I work as a nanny in a mansion in Accra. My madam asked what I would like to do with my life. “I want to be a hairdresser,” I told her. The next thing I knew, she had enrolled me in an apprenticeship. This family has been good to me throughout my four-year stay here.
My boyfriend went for my marriage list the other day. We’ve been preparing for marriage since then. This is where I sensed something unpleasant with my boss. She wants me to stay with her a little longer. So she wasn’t excited about my engagement at first. However, I believe she has gotten on board with the idea now.
Two months ago my madam’s brother died. We buried him last month. Before the burial, she brought out one of her kente to be used to cover the casket. After the burial, she gave the kente to me as a gift. I was wowed.
I remember asking her if the kente was not used at the burial. She said no, they forgot to use it. The mistake I made was I didn’t go and look at the corpse so I believed her. I accepted the kente and wrapped it as though it was new.
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A few days ago, we were going to town when she asked me to look at the funeral pictures. You won’t believe what I saw. The kente she said wasn’t used at the funeral was lying on the corpse. Not even the casket but the corpse. I’m pained. If I had known how it was used, I would have handled things differently.
Ah well, I didn’t know then what I know now. I took that kente innocently but now that the truth has come to light, I need help deciding what to do with the kente. I know for the life of me that I can’t use it.
Men Don’t Like It When Women Do The Paying
If I can’t use it then should I throw it away? Is it right to discard it? What if it upsets the ghost and he harms me? I have contemplated returning it to her. My boyfriend doesn’t support that decision. “If someone gives you a gift and you return it to them, it’s disrespectful.”
Here lies the case where I cannot in good conscience gift it to another person. So what do I do with it now? I don’t like having it in my possession. The thought of it alone gives me sleepless nights. I need urgent counsel. What do I do with this gift that’s giving me nightmares?
— Rebecca
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Burn the kente. Pray over yourself against the spirit of premature death and against all attacks against your destiny and your upcoming marriage. Pray against evil wishes of your employer against you. Nullify and cancel them with the blood of Jesus. Do not stay with her any longer. She does not want you to progress in life. Leave her house. The Lord is your Deliverer. Only His plan for your life shall stand. You are more than a conqueror.
Let your Pastor and prayer warriors also Pray seriously over you to break the yokes and curses from that kente.
Some people are selfish and wicked. You can sell the kente and buy one that looks like it to prevent any suspicion from her end . Don’t let your man know about your intention to sell it . Do it quietly. From there be wary about your employer and intensify your prayers. If possible end things with her. She is dangerous. Besides she didn’t enroll you in school out of good will .she did it so as to chain you to her or simple as a form of buying you. Now that you know make sure to do away with it.
return it pls
Just give it back to her. Tell her you have been having bad dreams about it.
Just return it to her. And tell her the truth, that you noticed that it was the one used to cover her brother’s corpse. Also what is usually done with kente after it is used to cover a corpse? Is it buried with the corpse, burnt or thrown away, washed and refused? This would also determine your madam’s intentions towards you. Although I doubt that she’s done something diabolical to you. Few people would go that far to keep a nanny.
I agree with Reg. Be upfront with your boss. Why do things on her blind side or that of your boyfriend when you have done nothing wrong? Show her the picture and tell her why you cannot accept it, without accusing her of anything. Have you also considered the possibility that there may be 2 different cloths with the same design. Give her the benefit of the doubt. Confront her boldly but calmly. The truth will be revealed and if it is true that the cloth she gave you was actually what was used for the corpse return it to her and let bygones be bygones.
I suggest u bury it like they buried the dead.
I suggest u bury it like they buried the dead.