Growing up, I have been known to be a very helpful person at home, and even amongst my peers. I almost always go out of my way to get things done the right way or to mobilize people to get things done efficiently and effectively. However, I noticed along the line that, people tend not to pull their weight when they know that I am around. They know me enough to be assured I will go out of my comfort zone to ensure everything goes right.
In as much as I believe some people genuinely need help, I have realized that others do not appreciate the efforts of people close to them, but rather acknowledge that of strangers. I believe that, when I find myself in a position that can favour or help make life easier for those around me, I would not hesitate to do that. However, those meriting from that advantage seem to take it for granted.
Now to get to the point, I have been very supportive when it comes to the organization of activities of friends and families. I’m even more helpful to my friends. Over the years, I have acquired some knowledge, skills, attitudes, and connections, that have helped broaden my business scope. I have a master’s in Project Management from a very prestigious institution. So I take whatever I put my mind to, very seriously.
As an adult, there have been times I worked full-time in the corporate world, and there were times, I was been unemployed and ventured into a business to earn something for myself. Now, I have decided to take my business seriously and be fully self-employed until I get my dream job.
Due to this, I have had enough time to work on projects, most of which are projects of friends and families. I am into everything events; planning, organizing, coordinating, catering, and managing vendors and all other stakeholders involved in making an event a success.
I have been in this industry for a while now, but it has mostly been a side hustle. Now that I am fully immersed in it, I have realized some friends want everything to be done for them for free. They do not see the business aspect of my dealings with them.
Right from the moment they contact me to work for them, they wouldn’t even include my consultation fees in their budget. They wouldn’t add planning and coordination costs either. They just assume that I am handling that aspect as a friend.
Meanwhile, I pull all my resources together and work for them as I would for a high-paying client. Every opinion or suggestion I give, and the people I bring on board, always play crucial roles in their projects. These are people that under normal circumstances, my friends wouldn’t be able to afford their services.
When it comes to the catering side of my business, I have clear terms and conditions regarding payment boldly written on my invoices, yet, my friends flout the rules. They are the ones who even ask for the most discount, and never pay on time. I have had to deny services to some clients/friends due to their disregard for my terms and conditions.
Sometimes it’s hard for me to turn away some of my clients because they are the ones who bring in the revenue. However, I do not want to build a brand where friends will take my business and resources for granted.
I have thought about my relationship with these friends and I have realized what I have been doing wrong. I never give them an official invoice when they ask for my services, except for the catering service. They usually bring me on board as a friend, and I end up doing all the running around.
My problem here is, I have never helped a friend who has even thought of buying me airtime or data. They give me a list of vendors to contact but they don’t consider how much those phone calls would cost me. I have had to research to get them vendors that fit into their budget and concept. Even if buying airtime for me may seem to be too small for them, none of them have ever bought even a litre of fuel for my car, or even offered to do so.
They would just call or text me saying, “Please, can you meet me in town? I want you to give me a second on something.” Or they would say, “I am meeting a vendor, can you come along?” Sometimes too they ask me to run the errands in their stead. Their reason is, “You have eyes for good things. And you have the heart to handle difficult vendors.”
Initially, I thought I needed them to build my business portfolio, but I have realized that they actually need me more. When I have a meeting with them for the very first time to discuss the progression of events, I realize they have no idea about budgeting, journaling, concept building, or work breakdown structure; I mean, not a single clue on what to do.
I usually offer to help because their naivety puts them up to be exploited by vendors. I really love helping them, no two ways about that. I do that naturally. Ideas flow from my head, and everything comes together so beautifully. All I want is for them to appreciate my efforts.
I have planned and coordinated eleven wedding ceremonies since I started paying attention to this hustle, and it has all been successful. At this point, I can boldly say I am not an amateur, although I still have a long way to go. Recently, I had a misunderstanding with a couple who I can no longer call friends because they didn’t honour the terms of our payment plan.
What even pained me about all this is that I put aside my original catering charges, to accommodate what their budget could cover. Yet, things still went sour between us. Because of them, I have become strict in my dealings on the catering side.
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I want to know, where do I draw the line between business and friendship when most of my clients now are my friends? Honestly, I think I have proven myself enough for people to know I am capable of handling their events flawlessly. I have reached the age where my friends are getting married, and they tend to all ask that I help them with the planning and coordination of their ceremonies. The irony is, that people around me think I am cashing out big time due to all the busyness I find myself in.
