I was doing laundry when a text message popped up on my phone. It read:
“Hello Efua, this is Martin. I’m using a friend’s phone. A role became vacant in the organization I work for, and I know you’d fit perfectly. I’m sending you the link. When you apply, send me your CV so I can follow up from here. And no, you’re not going to work in the same branch as me. Just so you know.”


I read the message over and over again until my wet hands dried up. I sighed, stopped washing, and went inside to check the link. He wasn’t lying. The role was perfect. Knowing the kind of organization he worked for, I knew the salary would be perfect too.

I applied that very day and sent him an email with my CV attached. He didn’t respond to the email. Well, there was nothing to respond to.

Weeks later, I got a call for an interview. When I arrived, I saw him. We walked past each other as if we were strangers. After the interview, I walked past him again and left.

I got the job. Just like he promised, it was in a different branch, far from his. I sent an email to thank him. He responded, “You don’t need to. I owe you more than that.”

I had been dating Martin. We dated for a year, but he never told me he had a child. I got pregnant by him. While I was confused and unsure of what to do, he decided to add salt to my wound. He told me, “We can’t have this. I already have one child with another lady. He’s two. This will complicate everything.”

He was still involved with his baby mama—an allegation he denied—but I knew for a fact that while we were together, he was spending nights with her. He claimed he did it for his child. I don’t have anything against men with children. All I needed was the truth, but he lied.

I didn’t keep the baby, and I didn’t continue the relationship with him. He begged to come back into my life, but I blocked his number and every other way he could reach me. Our conversations ceased until that day when he used his friend’s phone to send me the job link.

He’s the reason I got my dream job. I know he had a hand in it, and I’m always grateful. On his birthday last week, I bought him the latest Apple Watch—the Ultra version. When we were together, he talked about it every day. That thing cost me 90% of my monthly salary, but I thought he was worth it. I sent it through delivery with a note that said, “Thank you very much for everything.”

He called from someone else’s number. He was happy, thankful, and excited. He said, “Unblocking me would have been the perfect gift, but I understand.”

I thanked him once again and ended the call. He’s still blocked. I hold no grudges, but I’m happy to keep him where he belongs.

—Efua Daisy

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