My ex-girlfriend came to my wedding uninvited. I saw her dancing during collection. She wasn’t moving. She jammed up the queue with her slow dance pace. Those who were behind her walked past her, put their money in the collection bowl and left her behind. My wife noticed her and asked if I knew her. I shook my head.

I was restless. I hadn’t seen her in two years. We didn’t talk or exchange messages within those two years. I didn’t know how she got to know about my wedding because after the breakup she blocked me at places I didn’t know existed. I couldn’t access her however hard I tried.

“What’s this girl doing here?”

All through the service I kept my eyes on her, trying to figure out her intentions but didn’t make any wrong move. She kept dancing and walking around until the service was over. She came to the reception. She was on the dancing floor holding a can of malt. I tried to get eye contact with her but she avoided me.

Later in the evening, when the reception was about to end, my best man handed me an envelope. He whispered, “A lady gave it to me. She says you should open it when alone.”

I rushed to the washroom and opened the envelope. It had a GHC100 note and a piece of paper that said, “This is for the food and drink but it’s not over yet.”

We had a very bad breakup and it was due to her bad temper. She didn’t know how to behave when she was angry. It could be in a church or at a seminar. She would let everyone around her know that she was angry.

We got pregnant but were not ready to have the child so I impressed upon her to abort and she did. Since then, every little thing, she would remind me of how she aborted for me and the pain she went through and curse everyone she suspected I was dating.

It was terrible the way she behaved. I couldn’t stand it any longer so I did the honourable thing and called for a breakup. She didn’t take it lightly. She fought on all fronts but I was determined to let her go and I did.

Two years later, at my wedding, she appeared from nowhere to show the world her dancing moves. I didn’t know what the note was about so I called her a day later. I was still blocked. I called on another line and she asked why I was calling. “The note. What was it about?” I asked. She answered, “You’ll know when the time comes. You remember I aborted for you, right?”

Then she cut the call.

I called again. I’d been blocked. When she hears my voice on another line, she cuts the call and blocks my line. I still have the note. I look at it from time to time trying to decode the message. Trying to see if something about the way she wrote it will give me a clue. No clue except confusion and anxiety about what she intends to do.

I don’t know and I don’t know how you may know but I’m going to ask anyway. What does she mean and what does she intend to do? Do you think it’s a good idea for me to travel hours to her place to have a discussion with her? What about my wife, must she know about this?

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