The first four years of our relationship were great. There were lots of ups and downs along the way but we stuck together through them. Those experiences made me love her more. I love the fact that she is smart, kind, and has a good heart. If you asked me to describe her with one sentence I would simply say, “Bee is a good person.”
This coming August will mark our fifth year together. While it is my desire that we finally take the bold step and tie the knot, things have taken an uncomfortable turn. And I am not sure how to solve these problems rearing their heads out of nowhere.
It started small. I would visit her and she’d get upset that I didn’t offer to help with her chores. She wanted me to sweep the hall, wash the dishes, and clean the washroom. “I can’t be with a man who doesn’t know how to do basic chores,” she would mutter.
This is a woman I envisioned a future with. Her happiness mattered to me. So if she wants a domestic man then why not? I started helping out. I would sweep her hall the way she likes it. When she cooked, I was by her side. After the meals are done, I would clean up. She doesn’t have running water so I took it upon myself to fetch water for her from the nearest water vendor.
This is a habit I am just getting into. This means consistency is a struggle for me. Sometimes I did it. Other times too, I’d forget. On days I forgot, I never heard the end of it. She would rant and rant just to say she couldn’t marry a man like me.
Then she came over to my place on a day when the room was untidy. When I asked her to sweep it for me, she blatantly refused. “This isn’t my house,” she pointed out, “Don’t you live with your younger sibling? They should do it.” I just nodded and thought, “So that’s how it works.”
After that day I decided not to clean her place anymore. After all, according to her logic, it was not my house so I had no business cleaning it. The only thing I didn’t stop doing for her was fetching water. That, at least, felt fair.
Another thing that reared its head was the way she always spoke to me. Sometimes her utterances were offensive. It had been there for a while but I always overlooked it. I would rationalize her behaviour by saying no one is perfect. “If this is her one flaw then I will accept it.” Besides, I love her so it was okay.
She, on the other hand, never failed to tell me that she can’t marry a man who doesn’t sweep and wash dishes.
When I talked about our future and marriage, she shrugged dismissively and said; “You are too desperate for marriage. Me, I am not ready.” I understood. We are still young, but the way she brushed off the subject made me feel uncertain about everything I wanted for us. It was as if to say she didn’t see me as a potential husband.
I did a lot of thinking, tossing and turning in bed, and then decided to have another conversation with her about the course of the relationship.
I acknowledged that lately, everything I do annoys her. “I know you’re not happy in this relationship,” I said. She didn’t deny it. All she did was repeat the same thing she had been saying, “You don’t help enough with chores so I don’t see you as a husband material.”
I seized the moment to tell her, “I’ve overlooked your flaws because I love you. Can’t you give me grace while I work on mine? You know no one is perfect.”
READ ALSO: Any Man Who Blinks Before Answering This Question Is Not A Husband Material
My girl looked me straight in the eyes and said, “Well, you shouldn’t have overlooked my flaws.”
At that moment I felt I was fighting for the love of someone who didn’t even care if the relationship worked or not.
Marriage Through the Eyes of Millennials and Gen-Z
For four years, I have only had eyes for her. I don’t pay attention to other women let alone notice them. As far as I knew, I had won the prize when Bee agreed to give me her heart. She was my present and I hoped she would be my future. We were perfectly happy. We were “the poster child” for couple goals.
Now, she is literally shoving me out the door and I don’t understand what changed. Did she fall out of love with me? Did I do anything to offend her? I know I won’t get any answers if I ask her. So I have decided that it’s best I walk away from her. I wouldn’t be wrong to do that, would I?
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U obviously isn’t a marriage material and besides,she doesn’t love u anymore,from the looks of things.U are in love with yourself.It’s better to start exploring other ways for a new partner.If u force through things,u would like to regret it.
She obviously isn’t a marriage material and besides,she doesn’t love u anymore,from the looks of things.U are in love with yourself.It’s better to start exploring other ways for a new partner.If u force through things,u would like to regret it.
Just walk away ,close the door and say goodbye then live your life as it was before she came into your life. But what you have learnt from her by providing a,helping hand should be brought into the next relationship. Don’t overlook one’s flaw but address it.
Boss please exit the relationship. If not for anything you are a man and it seems she does not respect you. Immediately she said, you shouldn’t have overlook her flaws, then you should realise that she is not into you. Now you know her flaws and don’t overlook them now. Let her go and you will find someone better who understand you and respect you and most importantly who will give you peace.
Considering what you have written it is obvious that for all these years in relationship you don’t assist her in anything chores. So for her she was thinking somewhere along the line you will change but that never happened until she requested it from you. My brother it’s tiring bearing things alone and always telling people what to do. In this age I will urge you to man up and ask her to give you another chance to do better other than walking away. It’s not easy working and taking care of the home alone. Every lady needs a helping hand.
You stay with your younger siblings so it is right that they should be the ones to clean the place they stay, and not your girlfriend. You didn’t indicate if she stays with her siblings but I assume she doesn’t.
Help is very crucial in marriage, and a man who helps without being dragged or without you having to lose your breath constantly nagging is a blessing that is not appreciated enough.
Decide what you must boss, because you are certainly not ready to take on the responsibility of marriage either.
I applaud you for listening to help her around the house, it does not matter how long it took, but you have shown that you will listen to her concerns and that is a sign of a godly husband.
Your woman is not really interested in you. And she has lost all respect for you, meaning she does not love. I’m sorry that is it, if what you have written is really what is happening in your relationship. Consider whatever investment you have made in the relationship a lost. Take time to heal my friend. There are over 10 million women in Ghana that you can choose from. She is not worth it. Let her find the man who will be at her whims and caprice. These are the kind of women who will destroy you in marriage, doing everything possible to control you. Her new behaviour is a sign of danger and you don’t want to live with a disrespectful woman.
Remember her behaviour at your end? You’ve dodged a bullet. Let her find the man she respects since she doesn’t respect you.
Finally, whoever you meet in the future, tell them one thing, that if there is anything they would like you to help with, they should let you know. And before they mention it, start helping with the little things to ease the pressure off her.
Stay blessed.
She has tasted the apple of a different tree hence her sudden change.
All she’s doing is to push you away so she can freely live her infidel life with other guys.
This isn’t good for your mental health so the best thing to do is to man up and run away from her torture.
She may come back looking for you but you’d be gone for good.
Don’t waste another month on such a person..