I have read books and watched YouTube tutorials on how to be business-minded in my dealings, but I seem to do that better with strangers than with friends. Things become even more difficult when they add me to their team of bridesmaids, whilst I also act as the planner and coordinator. How do I then charge them for the planning services I’m rendering for the entire event?
Is Marriage So Hard For You? | Silent Beads Videos
I sometimes ask myself, “Should I agree to join their bridesmaids or protocol team? Or should I insist on keeping things professional and only go on board as a planner?”
I need to hear what the readers on this page have to say about my situation especially, the ones who are working in the events industry or those who are entrepreneurs. How do you deal with friends and acquaintances when it comes to your business?
As it stands now, I am considering going back to the corporate world if things don’t change. I would hate for that to happen because I have too many hands-on skills and ideas to be wasted seated behind one computer in a corner of an office. However, that option is now looking like a safe place for me.
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Hello Adobea, I believe you have built enough projects for your portfolio. Now, it’s because you do not set the rule right from the start and stand by it. I have been in your shoes, and they compliment you about the fact that you do your job so very well… yet will not show appreciation by ‘sowing seed’ into helping grow your business. These are a few suggestions from a distant sister:
– Option 1: Get someone to do the charging for you. More like a dedicated ‘PA’ (a Choleric person), I mean a persons who is seriously business minded – who knows that at the end of the day, that’s where my pay is going to come from. Make sure to give them his or her number to discuss whatsoever your friends projects are about with him or her. I am blessed and fortunate to have two of my younger siblings take up these roles for me
– Option 2: Friend Ama: Hi Adobea, I need you to plan my upcoming marriage ceremonies for me.
Adobea: Oh wow.. Congratulations Sissy! We shall pop champagne 🍾❤️🥂 God bless your union. So My charge is Ghs4,000.00 half-payment to be done upfront to my momo (024….) or to my business bank account: Ecobank: 20…. Branch is Lapaz. Please do send me a screenshot once you make payment. Thank you so much for choosing Adob’s PM- congratulations. The balance can be paid in two installments – in the middle of the project (which I will send you the date once all payments have been completed and validated. And the second payment to be done at the close to the end of the project.
Final words: after leaving either option 1 or 2. Go offline for a while… or leave the chat when they reply even when you are online- and then you can later respond that you were working on a project that took your attention away from their chat, hence the late response.
You appear to have a servant trait in the context of a Supine (5th Temperament- you may google and read more). Remember to always pray and read about the Parables about Talents… Thank you. ❤️ Much love and all the best. Not sure how we can get in touch, but hopefully, we will.
Hi Adobea, I agree with Ann. That was the same suggestion I was about to make, especially with regards to the first option. I am available to help. I am also a project manager with a passion for event planning. I would like to be your assistant and help you with this problem. Kindly contact me via email at sasoto113@gmail.com and let’s have a discussion. I look forward to hearing from you.
Better still you can check online for this book: *Understanding Human Behavior* by Prof. Samuel Oheneba Dornyo.
Hi Adobea, I wish to congratulate you for charting a new path for silent beads. Mostly, it’s been resolving matters of the heart but I believe that most of us can relate to what you put out, especially those of us offering services – doctors, lawyers, consultants, etc. Imagine receiving a call from a bosom friend that he Hasan erectile dysfunction (lol). Do you charge?
Ann is the Man! I mean with a Capital M. I’d love to read her manual when she publishes. Ann, please give serious consideration to this request. Follow Ann’s recommendations to the T and you’ll be fine! God bless.
Hello Abodea, This is a beautiful write up and I want to commend you on channeling this path so kindly do not give up. We need a lot of ‘you’ in the system to bring hope and direction for those who feel or think they have hit the end of their path. Like the usually saying nothing great comes easy but when well nurtured it blossoms and becomes an imprint for others to follow. I love Ann’s submission as well, I would want to add my voice as well. I believe you are selling value why you have invested a lot and still invest your craft. Value is not for everyone but those who know what is been offered. Jesus Christ preached to a multitude most often but notice that when it came to mysteries of kingdom, it was not for everyone. In conclusion when trying out Ann’s principles and others you will lose people or friends but once the brand is established or well known these same people will want to be afflicted with you so never give up. I’m rooting for you. Best regards with love
I’ve learned something the Hard-Way when I was doing okay not in business though… Don’t mix business with pleasure.
I will say to you, don’t mix business with friendship/family. If you nail it, these same folks will come congratulating you and if you fail…. You know dada.
Now, try get a dicisive & an assertive person as PA to handle your negotiations etc for every client.
Ann has said it “perfectly” well. Try what she suggested or get in touch with her for more tactics in the industry.
Best of luck sis.