A friend called one Sunday morning and asked if I was closer to my TV. I was in bed with Ellen, my girlfriend. I told him, “No, I’m asleep. I didn’t sleep early last night so I’m still in bed.” He told me the channel name and was pushing me to watch what was happening there. It was one of these church channels and to be honest, I didn’t even know if it was on my TV. I asked him, “What’s going on there that you can’t tell me unless I watch it myself? I don’t have that channel.” He told me he was going to record with his phone and send it to me so I should check my Whatsapp in a few minutes’ time. I put my phone on silent and continued sleeping. 

I woke up a couple of hours later and saw pieces of videos sent to my Whatsapp. I downloaded the first one and saw a young pastor praying and having a banter with a lady believed to be possessed by the spirit. I was at a loss. I didn’t know why he said I should watch it until I watched the second video. The lady’s face came up boldly on the TV and the face I saw was Ellen’s face. I paused the video and watched her sleeping peacefully in my bed while the sun was almost up. The two of us had been awake all night the previous night. “What was she doing there? And why was she being delivered?”

I put in my earphone and started listening to the banter between her and the pastor and what I heard got me angry, disappointed, ashamed and less of a man. “Ellen is possessed by the marine spirit? How come? And when was this filmed?” Questions upon questions but no answer. 

I had known Ellen for over two years and we had been in a relationship for close to a year. I didn’t know her to be a religious person. Sometimes she goes to church and whenever there was a wedding in her church, she would attend. That was all about it. She didn’t carry her faith over her head because she was just an ordinary girl living life as it comes. Both of us didn’t have a job when we met. She was an SHS graduate who couldn’t continue her education because there was no money at home and her grades too were poor. She told me once she got a job and started making money she would go back to school but since we started dating and she had a job, she hadn’t done anything that suggested she was ready to go to school. 

She had been a good girlfriend to me and I knew what she was capable of doing but I didn’t know she was capable of being possessed by a marine spirit. 

The videos my friend sent me were four and each lasted over a minute. It started from where she fell down and the ushers went for her. The pastor started praying over her and she started acting devilish. The pastor screamed, “Give her the mic let me speak to the spirit within her.” She was on the floor rolling from left to right and at the same time arguing with the pastor as a woman possessed by a marine spirit. The pastor screamed; “I command you to lose your possession of her!” Ellen laughed that devilish laughter. She responded; “You can’t command me to leave. This is my home. I am her and she’s me.”

My heart broke into two and I heard the sound. 

The pastor asked, “Who are you and where do you come from? Who sent you to possess such a beautiful lady?” She responded, “I’m a family spirit. I dwelled in her grandmother and her mother. Now is her turn. I bring men into her life and they make a home in her. Currently, I have fifteen men in her life. Most of them are married. We sleep with all these men and never get satisfied so we go into the spirit world to conquer the men there too.” 

At this point, everything looked bleak and I started getting shivering. I know these pastors and the tricks they do on their channels. I hardly believe what they do on TV and the miracles they perform but this was my girlfriend. Someone I had known and slept with for over a year. I stopped watching the clips and woke her up. I asked her, “Is it true you’re possessed?” She was clearing the sleepiness off her eyes when I gave her my phone to watch the clips. Immediately she heard her own voice, she jerked. “Where did you get this from?” She asked me. I answered, “You’re the one who’s supposed to answer questions and not me. What’s happening there and when did this happen?” 

She told me a friend called her one day and told her about a business that paid GHC500 a day and asked if she was interested. She didn’t know the business but she expressed her interest and her friend took her to meet the pastor. “Everything you see is acting. It’s not true. You’ve been with me for a while. Do you think I’m capable of doing any of the things I was saying? I didn’t know it would come on TV like this. They didn’t tell us. I wouldn’t have done it if I knew,” She said. 

She sounded believable but what I saw in the video also looked believable. I was conflicted as to what to believe. I asked her, “Who else knows about this?” She answered, “Apart from the lady who introduced me to them, no one else is aware.” 

I wanted to meet the lady and get the whole story so she called the lady on the phone and we spoke. The lady denied knowledge of it and said, “I didn’t take her anywhere. I don’t know any pastor and I don’t know about any deliverance. Did you see me in the video? Did you see me with her?” It turned into a fight on the phone. Ellen was fighting to clear her name but the lady insisted she didn’t know anything about it. 

After the phone conversation, I told her it was over. “I can’t be with a woman who sleeps with married men and also enters the spiritual realm to conquer spiritual men. No, I can’t do that.” She started dressing up. She picked up her bag and walked towards the door, ready to walk out. I asked her, “You understand it’s over, right? If you leave the room, you don’t come back into my life again.” She responded, “I’m not coming back for anything. If you can believe this and not me, then what’s the point?” 

Indeed, she left and hasn’t looked back since then. I miss her. I want her back. I miss everything we’ve done since we’ve been together. Especially at nights when I’m alone, I want to call her and ask her to come back but what if it’s the spirit that’s pulling me back to her? 

I called her one day and told her I was checking up on her. She wasn’t angry. She spoke to me nicely. I told her I was thinking about her and she responded, “You can’t be thinking about the devil. Free yourself.” From the way she spoke to me that day, I knew she missed me too and the two of us could come back together but I still don’t know what to make out of the video I saw. I don’t know how many others saw it and I don’t know what they think about her. It’s scary the things she said but if we even put that one aside, the embarrassment that comes with it is deep. Ellen is a beautiful girl. She attracts stares whenever we walk. Ever since I watched that video of her, my mind tells me even those stares are part of the spiritual deal. 

Would You Allow Your Partner To Go Through Your Phone?–Beads Media

A piece of me wants her back. A piece still believes what I saw and the shame that comes with it. I don’t know but I want to go back and rebuild what I destroyed but a voice in my head keeps telling me; “You’re being lured by the spirit. Don’t listen.” Recently, I asked if she could take me to the pastor if it was the only option left for me to believe her. She told me, “I can’t do that. We swore an oath not to talk about it to anyone. He’ll curse me if I do that.” 

At this point, I don’t know whether to go back for her or just let her go. I need other opinions to help me make a decision. 


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