At the last Corpus Christi, I decided to go for a confession. It was my first. I’d always shunned it because I thought I also had the power to reach God’s ear without using our parish priest as the channel. And this year, I felt compelled to do it because I’m at a critical age where I need God’s interference in my life.
I followed the queue until it got to my turn. I sat in front of the priest and did the sign of the cross before starting;
“Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. This is my first confession…”
I paused and swallowed the lump in my throat because it was hard. The Father nodded and asked me to feel free. I started, “My biggest problem is how to control my sexual urge. I have a boyfriend but I have two other guys on the aside. I do it with every one of them. One is a married man. I know his wife and it saddens me each time I see the wife. I want to stop. Apart from that, I’m also quick-tempered…”
I went on and on confessing every sin I could remember. When I finished confessing, he asked me a few questions and I answered. He prescribed my prayers for me and I left his presence.
A few hours later, a little girl pulled my dress and told me, “Father is calling you.” I went and it was this same father I confessed to. He wanted my number so I gave it to him.
That very night he called and since then it has been called upon calls. He said he likes me and wants to be my boyfriend. He fell in love with me the very first minute he set his eyes on me during confession. I shouldn’t look at him as a Father and downgrade his prowess na he can do things that the guys I call boyfriends can’t do.
I listened to him and was shocked. A Father? They are not even supposed to get married so why is he trying to have a girlfriend?
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I’ve heard many times that Fathers can be some way but I always doubted it because it hadn’t happened to me or anyone I knew. The next day after saying all these things, he lifted the eucharist at the altar asking us to look at the lamb of God.
I said in my head, “This Father is a Cobra.”
I’ve blocked him. I’m handling my penance alone while looking up to the cross for the ultimate forgiveness.
This story you just read was sent to us by someone just like you. We know you have a story too. Email it to us at submissions@silentbeads.com. You can also drop your number and we will call you so you tell us your story.
Don’t you think it’s incumbent upon you to expose him to his superiors, even if anonymously? Since you are coming back into the fold, please expose the ‘cobra’, to protect those who may not be as strong as you. The ‘Owner’ of the Church will be appreciative, trust me.
They will never believe her. They refuse to see what their priests are doing. They are hiding under the shadow of Jesus Christ and dispersing the flock. God have mercy.
Don’t report him. Just keep him bloked and avoid him. Most of his superiors have girlfriends too. Some of his superiors may even be having children. This should remind you that talking to God directly is the best. You confess to another man and they now think since this is your weakness, they can exploit it. Organised religion is a big scam.
Such sweeping negative statements are very unfortunate. A high proportion of Catholic priests respect and uphold their vows. Surveys indicate that the proportion of wayward priests and religious is lowest in the Catholic Church, compared to the evangelicals and one-man churches. The church has suffered a lot of negative publicity because of a few bad apples. But it’s a big family, and we all know how big families operate.
My advice still remains the same, Olivia. Welcome back.
George, what are the sweeping negative statements? Is it not true a majority of Catholic priest have girlfriends? Is it nor a known fact 60% have unacknowledged children after taking their vows? I know of a woman who was working for cayjolic parish who has three children and no man has claimed these children. One of the fsthers eventually sponsored her to go outside the country with the three chikdren. Incidentally, this is a country the said priest who is an eminent educationist now spends his holidays annually in now. Some of you because of your desire to preserve the church or naivity about ongoing happenings, behave like ostriches and say there is no evil going on. If you are modeling priesthood on the bible, was levi and all his decendents not married? Jesus was not a priest (technically speaking). Plus per his assignment, he was not to live long. Thus having biological children was not his focus? Since when did been a priest and having a family become incongruous? If it does not eliminate all temptations, it lowers it in many instances. Olivia, I insist that reporting is a futile act. Go ask the numerous children of priest who have fought for their fathers to recognise them in USA, Europe and Australia if they were their reports received action from the bishops and archbishops.
KB, let’s agree to disagree.
Olivia, make whatever decision you deem fits with your current state in life. Remember that you don’t live your life with anybody – not even a Catholic priest – as your role model. As Christians, our role-model is, yes, Christ.
He just wants to take advantage of you upon knowing your weakness. He’s father cobra indeed. And my sister, confess your sins to God because “only God” will listen to your confessions and forgive you totally while no third party hears about it. God help us.
You will all learn your lessons from religion. If the bible is the solution to our problems, Africa should have been the best continent in the world.
99% of Africans are pretending to know God when they don’t even know what God means.
let’s keep the pretense going
That’s normal in catholic. They claim to be infallible when in reality they’re anti-Christ. Shine ur eye dear