I am a twenty-six-year-old woman. I wouldn’t describe myself as ugly. At least, that’s not what my mirror tells me. I look well. I dress well. I speak well. My friends have told me I have a pleasant personality. Per what I was taught growing up, I am the kind of woman a man would want to marry.
Yet I have never been approached by a man in my entire life. I am not trying to say that no man has ever asked to marry me. No, that’s too far a reach. There are things almost every woman I know has heard so many times from men but I have never heard them.
“I like you.”
“I have a crush on you.”
“I want to get to know you.”
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“I want to marry you.”
Not even, “Can we be friends?”
The only men in my life are the men I am related to. I have never had a man try or ask me to be their friend. They don’t talk to me. They don’t see me. This may sound crazy but I am convinced I am invisible to men.
Needless to say, I have never been in a relationship because of these experiences, or better put, lack of experiences with men.
Growing up, I never thought this would be my life. I always thought I would even marry young. That’s the interpretation I gave some dreams I had when I was a child.
I can’t recall all the details of the dreams but I know I had the same dream three times. Each time, I was getting married. All three times. I thought it meant I would get married someday. But now I am beginning to think I was so wrong.
Another strange thing that has been happening to me for as long as I can remember is that I keep walking into cobwebs. It happens randomly. I could just be walking, and suddenly, I feel cobwebs on my face and body. Sometimes, I go for a while without experiencing it. But it always starts again.
I know people have spiritual meanings for cobwebs but I don’t have any. I wish I could get some answers as to why I keep walking into cobwebs.
Apart from that, I am always getting sick. I have run all forms of medical tests. The results always come out clean. Doctors never find anything wrong with me. But my body rarely feels whole.
In my dreams, I sometimes see myself living a good life, but in reality, my life is a complete mess. I dream a lot, that much has been established. I just wish they weren’t so terrifying. I am either running from or fighting with strange things.
At one point, I even prayed never to dream again, and for a while, the dreams stopped. Nonetheless, they returned. And they are even more scarier.
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Lately, they’ve been about death. I see dead people; deceased loved ones, acquaintances, and people I barely knew. I also see coffins. I don’t know what it all means. I would be thankful to anyone who understands and interprets it to me. Maybe the knowledge will help me make sense of my life.
My life is just a series of troubles and disappointments. No matter how much I ask for help, I never receive it. Even when people promise to help, they never stick to their word.
I Never Paid Fees Again Until I Completed School
Everything that seems to work smoothly for others turns into a struggle for me. Whenever I try to do something my peers are succeeding at, it only brings me pain, financial loss, and endless difficulties.
I am barely surviving. I started school late because of these struggles. At my age, I am now in my fourth year, fighting hard to make it through. I am praying hard that I triumph. That’s why I need to understand if I am fighting a spiritual battle. So I can help myself before things get worse for me.
—Mary, Nigeria
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You are fighting a huge and brutal spiritual battle. The cobwebs means you have been concealed or tied hence people don’t see you or the things you touch don’t succeed because of it. The dead people you are seeing means they want you to join them . Please tighten your prayer belt. Before doing anything pray. Arm yourself with the armour of God.
Contact me, i assure you to link you with someone that can help you. You may be under spell. But i promise he can help you. If you are willing contact me. +2348122415511
While not discounting the supernatural work on your social skills. Try to make aa lot of friends and attend social events. Try to love yourself and stop seeking validation from others. You’re bound to enjoy a happier life and sweet dreams.
Our God is not a one way God so what your dream might mean for you might be different for everyone else. Also we fight not just against the flesh but against demons and principalities so fasten your prayer belt. Whatever day of the week you were born fast on the day and bath with the local salt. You can count seven add it to your water pray over it and bath. Make psalms 27,35,91 and 41 your daily prayers. God be with you.
Talk to kyhf.ent@gmail.com for help.
But you should be ready to take the challenge of praying yourself out of your challenges