I didn’t do it. No matter how strongly she came at me, I am too loyal to my marriage and my friendship with Kumi to desire his wife. So even if I felt persuaded by her, I couldn’t have done it. I am also thankful that the readers were supportive when they saw my post. I read the comments and found guidance in some of the counsel I received.

I was working up the courage to have a conversation with Kumi about his wife’s request when he called me that we should meet for drinks after work. This was two weeks after her last persuasion. When I didn’t hear from her, I thought she had given up. However, when I heard from her husband, I concluded that Kumi had decided to take the matter up with me directly.

I was filled with anxiety as I agreed to meet with him. I kept replaying his words, “There is something important I want to discuss with you.” I wondered what he wanted to talk about. Did he find out about his wife’s messages and blamed me for it? Did he already know about her attempts and want to add his voice to hers? Or is he ready to open up about his problem? These questions haunted me throughout the day.

When we finally met, I didn’t address anything. I kept the conversation safe and discussed the weather and other general issues. He was the one who finally steered the conversation in the direction of his marriage. And to my surprise, it went on a tangent I did not even think about. I was completely thrown off when he said, “Thank you for covering my shame. You are a true friend.” I was confused.

“What are you talking about ?” I asked him. This message of his was just too vague. I asked him to clearly state what he meant but he was determined not to speak in plain language. All he said was, “The doctor said she has taken seed.” At this point, I heaved a sigh of relief and started singing praises to God. “Bro, this is why I always ask you to keep the faith alive. There is nothing too hard for God,” I said as I clapped his back to congratulate him.

While I was acting like a miracle had happened, my friend shook his head and said, “Bro, why are you acting like this thing happened magically? We both know how it happened.” I shook my head innocently and told him that I didn’t know what he was talking about but he just laughed. “How did it happen?” I probed. He raised his eyebrows and gave me a knowing laugh. I was even more confused when he said, “Masa, stop pretending. I know what you did and it’s okay. I am even thankful to you for it.”

It all became clear to me then that he didn’t feel comfortable saying to my face the words, “Thank you for getting my wife pregnant.”

We departed that night with joy in his heart whilst I was left with so many questions. I called his wife several times on my way home but she didn’t pick up my calls. I sent her messages on WhatsApp but it ticked only once.

When I got home, I called her with my wife’s second number. She quickly picked up. As soon as I said “Hello,” she hung up. The fact that she was blatantly avoiding me made the whole situation more confusing.

READ ALSO: The Day His Mother Moved In Was The Day Peace Left Our Home

While I pondered over her pregnancy, and why Kumi would think I was responsible, she called the next day and demanded a meeting. I went to see her armed with questions. She didn’t lie to me. She admitted that she was indeed pregnant and it was not her husband’s. “You don’t know the man responsible and neither does he. As far as he is concerned, that man does not exist.” I asked her to come clean to her husband and she shook her head vigorously saying, “No, I can’t. He thinks the baby is yours and he is happy about it. So if you are truly his friend, you will make sure he never finds out the truth.” No way.

There is no way I am keeping this secret. She knows where I stand so she calls to tell me she is experiencing depression because it is the early stages of pregnancy. I know she is just trying to manipulate me. If I feel bad for her then I would keep her secret. That must be what she is thinking. But she should rest.

Kumi could not openly tell me what he meant about his wife’s pregnancy so I have also decided to mind my business for now. I am waiting for the woman to have the baby first. After that, I will make sure the truth comes out. The way he was so sure I did it, something tells me he won’t just take my word for it. Maybe because it’s important to him that I am the one. So he wouldn’t even recognize the truth if it’s staring him in the face. That’s why I plan to request a DNA test if it comes to it.

I know the truth will hurt him but she will have the baby they so desperately want by then. And maybe, just maybe, he will accept the child and forgive his wife for her deception. For now, he is an expectant father. He tries to update me on the progress of the pregnancy. He texts me often to talk about how only a month-old pregnancy is giving his wife a whole lot of trouble. I know she is exaggerating her symptoms in an attempt to get to me so I would keep quiet about what she did. Well, I am not doing it. When the time comes, the truth will come to light. I am just bidding my time.

— Kobby

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