My friend slept with my husband and she’s bragging about it just because I dared to be happy about my marriage. We were a group of three. It’s Nancy who decided to go out of her way to do that with my husband. It happened while we were dating.

I didn’t know about it and didn’t even suspect something of that sort had happened between them until we got married and I started posting my wedding pictures and videos. According to Nancy, posting about my wedding was noise and unnecessary drama. She told other friends, “Is she the only one who’s married? Aware papa bɛn that she won’t let our ears rest?”

A friend recorded her and sent the recording to me, warning me to stay away from Nancy. In the recording, Nancy bragged, “This man that we’ve all used that she’s showing off as if she married a prince from heaven.” One girl warned her to be watchful of her words but she retorted, “Let me say it. It’s this kind of nhwiwhɛnim that will make me go and eat him again. I can have him again, trust me.”

I wasn’t angry after listening to the audio. I didn’t even think of asking my husband about it. It’s in the past. It happened when we were not married so I won’t let it disturb my marriage. The fact that she could harbour such hatred about my marriage and still call herself my friend is what baffles me.

I’ve decided to cut her off. Maybe she’s bitter I’m married and she’s not. If that’s the case then I pray God should give her a husband too so she can find rest in her own skin. What’s important to me now is how to nurture this marriage and make it everything I want it to be.

I didn’t marry an angel. I married just a man, a man with all his mistakes and weaknesses. I expect him to falter along the way just as I’ll falter so what Nancy says doesn’t change anything. He takes good care of me and he chose me after sleeping with her. It only means I’m the one he wants. The dogs can bark but the rock won’t shake. This marriage will succeed in Jesus name and she can never come close to us again.

— Abayaa

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