We dated for one year before I married her. Throughout this period, all was well with us. She did not show me any negative traits. She was a perfect woman, no lies. Everything about her made me happy. I told myself, “I am going to marry this woman. She is everything I want in a woman.” It did not bother me that she had a son. I did not have any child of my own but I loved this woman so much that I accepted her child as my own.

I promised to do everything possible to take good care of her and our son. Although I was not financially stable, I found ways to bring money home. I even became a farmer. It was no easy feat. I worked tirelessly until it was harvest season. I asked her to take charge of the harvest and decide on the sales.

Unfortunately, my woman had no idea how to manage the harvest. I tried to encourage her to do her part to help but each time she told me, “You are the man. It’s your responsibility to provide for the family. So leave me out of it.” It wasn’t a pleasant thing to hear but I was not angry. I continued to take care of her.

As time passed, we added another child. She is a girl. I was happy that my biological child was part of our family. There was peace in the family. There were no bad days but things changed when my wife visited her ex-husband at his home.

After she returned from that visit, she changed completely. She became rude to me. I would ask her a question and her answer would sound like an insult. All of a sudden, she started behaving as if I was not man enough for her. When she did something wrong and I tried to correct her, she would dismiss me.

A time came when we experienced a dry spell during a farming season. This prompted me to find something else to do. I had to move from our neighborhood to a different place in search of work. Fortunately, a company employed me. I did not earn much but everything I got went into providing for the family.

I tried to involve my wife in the financial management of the house but she was not interested. She believed it was not her place to provide or contribute in any way to the provision of the home. Meanwhile, she was unsatisfied with whatever I was bringing home.

One day someone told me, “Be careful with your wife. She is out there giving her body to other men.” There was no proof of what they were saying so I ignored all of them. One day she came home late. When I complained, she became angry. “Why are you being unreasonably jealous?” she accused me.

As time went on, she did not change. She became worse. She could leave the house for weeks. People would report to me that she was parading around with her ex-husband and other rich men. I even heard she was joining groups of prostitutes in drinking bars to work. I heard all this but what proof did I have? Besides, she denied everything.

I became so stressed to the extent that my head stopped functioning properly. Due to these challenges, I fell off the bicycle when I was riding to my workplace one day. I was injured on my knee. I could not walk or carry out my duties at work properly. Because of this, my contract at work was terminated for incapacitation.

When this happened, things at home got worse. My wife ran away. She went to her father’s house. All attempts to bring her back home failed. Her parents were not happy with her decision but she wouldn’t listen to them. They would call me and say, “We are sorry for our daughter’s behavior. We are trying to reason with her but she gets angry at us every time.” They complained that she was having sexual relations with several men and boys in their teens.

READ ALSO: All I Want Is A Happily Ever After

A year after she left, my wife called me and said, “I am sorry for the way I have behaved toward you. I don’t know what came over me. Please, forgive me so I can come back home.” I was confused. I did not expect her to ever come back to me. So the fact that she was now ready to come back really threw me off. “Give me time to think about it,” I said.

When her mother realized that she had started calling me and begging for a reunion, she called me. The first thing she said to me was, “You are like a son to me. And we all know that my daughter was the problem in your marriage. I know she wants you to take her back. Please before you do, you should know that she is on ARV. Whatever you do with this information is up to you.”

I cannot lie. I was heartbroken. The first thing I did was to go to the hospital for a test. Thankfully, I was negative. I did not believe the results so I got tested again. I was still negative. I still did not believe it. To accept that she did not infect me, I kept getting tested every three months for an entire year. Each time the results reads negative.

While all this is going on, my wife is still in the shadows. She has been calling me night and day. She begs for my forgiveness when she calls. She wants us to get back together. After everything she has done, I don’t know what to do with her. Please, I need your advice. Should I allow her to come back home?


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