My wife wants to start a YouTube channel and also be on TikTok. She told me about it and I didn’t have a problem with it. She’s beautiful, fluent and very intelligent so I thought she could do very well in videos until she told me what her content was going to be about. The whole content idea is centred around our family and the things we do on a daily basis.

We have triplets. They are three years old. She thinks she can create content around them and us. Showcasing how we manage our daily lives with triplets at the centre.

I’m not interested in putting my life out there. I’m a private person and mostly shy too. I don’t want the camera on me and I don’t want to be part of it. Again, I told her our kids can’t be in those videos too. They are young—too young to be exposed to such an environment. I know the kind of comments people can make in such videos.

I was clear with her. “I don’t have a problem if you want to do it but please, leave me and kids out of it. We don’t want to be part but we’ll be behind you, supporting you and urging you on to succeed, which we know you will.”

My wife bore. For the past few weeks, she had been moody. This is a marriage where we talk about everything. We have a resolution chair at the centre of our hall. When one of us wants to address an issue, he/she goes to sit there. You don’t have to say anything. Once I see her sitting there, I have to drop everything I’m doing and join her so we talk about what’s bothering her.

I’ve gone to the resolution center twice but my wife didn’t join. She said she had nothing to talk about since I was not ready to support her dreams. “Listen, I’m ready to contribute to the purchases of the equipment you’ll need to start. Even if you want me to carry those equipment and follow you around, I will but me and my kids can’t be in the videos.”

She calls this selfishness.

Am I being selfish here because we don’t want to be characters in her mini-series? The mood in my house is not right and it’s affecting me and the kids. My wife follows this page religiously and she will read it. Please help me make her understand my point clearly. Thank you.


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