When I met Eyram, it felt as though the stars themselves had aligned. We met in church. I didn’t think we would say anything to each other beyond, “Hello!” But after that first encounter, I couldn’t get her out of my mind. I kept thinking about the sweet smile that adorned her perfectly beautiful face. It wasn’t only her beauty that caught my eye. It was the grace with which she carried herself.

The day we had our very first conversation I knew I wanted her in my life. I asked if she would like to be my friend. She didn’t even pause for a minute before she said yes. This made me so happy.

We spoke about everything. We were in the same church so there were no clashes in our doctrines. It was even easier to delve into the scriptures whenever we spoke. Talks of our dreams and future were not left out of the conversation. I didn’t realize when it happened but we came to mean so much to each other.

Over time, we took our friendship to another level. We became a couple. Right from the moment I proposed love to her, I told her I wanted marriage. I was ready to meet her family and declare my intentions from the very beginning. However, we agreed we would take our time and nurture the love before we’d take that step.

I am not going to say we lived in a land of honey and milk and slept in a bed of roses. No, that wouldn’t be true. We had our problems. They were usually petty fights and disagreements here and there but at the end of the day, the sun never went down on our anger. We worked out our issues and carried on. Eyram is a good girl so she is worth fighting for.

I honestly thought we were solid until November last year when she introduced me to her older sister.
From the moment her sister saw me, I could sense the silent judgment. At first, she was polite, but her questions spoke volumes.

The first thing she asked Eyram was, “Can he take care of you?” She didn’t even acknowledge my presence. You would think I was not in the room. Eyram confidently answered, “Yes, he is a good man. He will take good care of me.”

The next thing she asked my girlfriend was, “What does he do for a living?”

“He is a teacher,” Eyram responded. I was sure I saw her sister’s face fall immediately she mentioned my profession. However, I brushed it off thinking it was one of those moments when you catch someone at a bad time.

Unfortunately, I was mistaken. After that meeting, my girlfriend started telling me about issues she faced with her sister. “I have noticed that every time I come and visit you and I return home, she wouldn’t talk to me for days.” I should state that Eyram doesn’t live with her sister but she often went to her place to eat. That’s because they live close to each other.

I thought if she saw how much Eyram and I love each other, she would come around. Rather, it had the opposite effect. Every time my girlfriend came to visit me, she would receive silent treatment from this sister of hers. Soon enough, it started causing problems in our relationship.

By December, Eyram suggested we go our separate ways. “It’s too much,” her voice shook, “My sister doesn’t want us together, and it’s making everything unbearable.” Unlike her, I wasn’t ready to give up. I even went to her sister myself and told her; “I love Eyram. I am not here to waste her time. I am ready to meet your parents so that we can discuss my intention to marry her.” This lady gave me her approval but I could see right through her. I knew she was bitter.

Just this past Wednesday, Eyram told her she had to do some packing in her apartment so she wouldn’t see her for dinner that night. This lady agreed. So when Eyram finished her chores she came to my place.
She was still with me when her sister called. I didn’t hear the question but I heard Eyram say, “I am with Danny.”

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The next thing I heard was a torrent of harsh words. I couldn’t hear the words but my girl’s face painted quite the picture. When the call ended she gave an exasperated sigh and said; “I can’t do this anymore. My sister is angry because I am with you. This relationship is the reason she torments me these days.” The next thing I knew she was storming out.

A few days later she called to tell me, “Danny, let’s end this relationship so I can have my peace of mind. If not, my sister will keep fighting with me. And I don’t have the energy for that.” I didn’t know what to say.

The thought of letting her go feels unbearable, yet I don’t want to hold onto her if it means constant pain for us both. Now I am sitting here, torn between my love for Eyram and the reality of her sister’s interference. If I let her go, would she think I didn’t love her enough to fight for us? Won’t she say I was looking for a way out all along?

We are all in the same church so I expected all of us to get along peacefully but her sister is determined not to play nice with me. What should I do to get my girl back? Or I should respect her wishes and let her go?

— Danny

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