My marriage is barely a year old. My husband and I have a beautiful daughter together. Yes, we got straight into the business of having a baby right after our wedding night. We agreed we would finish having kids quickly so we would focus on raising them. We were together in this so I was certain we were on the same page when it came to every aspect of our marriage.
All the trust I had in my husband came spilling at my feet when I received a text message from someone last year. I was heavily pregnant at the time.
The person sent me screenshots of my husband chatting with her friend. He said to the lady on the other end of the conversation, “I’m interested in you.”
I trusted my husband but seeing that message had me questioning his loyalty. I didn’t want to start anything while I was expecting so I waited till after the baby arrived.
When I brought it up he denied everything. He claimed saying “I’m interested in you” didn’t mean he was asking her out. Somehow he made it sound like I was reading meaning into things that weren’t that deep. I didn’t have proof of anything else so I let it slide.
Although I carried on as if nothing had happened, I no longer trusted him.
A few months later, he changed the password on his phone and refused to share it with me. I didn’t press him, but I found another way to access his phone. What I saw broke me.
I’ve lost count of the number of times I read chats where he was flirting with other women or outright asking them out. When I confronted him about it, he brushed me off saying, “It means nothing.” This didn’t happen only once.
Every time I went into his phone I saw something that hurt my heart. It got to a point where I stopped confronting him. The things I saw were painful but I figured there was no point in talking about it if he was going to keep lying to my face.
Recently, I discovered that he was planning to meet up with a particular girl. At first, I kept quiet. I told myself he would do whatever he wanted anyway. However, on second thought I asked him about it.
He laughed and said, “This is why you shouldn’t go through my phone. What you saw was not true. I was only joking with her. It’s not that deep.” He even stopped talking to her for a few days.
I almost believed his act until our mutual friend reached out to me. She said, “Your husband introduced a girl to me as his ‘baby’. Her name is Fortune. Do you know her?” I told her I didn’t. My friend added, “While we were talking about the Fortune lady, your husband told me to find another girlfriend for him. He said Fortune wasn’t trying for him, whatever that meant.”
I had ignored a lot of things but this very incident broke me. I told myself I was done with the marriage. I packed my things and went to my mum’s house.
On the first day, he showed up angry. He accused me of listening to gossip. “Are you going to let what people tell you about me break our home? Don’t you know me anymore?” The truth is, I didn’t recognize him anymore. I married a man who was crazy about me, not this new person who goes around flirting with multiple women. That day I didn’t budge so he left.
He returned the next day. This time around he was not angry. He apologized for what he told my friend. He said it all meant nothing. “I was only playing with her. Fortune is just a friend,” I assure you. I still didn’t follow him home so he left without us.
After the second visit, he didn’t show up again. Not once did he call to check up on me and our daughter. It was as if he didn’t care about us now that we were out of his sight.
I was with my mother for a week. She was the one who convinced me to go back to my matrimonial home. I listened to her and returned.
Barely a week after I returned, he was already chatting with another girl. He told her how much he wanted to have a taste of her before she would travel for the Christmas holidays. “When you come back I will take you on fancy trips,” he promised her. Well, he travels a lot for work so I knew exactly what he meant.
When A Man Cheats And Doesn’t Disrespect You, It Should Be OK
I didn’t confront him this time, and I don’t think I ever will. Nothing good will come of it, anyway.
Through it all, he keeps insisting he’s never cheated on me and that I’m the one who believes in gossip. But I’ve had enough. I can’t keep living like this. He doesn’t know it but I’ve started making plans to leave. When I am finally ready, I’ll walk away and never look back.
— Eniola
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Please leave. Once a cheat always one. Choose your mental health over this thing called marriage.