If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.
After Eunice gave me an ultimatum, I felt offended and upset about it, but I also understood that she was being human. I understand that as humans, it is difficult for us to accept change sometimes. So I didn’t try to force my change on her. I just told her, “Let’s not do anything rash at the moment. I will think about your ultimatum. While I do that you should also think about our relationship. Ask yourself if you are sure you want to walk away from me. And let me know your answer so that I can make my decision.” She accepted my terms and we carried on with our relationship as if nothing had happened. We talked about other things but did well to avoid the topic of religion.
For two months we tiptoed around the elephant in the room. We were progressing just fine, until one day, she asked, “When are you free to come and see me? There’s something I want us to talk about.” My anxiety spiked immediately, and I asked her, “What’s on your mind? Let’s talk about it right now.” She said, “Oh, I don’t think it’s appropriate to say it over the phone. Just find time and come and see me.” I became concerned. My mind went to a lot of places. All I could about were the worst-case scenarios, “Is she going to break up with me?” “Did someone lie to her about me?” I tried to coax some answers out of her but she was like a brick wall. She refused to say anything other than, “We will talk when you visit me.”
So I scheduled a date to visit her. I even thought, “What if she is pregnant? Could that be it?” Then I made some calculations and concluded that she wouldn’t be pregnant. I then concluded that whatever she had to say wouldn’t be too serious. However, I prepared my mind for whatever would happen. When the time came for me to visit her, I went. The first thing I asked after I settled down was, “Now that I am here, tell me what you want to discuss with me.” She smiled and said, “There is nothing. I just missed you and wanted to spend time with you.” I knew she could sense my anxiety and was just trying to calm my mind and so I played along.
We prepared my favourite food, rice balls (rice swallow) with groundnut soup. After eating, we lay on the couch and one thing led to the other. We ended up having one of the most beautiful shuperu we had both ever experienced. We lasted for three hours and she teased me that I had been starved for a long time. I teased back, “It’s been almost six months so what do you expect? I’m collecting my overdue debts.” While basking in the afterglow of our intimacy, she told me one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard.
She said, “Dear, from the day I saw you in high school I didn’t like you because of the things I had heard about you. I only accepted your proposal because I was scared of what you would have done to me if I didn’t. You were one of the most feared boys on campus. The fact that you were a prefect and a cadet officer didn’t help matters. Which was why when you stopped talking to me out of the blue, I was relieved. So relieved that when you came back and tried to get close to me again I didn’t allow it. And I kept my distance from you for two years. However, after dating you for a year and a half, I saw who you are; caring, loving, understanding, and my definition of a perfect gentleman and a boyfriend. I’m sorry that I let you go the first time. I want you to know that I am not ready to let you go again. Since we got back together again this year, you have proven beyond reasonable doubt that you love me and will go the extra mile for me, and for that, I say thank you.”
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At this point, I was touched to the point of tears, but she wasn’t done talking. She went on, “I also want to apologize for the way I reacted when you told me about your decision to find God outside the Christian faith. I admit that I didn’t handle it well. I have thought carefully about it and I realize that you have been all that I want in a man and the thought of someone else having you gives me sleepless nights. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my days with you regardless of your faith, if only it’s not going to change who you are. I want you to be true to yourself and to me. You have always supported my decisions and respected my choices but I failed to return the favour, and for that, I am once again, sorry.”
I was silently shedding tears when she apologized for giving me an ultimatum, but she continued her speech regardless; “I know there are a lot of Christians who do horrible things in the name of the religion, but you have been honest with me all along. Thank you for loving me as I am.” After she said all that was on her heart, I was tongue-tied. I sat with her in silence and in tears. When I managed to compose myself I said, “You have no idea how much this means to me. Words cannot express how much my love for you has increased right now.” Then I confessed to her that I shared our story on Silent Beads. She got curious, so we both read the story and the comments that came with it. We kept scores of who got the most comments in their favour. When we tallied the results, most people endorsed her decision to leave me. She smiled wistfully and said, “It’s sad that they don’t know you as I do. If they did, they would have all rallied behind you.”
As far as milestones are concerned, that moment marks a huge milestone in our relationship. I was happy that even though she did not agree with my decision, she respected it enough to give me room to be true to myself. I grinned from ear to ear throughout my journey back home. I kept saying to myself, “I am the luckiest man alive!” With her support and the support of my father, I am ready to embark on my journey to know God for myself. The only person I have to deal with right now is my mother. She is trying so hard to convince me to change my mind. She has even resorted to threats, but that’s a story for another day. My happiness and what I want is my priority at the moment.
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I have realized that doing good and living with certain principles, so long as it’s not against nature, natural law, and good conscience should be enough. Just to clear the air, I believe in the existence of some Supreme Beings who created the universe and what it contains and also manipulate what happens. I also believe that most people believe in the same Creator and have various interpretations of the Creator. I only want to find my understanding of who this Creator is, but I don want to do it through the lens of Christianity or any other religion for that matter.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com