife did. There’s some pleasure in searching for hidden treasures
It got to a point going one round with madam koraa became difficult. Then I met a lady at a work place. It was fireworks. 6 rounds n co.
So yes it’s true. Please cover up.
Do get too comfortable. That’s women your problem. You get too comfortable and leave things for granted
Please cover up for him, u can wear something cute to entice him, we v short dresses, nice short nickers with crop tops and a nice body splash to draw his attention. My dear wear nice brazier I mean look Gud and sexy @ home
You have said it well that men see every breasts in this world but once they see a new one they arouse.Everything about a man is imagination.Especially we imagine what we can’t get which arouses us.If fact,the fact that he sees you naked continuously can reduce his libido.If you cover up,he will imagine what’s inside which will make him arouse.To say simply that men arouse more when a woman covers up than they are fully naked.You can see some men when their partner covers up they get aroused but once they remove everything to start the act they go down.And I can say most of our sexual acts are imagination.
Hi Uriel
I find your experience quite interesting. I empathize with you.
However, I think it is safest to keep in mind that marriage is a journey that requires endless learning and discoveries. You actually hold the key to solve the problem that has popped up and I suggest you act urgently (if you know what I mean).
You mentioned that he didn’t have a problem with it in the beginning and it seems you’re amazed that now he does. Thing is, it can take several years into the marriage to discover certain seemingly simple things about ourselves (regardless of the gender). There are some things even you, are yet to discover about yourself which you probably don’t know now. So please calm down and realize that what you’re experiencing is nothing strange at all.
For what to do, I’d also suggest that you start covering up for him. Cover up not because you want to hide the body but in a way that makes you look appealing to him. If you don’t learn it now, you’d still have to learn it after childbirth cos I mean, you can’t be showing your nakedness to your kids 🙂
So now is the time to learn it. In the process, you may be killing several birds with one stone.
Finally, please understand that this union called marriage sometimes requires that we become what we were not for the sake of the health of the relationship, our home and family. So don’t feel like you’re losing yourself by being ‘out of character’ (as you put it). Accept the change gladly and hope for the best. It will take some time but it will be worth it. Wishing you the best!