My girlfriend is addicted to w.e.e.d. She’s been on it since eighteen, she told me. She doesn’t take in flame form. She’ll prepare tea with it or make it into candies or chew it raw. I’ve tried. I’ve done my best to help her stop it but she doesn’t. She’s calm, reflective and sober whenever she takes it. It’s also the only time I can request submission from her without a fight.

Anytime we had a fight over it, she told me, “If you knew the power behind this thing, you would have left me to take it however I want it.”

She made that statement several times I took it as an excuse until she started showing me a glimpse of what that power was.

She announced my mother’s stroke before it hit her.

I was buying a car from abroad. My friend was the agent so I trusted him so much to deliver. My girl told me, “If you want to keep your friendship with him, don’t send him the money. You won’t get the car and you won’t get the refund.”

I laughed it off but that’s currently what’s happening. My friend doesn’t pick up my calls. He has even blocked me on WhatsApp.

She told me one day, “Not that jealous ooo but that Northerner lady will not help you. Just mark it anywhere on the wall.”

There’s a lady in the picture. Yes, she’s from the North but I’m not dating her. It was my father who jokingly told me to look at that lady because he saw a wife material in her. My dad has said it only once. I haven’t even given it a thought but my girlfriend got high and found out.

She said so many other things I suspected she got from my phone so I changed my password. At some point, I felt she had hacked my phone until she started revealing things my phone wasn’t aware of; my mother’s stroke and the lady from the north.

I love her for who she is. But I’m not sure I can comfortably live the rest of my life with a woman like that. To stop her from seeing things is to take the w.e.e.d from her which at this moment is impossible. I wish there were a way around this whole thing. Her parents don’t know about it and her friends also don’t know. I’m the only one she has let in on this.

It makes me wonder, is it part of a grand scheme to tie me to her ankle forever? She’s letting me know so I don’t leave her? And what will be the cons of ending up with a woman like that?

These are the answers I’m looking for and I guess I won’t get them until I leave them with the tides and times to decide.