I know this may sound like a very petty problem but this means a big deal to me. It’s making me question my husband’s love for me. That’s why I am hoping the readers will give me the opportunity to vent and tell me I am not overreacting.
Before I talk about what happened, I just want to say that I have a very sweet husband. He takes good care of me. Not only financially but physically as well. He performs chores around the house. I am talking about the kind of chores that society has mostly assigned to women. Laundry, washing dishes, mopping floors, general cleaning, name them. He does these things without me having to bug him about it.
When it comes to cooking too, he is good at it. He cooks for me once in a while. We had a system that perfectly worked for us for the two years we’ve been married. However, I have noticed that my husband has been on edge these days. I don’t know what I have done to offend him but the slightest thing I do sets him off.
He doesn’t yell at me or anything but I can always tell when he is a hair’s breadth away from snapping. The good thing is, he keeps himself in check. The other thing is, I am worried he will lose control one of these days.
I am not saying that he gets upset unprovoked. I know that sometimes I am at fault. Nonetheless, he should be able to address it without losing his cool. After all, we are two adults raising two children together. We should be able to resolve our problems in a calm and peaceful way without having to throw tantrums.
Our youngest child is breastfeeding so I am always hungry. For this reason, I am always eating. It doesn’t matter what time of the day it is, once the hunger strikes, I have to eat something.
The other day, I was up with our older child around 10 PM. My husband was trying to put him to bed but he didn’t want to sleep. You know how these kids are, sometimes they would fight sleep until employ every trick in the book to get them there.
While my husband was trying to put our toddler to sleep, I grabbed some plantain chips to fill my empty stomach. I offered some to my husband but he said he didn’t want some. I was hungry so I didn’t mind eating all of it by myself. It didn’t even occur to me that he rejected it because he had a problem with it. I just believed him that he did not want it.
Later, my sister prepared spaghetti for my husband to eat. I was breastfeeding the baby by the time the food was ready. I started to get hungry again at this point, so I told my sister I would eat some of the food. When she finally served my husband, she added an extra fork for me. To my surprise, my husband told her, “Please take the extra fork away. I am the only one going to eat this food.”
I asked him why he did that and he said, “Why would you chew plantain chips at this time of the night? The noise you made from all that woke the baby up.” That was all. My husband was upset because I chewed plantain chips and offered him some. Does this make me a bad person?
When God Throws A Wife On Your Table
I know it may sound like it’s not a problem but I am really hurt. I found it even more painful when he sat down and ate the food while I watched him. He truly did not give me some. As if that was not enough, he gave the leftover to the children in the house. It was as if he wanted to punish me for chewing plantain chips.
It’s not as if when I offered it to him he said, “No, this thing will make noise and wake the baby up.” If he had said that and I ignored him, then he would somehow be justified in his actions. But this? I don’t know what to do. He is always talking about how much he loves me but his actions that night are creating doubts in my mind. Is this how people show love these days?
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Madam you are over reacting, just explain to him about you getting hungry anytime you breast feed the kid
You said that of late your husband has been on the edge because of how you do your things or behave. Then my sister study yourself and ask yourself some questions. You might find some answers. Two sit down and ask your husband what things about you ticks him off. From there we move. Yes your husband does love you. Please apologise to him. I guess the reason why he got mad at you was that he was hungry and at that time he suffered before putting the kid to sleep and you chewing the chips would have put his hard earn to ruin. So please don’t do that again. Learn to control your hunger. When you are done feeding the child you can go and eat else where so not to wake them up. I am not saying you should change yourself but correct what is not right with you and avoid what might tick him off. God luck.
This is marriage, don’t worry you will get used it, in fact, brace yourself for more that will send you thinking whether or not he loves you trust me. It is normal. My simple advise is, start communicating every issue with him and encouraga him to do so. If you keep them and he also keeps his then you are gradually killing the beauty in your marriage trust me.
Good luck and all the best. Pray for more wisdom to build your home.
Your husband is feeling less appreciated and he doesn’t want to complain about it, hence his attitude.
Tell him everyday how you really appreciate his love and support. You will see changes. Try and speak his love language often.