She woke up one morning and told me, “Your mom came to me in a dream. She said your aunt Sherry owes her some money. I’ve forgotten the amount but she asked me to tell you to go for it.”

I laughed at her. The first question I asked was, “What did you eat last night before you went to bed?” I didn’t take her seriously. I told myself it was only a dream.

A week later I saw my aunt. I jokingly told her, “So you owe my mom and decided not to pay? Now she’s going around in people’s dreams sending messages to you.”

Three days later I received a Momo alert. The name was my aunt Sherry’s name. Just when I was about to check the amount she sent, she called. “That’s the money I took from your mother. I was always going to pay. Sorry it delayed.”

I was stunned. “GHC2,500? But…”

I called Frema on the phone. “So, your dream wasn’t a lie. Aunt Sherry sent the money to me just now.”

I was surprised when she didn’t act surprised. I asked if she knew her dream was real and she answered, “Dreams come true, sometimes.”

That was the first time. The second time was more bizarre. It left me shaking at the knee. My heart tumbled in my chest and my palms started sweating.

My mom died when the relationship with Frema was very young. Mom was sick for a while. Getting to the end of her life, she spoke like a woman who knew her life had come to an end. She would call me at dawn and ask me to bow my head so she could pray for me. She did that like four times. She would call me to sit next to her and tell me how her funeral ought to be done. My elder brother and sister were away so I was the only one she talked to.

Frema was visiting often so my mom saw her. I didn’t introduce her to my mom as anything but she figured it out and started calling Frema “My-in-law.” Truth be told, she didn’t like Frema a lot because according to her, she looked like a lazy girl.

“You brought a fair lady home for what? I hope you don’t marry her because fair girls are lazy,” she would tell me. When Frema came home and didn’t help around, my mom complained; “This woman won’t help you, Aboagye. Find another one and bring her home before I die.”

She slept one night and couldn’t get up from her bed. I was at her bedside with Frema. She asked me to call my brother and sister and tell them her sickness had gotten worse. When I came back to her room with my phone, her head was on Frema’s lap and she was giving her water. I sat aside and watched them. After the water, she told Frema, “I may leave my last born in your hands. Be his mother and take good care of him.”

She died the next morning.

A couple of months after her burial, she started visiting Frema in her dreams. The second time she visited she was very angry. According to Frema, she said my mom was looking for her coin to pay for a trip but couldn’t find it. She was frustrated and chanting words she couldn’t understand. When my mom mellowed, she told Frema to tell me that my uncle picked the money that was placed in her hand, the money meant for her journey. So we should warn my uncle to return the money, or else she couldn’t cross.

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The first dream had come to pass so when Frema told me this one, I didn’t doubt her. She said, “I could be wrong but there’s no harm in trying. Talk to your uncle. If he did it, he should return the money before it’s too late.”

I called my uncle. I asked if indeed he had taken the money. He denied seeing any money of that nature. I told him my mom was angry in the dream and might do something bad. He laughed at me. He told me dead people know nothing and feel nothing so they couldn’t get angry. Forty days later, my uncle was at my door asking who had the dream. On a Saturday night, we escorted him to send the money to my mom’s grave. That dawn after sending the money, Frema called. “Your mom. She came again. She was smiling and waving. She’s crossing to the other side.”

I went to church and told my pastor about it. I asked if it was from God or it was some kind of sorcery. He prayed for me and asked me to bring Frema to church for prayers too. We went together and he prayed for us. He asked us to fast and open our hearts and souls to receive God. According to him, “If God comes into the fray, the dead will have no say.”

We fasted for three days. We ended the fast with a prayer at his feet. The same night when Frema slept, my mom came to visit. Frema told me, “She didn’t say anything. She was only smiling and walking backwards.” I said, “Let’s hope it’s a sign of her leaving us alone.”

For several months my mom didn’t dream Frema a dream. We jubilated and even made fun that it was the devil who wanted to use Frema for his agenda.

We had a fight. It was so intense we called it quits right before we left the spot where the fight happened. I blocked her and she deleted my number. We were over.

For days I couldn’t sleep. I was thinking of her and assessing my options. “Am I doing the right thing? Would there ever be a girl like Frema when she’s gone? Or I should call and say sorry.”

I unblocked her and sent a hello. It was around 1 a.m. She responded, “What do you want from me?”

We chatted. She sent voice notes. I sent some back. I called and we talked until the chanticleer crowed. We were back again before the moon gave way to the sunrise. It was around 5 a.m. when we said Goodbye. When I slept, my mom came into my dream for the first time since she died. It didn’t look like a dream. Her voice sounded like an echo in the room. She said, “Don’t ever make such a mistake.” She laughed and disappeared.

I went to my pastor and narrated the whole thing to him. I was scared it was a bad spirit parading with my mother’s face. The dreams were too specific and straight to the point. My pastor said, “What doesn’t harm you loves you. Keep praying. If it’s a bad thing, God will take it away from you.”

Months have rolled into a year. We no longer hear from my mom. She hadn’t called nor made an appearance. One day, we staged a fight to see if she would be fooled to appear. It didn’t work. We’ve had several minor fights that didn’t break us but that also didn’t cause her to appear in our dreams. We are getting married very soon. We’ve prayed for her presence. She shouldn’t say a word. Just a smile and we would understand.


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