He left me in his house to attend an official function he said was going to last for a few hours. I was alone in the house and was feeling bored so I decided to do something with my life. When I looked around, the only thing that needed fixing was the cleanliness of his place. A lot of cobwebs and a lot of things were in places they didn’t need to be.

While cleaning the cobwebs, I put the brush behind the mounted TV to clean the accumulated dirt behind the TV. I didn’t know what happened. Suddenly, the TV came off the wall and hit the ground, breaking the screen and also hitting my leg in the process.

I was in severe pain but looking at the broken screen filled me with horror. “What is he going to say? Is he going to be angry and scream at me? Who even sent me to clean this place?”

I didn’t get any ointment to put on my swollen leg so I lay on the sofa thinking about what to do next. I called him on the phone but he didn’t pick up. I texted him, “Something bad just happened. My leg is swollen and your TV screen is broken.”

“Do you know how much I bought the TV? It better be a joke,” came the response.

I told him everything through a text and concluded; “The way it happened, I think your TV wasn’t fixed well.”

He didn’t say a word until he got home. When he saw the TV he screamed, “So you’re not joking. Do you know how long that TV had been hanging there? Are you the one to tell me it wasn’t well fixed?”

I was walking with a limp but he didn’t care. He told me, “It’s simple. You have to buy a new TV for me. I can’t let this go.”

My swollen leg didn’t matter. It was all about the broken TV. I told him I didn’t have money. He asked me to give him a time frame. I didn’t. We fought over this until it got so bad we had to break up. It’s been over two months. The last time he called he told me he would make it a police case. I told him, “Please do. I’m home they can come and arrest me.”

I haven’t heard from him since then. I’m here, waiting for the day he would come with the police. I don’t know what the law says but I don’t have money to replace that giant TV. I don’t even own one.

— Sally

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