My path with him crossed after I finished my national service. He had also ended his national service that same year. We were both busy out there looking for jobs. The job market was brutal but we had each other’s back. I would go for an interview and come and tell him all about it. Be it good or bad, he too shared his experiences with me. By and by, I got a job. Two months later he also got a job.

Francis was an amazing boyfriend in all regards except when it came to generosity. I knew his salary wasn’t much but it was manageable. I didn’t need him at that time to lavish in luxury. I didn’t expect him to give me diamonds or rubies to prove his love. All he had to do was give a little gift to show he cared but it never occurred to him to do that.

When our first Valentine’s Day together as a couple was approaching, I thought, “At least it’s Valentine’s Day. This time around he will buy me a gift. If not anything at all, he will give me chocolate.” The day arrived and I didn’t even get a choco milo. I was disappointed but I was raised to be independent so I didn’t make a fuss about it.

I had a job that was helping me do okay. I also had a small business on the side. So it wasn’t that I needed his money. I just wanted him to give something little to show he cared. However, all he did was continually complain about how broke he was. You would think that the tree of poverty was planted in his room.

In case you are wondering if I ever gave him anything? Yes, I did. On his birthdays, I sent him packaged gifts. If I saw anything nice that reminded me of him, I would buy it for him. I didn’t have a lot of money but I could spare a token to make the man I love know he is special to me.

It was always when my birthday was approaching that his problems piled up. The way he would lament about all his challenges, I wouldn’t even have the heart to jokingly ask for a birthday present. It was a very dry relationship.

Now, one will ask why I am here. Reading the Valentine’s Day stories here makes me remember our last Val’s Day together. That day I didn’t wake up expecting any romantic surprises. I was going about my day as normal when I received a text from him. I opened it to see an image with a text written on it. It read, “You are the best thing that happened to me.” I smiled and said, “Aww this is sweet.” I texted him letting him know I loved his text.

A day after Val’s Day he became overly busy. It was the first time something like that had happened so I didn’t make an issue out of it. The next day, the same thing happened again. This continued for many more days. He wouldn’t pick up my calls. He would respond to my texts several hours after I had sent them.

READ ALSO: I’m About To Lose My Job Because Of A Comment I Made On Val’s Day

When I asked him, “Is everything okay with you? Or did I do anything to offend you?” He responded, “I am sorry hun, I have just been so busy with work. It makes me feel bad that I am not making time for you. You deserve someone who will fully be committed to you. That’s why I think we should break up. I can’t give you what you need right now.” Stunned does not begin to describe the way I felt.

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“Francis, why are you doing this out of the blue? Is there another woman in the picture? You owe me the truth,” I demanded. He told me there was no one else, and that he just wanted to be alone. Honestly, I knew he was lying. Regardless, I let him go and moved on with my life because a man keeps who he wants to keep.

Although it’s been quite some time since we parted ways, whenever it’s Val’s day I think about him and the way he left things. He will forever be in my story as the guy who swore I was the best thing that happened to him, only to break up with me a few days later. Men, what do they gain from doing these kind of things?


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