I don’t usually respond to messages in my Facebook inbox. But when Bernard sent me a message I couldn’t ignore him. I don’t know what it was about him that made me decide to talk to him. He was so smooth that I even gave him my number when I wasn’t sure of it.

Later, when he called me I decided I had made a mistake. So I blocked him. I changed my mind again and unblocked him. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done that. I should have listened to my instincts the first time and let him remain blocked.

If I did, then I would have spared myself the trouble of dealing with the nightmare that he is.

While we were talking only via phone, I asked a lot of questions. “Tell me about your family,” I asked. I didn’t know his family so of course, I took everything he said as the truth.

I remember asking if he was married. He said no. “What about children?” He answered, “If I am not married then how will I have kids?” For some reason, I kept repeating this question. And each time, he insisted he didn’t have kids.

The first time we met was when he visited me. The next time I was the one who visited. Nothing prepared me for what I saw when I got there. This man who said he didn’t have any children has four kids. Yes, four!

I was stunned but I remember saying, “Well, women get married to men who don’t have kids but later the men go out and bring home other women’s children.” Besides, I wasn’t looking to marry him yet. I only wanted to get to know him first.

As I got to know him, I realized he was broke. He said it was because he was working on a building project. I was also doing the same for myself so I understood him.

Once in a while, I stepped in to assist him when I saw him struggling. This guy took advantage of my generosity and started asking me for things. He went as far as demanding that I help him finish his house.

How could I do that when I was also building mine? If this man happened to see me or know that I sent money to my mother, he would get angry and throw tantrums. All because I didn’t give that money to him.

I would cook for him with my own money. He would open his mouth and eat to his fill. Then he would complain about the food. “Today I didn’t like the taste. You already know how I like it so why didn’t you do it like that?”

I am a teacher. So on his bad days this man would say to his children in my presence, “Don’t follow in her footsteps. If you grow up to become a teacher, I’ll poison you.” The first time I heard it, I was shocked. I looked at him and thought, “You have something against teachers but here you are, enjoying my food and money.”

It was at this point that I started asking people close to him questions about him. Through my digging, I discovered that Bernard is a love scammer. He goes into relationships with women under the guise of love but it’s all for his financial gain.

I heard from his friends how badly he treated his baby mama. I understood then why she left him with four children. He milks his women dry because he knows they’ll always help him. After this discovery, I didn’t stick around any longer. I left.

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After I broke up with him, I found out I am pregnant. When I told him about it he said, “Okay. I will send you GHC100 a month for child support.” It was small but I didn’t complain. I agreed to accept it. Well, it never came. Not even once.

He is on this page so I know he will see this. Bernard, I’m not upset that you are refusing to take care of your child. God isn’t dead.

The interesting thing is that I found out one of your four kids isn’t yours. You didn’t do DNA test so you don’t even know. Very soon, I hope it comes to light that even all the children are not yours.

You think you are punishing me but God is in control. I am doing well. Pregnancy looks so good on me. As for you, you will get what is coming to you. I wish you well.

— Livie

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