He told me my boyfriend was lucky to have a woman like me. I didn’t have a boyfriend. I hadn’t dated in more than a year, so I told him I didn’t have one. He was quite shocked and didn’t believe me. I joked that I wished there was an app to detect when a girl last dated.
“A beautiful girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend?” he asked. “Are you trying to tell me that the men around you don’t have eyes?”
The conversation went on for days. Finally, he proposed, and I accepted. This guy made it seem like he didn’t deserve someone like me. When people complimented him on having me as his girlfriend, he would respond, “I’m even amazed she said yes to me.”
It was all fun and lovely until one night when he called, and it went to call waiting. He interrogated me like a detective questioning a criminal.
“Who is he?”
“What were you guys talking about?”
“Why did he call at night? What was he doing during the day?”
He concluded I had a secret boyfriend I was hiding from him. He even suggested that the guy was abroad and would someday come to take me away.
At that point, we hadn’t had sex. He had tried, and I’d said no several times. This seemed to feed into his insecurities. He claimed I was saying no because I had another boyfriend and was just using him to pass the time while waiting for “the love of my life.”
To ease his insecurities and prove I was truly committed to him, I agreed to have sex. It happened at my place the first time, and the next day, at his place. But when I was leaving his place that day, he didn’t even see me off. He just sat on the sofa playing games while I said goodbye.
That was the last time we had a proper conversation. He stopped picking up my calls like he used to. When he replied to my texts, his responses were short and dismissive. When I confronted him about his behaviour and asked for a change, he said, “I know you have a boyfriend, and you’re just using me to pass the time. Go to him. I can’t do this anymore.”
How a Long-Distance Relationship Unveiled His Double Life
I don’t understand what a man could see or imagine that would make him conclude a single woman like me isn’t truly single. My friends confirmed to him that I was single. I even gave him my phone to go through, hoping it would earn his trust, but nothing worked. He still believed there was someone else in my life, simply because, in his mind, “beautiful women are never single.”
How does that make sense? Or was it just a strategy to dump me after getting what he wanted? I can’t understand this. Hmmm.
— Malie
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This should tell you that you are selling yourself short. Go and assess yourself. Ask yourself what you want in a man and reflect on the qualities of the men you’ve dated in the past. If you have insecurities about yourself, it will even reflect in the kind of people you say yes to.
Don’t worry your head. Please move on. You can’t force people to believe you.
He is an insecure man. Leave him to look for D-Claas women to date.
So yooou wanted him as serious boyfriend.
He can’t be so move on