More than a year ago when we were together, I asked him to help me buy a phone and he agreed. The phone I had was breaking apart and he saw it. Today the ‘K’ will not work. Tomorrow, ‘K’ will work but you have to slap the phone a thousand times before K will work. Some days the phone will start calling my contacts unprovoked. If you try to stop it, it will go off and not come again.

I wasn’t working so times were hard. When he promised to help, I relied heavily on his promise but he failed me. The excuses became one too many until the phone gave up completely. For more than a week I didn’t have a phone. I fell on a friend who gave me her old phone. The screen was cracked but it was better than a phone that can begin to call contacts unprovoked.

My boyfriend couldn’t give me the phone but I didn’t hold it against him. It wasn’t easy, that was why I couldn’t buy it for myself so I didn’t expect it to be easy for him to buy it. We continued dating. I loved him the best way I knew how but he felt inadequate. He told me someone with money would come for me. Anytime something happened between us and we fought, he blamed it on his inability to get me a new phone. I wasn’t complaining but he found a way to feel guilty.

We broke up. One of those incessant fights broke us up. I couldn’t handle his insecurity and micromanagement of every step I took. I walked away. He said, “I know it’s about the phone but you won’t say it.” I chuckled and walked away never to return to him again.

It’s been over a year. I’m in a new relationship and according to the stories from the grapevine, he’s also in a new relationship. I have a job now so I saved to buy myself a new phone.

Days ago, I came home to meet a package. I opened the package and saw a phone. iPhone 13 with a cover note that reads, “This is the phone I couldn’t buy a year ago. I hope it makes you happy.” He ended the note with his name.

I called his phone but it didn’t go through. I tried to reach his phone all evening but couldn’t get through. I called his phone with another number and it went through. Meaning, I’d been blocked.

I cut the call before he could pick up. He called back but I also didn’t pick up. The phone is here, still sealed in the box. I’m asking what will make an ex behave this way. We didn’t talk after the breakup. Not even a text to say hello but he appeared out of nowhere to give me a phone. It sounds weird—more weird because he blocked me afterwards. I feel he’s up to something—something sinister, maybe.

Should I keep the phone or send it back?

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