Ever since I met her, she has always been owing. She was in school when I met her. I helped paid her fees. Before the semester begins, I gave her full school fees to her. She didn’t make full payment. She made half the payment and paid the half before the exams. I didn’t get why she would do that. She explained, “I gave them half and kept the half in my investment account. At least, I could earn something on it before I make the final payment.” I thought it was a wise idea until I came to the conclusion that she just loves to be in debt.

She’s done with school and now working but she continues to get things on credit. There’s a lady who comes to their office with clothes. She owes the lady. There’s another lady who sells shoes. She owes her too. One woman sells egg and pepper in front of her office. She’s indebted to that lady as well.

She can pay for the egg. How much is an egg? She could even pay for the whole thing but she won’t. Instead, she’ll buy one on credit today and tomorrow buy on credit too. When the woman comes to ask for her money, she’ll pay yesterday’s debt and tell her to come tomorrow for today’s one.

When she comes to me and tells me stories of things she bought on credit, I get worried. I asked, “How much is an egg that you have to buy on credit? The poor woman needs her money so she can buy more. Why keep her money?” Her answer was, “I didn’t ask her to sell on credit. If she’s not making enough profit, she would have stopped selling on credit.”

It’s not the ability to buy on credit that worries me but the character she’s building out of it. One day, I was going to visit her when I stopped to buy bread at the provision store close to her house. The woman told me, “Tell your sister I need my money. I’ll go to the market tomorrow.” I asked how much she’s owing and she said GHC35.”

I paid the money but it pissed me off. How much is GHC35 that you can’t pay? When I asked, she told me, “I didn’t buy on credit. I took the item on my way from work and told her I’ll give her the money the next day when I’m passing by but I forgot and she also didn’t ask me so how can I remember?”

She was rather angry that the woman told me about it. I used that day to tell her my stand on buying things on credit. “You’re a lady. Educated and beautiful. I know you know how to manage what you earn. If you can’t buy it, then it means you can’t afford it so don’t buy on credit. It’s better you save and buy it later than get it today on credit. And those little items you get on credit, stop it. It doesn’t befit your status as a working-class lady.”

I thought I’d been able to communicate to her in clear terms and she was going to understand me. What she said was, “You won’t understand it because you’re a man. If you can buy on credit, why pay for it today? Use the money for something else and pay what you owe later. That’s what our mothers did to be able to buy us education from their meagre incomes.”

I gave her money to buy a phone and she ended up buying the phone on credit. She made half the payment and signed up to pay the rest in instalments. She had the whole amount in her hand. It’s not even her own money but she came back with a phone bought on credit.

I got angry. I asked her to give my money back to me. It turned into a trade of words. I told her someone has cursed her with that character of buying things on credit so she should seek spiritual intervention. She told me, “How can what I do to get what I want bother you this way? Do I buy the things from you? Do they come and take the rest of the money from you? What are you talking about?”

READ ALSO: She Says She Will Only Marry Me When She Travels Abroad

I’m here thinking about our future together. Today, the things she buys on credit look small and innocuous. What if we marry tomorrow and she plunges us into debt? I would be walking around paying for things I didn’t buy.

My mom was disgraced one day because of debt. She didn’t have the money so the woman she was owing followed her home while shouting behind her to pay what she owes. Mom came home with a little crowd, waiting to see how the story ends. One of our co-tenants paid the debt that day.

I don’t know what she bought from the woman and how important it was but that day I felt someway, seeing my mom being hooted at. What my girlfriend is doing brings back memories. And what pains me most is the fact that she doesn’t need to buy what she buys on credit. They are petty things even a young girl who takes money from her parents can afford to pay it off but my sweetheart will buy on credit just because she can.

The problem here is that she doesn’t see the problem with it. She thinks it’s normal. She thinks it’s rather smart on her part to do that. And she’s always owing someone. Sometimes, she doesn’t even buy on credit ooo. She’ll just tell you, “Give it to me, I’ll get the money for you when I get home.” Or “I’ll send you Momo later.” Then she would pretend she had forgotten just so it becomes a debt she has to pay later.

We may end up getting married, that’s the plan but this behaviour, when is she going to stop? Or it’s something normal that ladies do and I’m the one getting a headache for something that’s so normal? I can’t wrap my head around it and she doesn’t look like she’s going to stop. What are the options available to me right now if I don’t want to leave her because of that?

Honestly, if this behaviour goes away, she’ll be the perfect woman I want in my life. But currently, hmmm. She’s owing the egg seller for the eggs she bought on Monday and Tuesday. She’s waiting to buy another one on Wednesday, then pay for the Monday one so she would owe the ones she bought on Tuesday and Wednesday. Just look at that.


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