He came to SHS late. Some of us went early so we knew each other. That’s why he stood out. The first time I saw him I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was so handsome. By then I had a boyfriend but it was a long-distance relationship. I had only seen my boyfriend once and even stopped hearing from him when I started SHS. It felt to me like our relationship was dead. That’s why I had my sights set on Leo.

I watched him every day wishing he was mine. I hadn’t even had the chance to talk to him yet so I felt silly pining after him. However, the universe conspired and put us in a situation where we had to talk. One day some teachers punished me and some other students. Leo happened to be among the group. We were all doing our part of the punishment when he walked up to me and asked, “May I help you with yours? I want to make things easier for you.” I was flattered and so excited that he finally noticed me.

I accepted his offer but I couldn’t have a proper conversation with him. After the punishment, I couldn’t even talk to him till the term ended. It was awful. I had the perfect opportunity to get close to him but I was too much of a chicken to use it. I was sure that I had missed my window. But I was once again surprised when Leo found me on Facebook and sent me a friend request. This time around I didn’t blow it. I accepted the request and we started chatting there and then.

The dream was back on. I was going to be Leo’s girlfriend. I started rejoicing before he even proposed love to me. Of course, I didn’t waste time when he did. I said yes immediately. By then we had returned to school. We were inseparable on campus. I was a day student while he was in the boarding house. I lived with my uncle and aunt and they were very strict. But I found ways to sneak out of the house every night to go and kiss my boyfriend. I think sneaking around made it more fun.

By the time we got to SHS 2, our love had grown deeper than anything I knew. You would never see Leonard without me by his side. I did whatever I could to make him happy. I remember the day he asked me for shuperu. I was not ready to go all the way. I was scared when I thought about everything that could go wrong. However, I couldn’t say no to Leo. Rather I told him, “Come to my house tonight. I will sneak you into my room when my uncle goes to sleep.”

Everything went according to plan.

I snuck him into my room and we broke my virginity. It wasn’t exactly what I expected it to be but I was happy my first time was with him. While he was sneaking out of my room to return to school, someone saw him and reported him to his father. His father got angry and almost disowned him. But he got people to plead his case and change his father’s mind. As punishment, his father withdrew him from the boarding house. Leo became a day student and he hated it. He no longer had the freedom to sneak out to meet me whenever he wanted. But that did not affect our relationship.

Whenever his father worked night shifts, he would come and see me. This continued until Leo came to live with a friend in town. By then we were in our final year. I was so happy that he was closer to me. This time around, I was the one who went to see him every night. It was all fun and games until someone saw me and reported me to my uncle. My uncle was livid. But unlike Leo’s father, he didn’t threaten to disown me. No, what he did was more drastic. He took a knife and went after Leo. He was determined to kill him, but Leo escaped.

You would think we would finally stay away from each other but no. Everything that happened only strengthened the bond of our love. Leo proved his love by taking care of me. He was so hardworking that he helped his mother to sell Kenkey. And he always brought me some of the kenkey. This was at a time when things were hard for my family. My uncle had lost his job so we were struggling to even eat. We had no one to turn to. Someone would ask about my parents. Well, by the time I was nine, they were both dead. So my uncle took me in. He provided for all my needs until things became difficult. That was when Leo stepped in.

He was also a student like me but he paid my PTA dues and part of my school fees. His parents were rich but he hustled because of me. Sometimes he would bring me food that his mother cooked at home. He took good care of me until we completed school.

He wanted to join the military but he didn’t get enlisted. So he got a few jobs to keep money in his pocket. I also got a job as a waitress. I met many men who showed interest in me and showered me with gifts. It got to my head and messed with my feelings for Leo. I changed toward him. My behavior hurt him but I couldn’t stop. I was young and naïve. I believed the world was mine to explore. And I did explore.

Leo caught me cheating on him several times with the boy I was dating before he came into the picture. He forgave me every time but I kept doing it. When he finally couldn’t take it anymore, he moved on. He got himself a new girlfriend and shut me out of his life. I didn’t care. I was just obsessed with living my life.

As time passed, Leo had a baby with his girlfriend. He also got enlisted in the army. The first day he came home in his uniform he came to my house to show it to me. By then I was filled with regret for the way lived my life. Whatever I thought I would get from exploring life, I didn’t get it. I only ended up hurting myself. So I changed my ways. I was working on becoming a better person when he came to me. He had promised me long ago that he would get into the army and I would see him in his uniform. That’s why he came over that day to show it to me. “Congratulations, Leo. I am happy for you,” I told him.

READ ALSO: Sometimes Love Does Not Conquer All

He drove me through town the whole day and proposed love to me again. “Despite everything that has happened, I still love you,” he confessed. I smiled, “Maybe deep down I still love you too. But this can’t happen. You are my past. Too much has happened between us. I would rather forge my future with someone new.” He was disappointed but we agreed to be friends.

Once in a while, he would call me. Sometimes he would complain that I don’t call him. That’s because every time I call him, he sends me money. And I don’t like it. He says I’m the type who wouldn’t ask for help even when I am in need so he would give me money, just in case. It touches my heart that he still tries to take care of me, but I am no longer a teenager. I am twenty-eight. I can take care of myself now.

Also, I have a boyfriend who wouldn’t be happy that my ex gives me money. And I don’t want to do anything to ruin this relationship. I met him at my workplace when I was doing my national service. He was my manager. He is a very kind man. Every time I look at him, I thank God for giving me another wonderful soul. I couldn’t hold on to Leo well but now I have a second chance to do things right. So I hold my boyfriend like an egg.

We have been together for three years and he loves and respects me so well. His family also loves me. And I love all of them. I won’t do anything to hurt him. He is too precious to me. Leo couldn’t marry his baby mama. I don’t know what happened between them but I pray he gets someone that will make him happy, just like I have someone who makes me happy.


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