He said he loved me and I believed him. I didn’t write him off despite the fact that he was struggling when I met him. If anything, I was ready to love him with my all. I wanted to be his pillar in times of need. Anything to make him happy.
For some reason, nothing I did was enough to satisfy him. Meanwhile, he had nothing. He worked as an Uber driver but always complained he was broke. It didn’t bother me. I was always by his side with some extra cash to keep him afloat.
He lived near a cemetery when we started dating. He claimed he was fine with the place but I hated it. It made it difficult for me to visit him.
Because of that, I convinced him to move into the spare room at my house without my mother’s knowledge. He left early for work before my mother woke up. And he returned very late, at a time my mother wouldn’t be up. That’s how come she never found out. And it worked out for both of us.
Along the line, my mother moved out and gave the house to my aunt. We couldn’t risk my aunt discovering his presence in the house. So I helped him rent a new place, and we both moved in together.
That was when his true colours came to light.
He started treating me as if I meant nothing to him. He spoke to me disrespectfully and was always ready to pick a fight with me. But that was not even the worst of it.
This guy cheated on me multiple times with different women. He went as far as giving my number to these girls so they would call and insult me. I should have left then but I felt I had given too much of myself to him to walk away. So I stayed.
He only changed when he lost the car he was using for his job. Once again, I felt bad for him and tried to help him. I reached out to a friend who helped him get another car to use for Uber.
One day he came home battered and bruised. Some people had attacked him and taken his money. They wanted the car too but they didn’t succeed so they smashed it up. I had to step in and lend him money to fix the car.
Our relationship has always been like this anyway. He came to me every time he needed some money. I would give it to him on condition that he would pay it back. Well, he never pays so the money keeps piling up. Now, he is refusing to pay.
Things are looking good for him again so he is back to his cheating ways. As always, he doesn’t hide it. He calls his other women and talks to them in my presence.
We got in a fight about his behaviour the other day and it was really crazy. We were in public but he didn’t care. He insulted me and humiliated me in front of the people present. “I want you gone,” he screamed, “pack your bags and leave.”
“I am not going anywhere,” I retorted, “not unless you pay me all the money you owe me.”
He laughed and said, “I won’t pay a dime and there’s nothing you can do about it.” He said even if I reported him to the police it wouldn’t go anywhere.
After the fight, I got a phone call from an unknown number. The person warned me, “Your boyfriend is planning to move in with another woman so be careful.”
READ ALSO: She’s Claiming My House In Court While I Divorce Her For Cheating
He and the other woman are already looking for a place to rent. They don’t plan to buy anything to furnish the room. His plan is to wait for me to leave for work one day, so he can empty our apartment and move the stuff I paid for, to his new place and enjoy them with his new woman.
This is driving me crazy. He owes me a lot, and I don’t want him to take anything from me in addition to the money he hasn’t paid.
I Never Paid Fees Again Until I Completed School
Does anyone here know how I can report him and get my money back? He has already said the police won’t do anything to him. Maybe he has someone in the service to pull strings for him. I am not sure about that but I need justice.
I’m in so much pain, and I don’t know what to do. Please, I need help.
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Report him to the police for action and don’t pity him again.He is taking advantage of your calmness for him he deserves to be dealt with.
Report him to the police ASAP. Get them to help you evict him from the place and change the locks. When your rent expires, relocate…..and if possible, get a restraining order against him.