I was out of a job for two years. My boyfriend was there for me. He gave me some allowance and when I needed something, he came in to help. Aside from that, he was the one who encouraged me to stay strong and look at the face of God for a miracle.
One day, he gave me a man’s number and asked me to call because the man had agreed to help me get a job.
I called this man in my boyfriend’s presence and he asked me to see him in his office the following day. It was my boyfriend who drove me to meet this man. He’s Ferdinand. When we got there, my boyfriend left because he had to go to the office.
I was in Ferdinand’s office for several hours and he didn’t tell me anything. He would enter and leave. He came to pick up certain files and left again. I didn’t see him again until an hour later. He said he was going for lunch and left again. He came back an hour later. I even slept.
When he finally settled, he took me to his car and drove me to another company he said belonged to a friend. All he said was, “I’ve spoken to the HR. I’m positive they’ll pick you but add prayers too.”
Four days later, I was called that I’d gotten the job.
“Come and see what the Lord has done. Come and see what the…” I took my phone and called my boyfriend that I’d gotten the job. He didn’t sound enthused. I repeated, “I’ve gotten the job or you didn’t hear me?” He said a lousy “We thank God” and asked when I was starting.
A month later, my boyfriend is accusing me of sleeping with Ferdinand for a job. This guy was on me for over three good hours trying to extract “the truth” from me. I screamed, “I didn’t do anything with him. That guy didn’t even talk to me that much. You gave him to me so why would I turn back and sleep with him? Does it even make sense?”
I don’t know what he heard and I don’t know if it’s about trust issues between him and Ferdinand but he still insists I did something with Ferdinand. When I asked what he heard or how he came to that conclusion his answer was, “You think I was born yesterday?”
Our relationship is collapsing because of this suspicion. I’ve tried. I can’t also go to Ferdinand and ask him to talk to my boyfriend about it. It’s even embarrassing. I don’t know what to do but I know I don’t want to lose him. He has helped me a lot and he’s a kind guy. How do I salvage this situation? Please tell me.
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Dear, ur situation is a tough one but why dont arrange a date between the three of u to have a conversation about this so that u can ask ur boyfriend friend right in front of ur boyfriend and u sitting there face to face the same question ur boyfriend has been asking u and listen to the answer he will give whelter he will be telling ur boyfriend the truth or not right in front of u and decide whether u want to continue with the relationship or not and if that work I will advise u to leave the relationship and concentrate on your life and career cos u can’t kill ur self sake of a guy
Sorry and if doesn’t work like I stated earlier u can do what I said earlier
My dear, it’s either your boyfriend has trust issues with you or with his friend. Unless you left a detail of the story you’ve told us out, don’t kill yourself over this. Whatever truth is there to tell, you’ve told your boyfriend, so I don’t know what other truth he’s looking for. Sometimes we don’t end up with the people that help us get through situations. He’s helped you so much and I’m sure you’re grateful for that. If his own trust issue is tainting the relationship now, there’s very little to nothing you can do at this point. Don’t force any relationship. If because of this, the relationship goes south and he comes to learn the truth some day, he’ll advice himself moving forward. Don’t sweat over this please
Don’t admit to something you have not done. Give yourself a break from the relationship and if he loves you enough, he will come back to you. If he doesn’t it was not meant to be.
I’m guessing he has trust issues or Ferdi had “chopped” his meat in the past. Lol
Prove your innocence for the last time. If he doesn’t take it, sit back and watch what he does with the relationship. If he doesn’t want to lose you, he’ll come and iron things out.
Also, pocket this advice. I learnt it from snr corporate man through this similar issue. Whenever you go for such a meeting, keep updating the one who asked you to go meet the other person via WhatsApp or text especially when the person you supposed to meet doesn’t have time and kept going up & down.
I’m sure your bf is thinking something happened looking at how long you kept in Ferdinand’s office.