I don’t have a problem when I see my boyfriend in the company of other women. Whether they are old friends, work colleagues, or new connections, it doesn’t bother me. All I ask is that he tells me about these women in his life. Once I know who he is spending time with or talking to, my mind will be at rest.

They say when you truly love someone, you are not too pleased with the idea of sharing them with another person or other people. You are supposed to feel jealous when they are talking to someone else who is not you. You are not supposed to feel at peace when you know they are out and about hanging out with others and you are not present to watch them. I didn’t know who made these rules as the mark of true love but that is what I hear.

As sure as the next sunrise and sunset, I am certain of my love for Peter. I know I don’t want to lose him but I also don’t worry about someone snatching him from me. Whatever he tells me about his female friends, I just tell him, “I know I am your girlfriend but see me as one of your buddies. I want you to feel comfortable enough to tell me things. Even if something happens between you and another girl, I want to know about it. It is when I don’t know and I find out in another way that I will be troubled.” At first, he understood.

He has been as open with me as possible. I was so sure that what we have works perfectly for us until he came to me recently with some concerns. These are thoughts his female friends planted in his head. They told him that if I truly loved him, I would feel jealous of his friendship with them. “They are saying the way you seem unbothered when you see me interacting with other women is not a good thing,” he said. I understand where he is coming from but I am also surprised that he is listening to others instead of concentrating on us.

I explained to him, “I am not jealous of your female friends because they were in your life before I came into the picture. If you wanted to date one of them, you would have done it. So the fact that you are with me is because I am the one you want.” “What about crushes then?” he asked, “you don’t get upset when I tell you I have a crush on someone. If you loved me, you wouldn’t be so calm about those moments.”

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In all my life, and I am currently in my mid-twenties, I must say that I never thought that not being the jealous type would pose a problem in a relationship. Don’t people rather consider it a red flag when someone is being jealous and possessive? So why is my love for this guy being questioned just because I don’t exhibit these unhealthy traits?

I had to tell him, “Just because we are in a relationship doesn’t mean you are on death row. You are allowed to have crushes on other women. These things are human emotions and they happen without warning. It is how you deal with them that matters. It’s easier to give in to the temptations when you keep them to yourself. That’s why I ask that you tell me about all of it.” After all this talk we’ve had, he is still not satisfied. He has complained bitterly on two occasions.

At this point, the only way I can convince him of my love is if I get angry when I see him talking to other women. His friends have told him that maybe I have a backup boyfriend. According to them, that’s why I don’t seem to care. But that’s not true. I don’t have another man anywhere. I am just not the possessive or jealous type.

Must I cage my boyfriend just because he is in a relationship with me? Is he not allowed to have friends of the opposite sex or admire them because he has a girlfriend? I want him to be himself as long as he is transparent about his dealings. Isn’t this love too? Or I am asking for too much?

— Queen

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