Kumi and I have been best friends since we were toddlers running around causing mischief in napkins. There’s not a thing about him that I don’t know. He also knows everything there is to know about me. We are the human definition of two peas in a pod.
When we were boys, Kumi suffered an accident around his groin. They took him to the hospital and he returned to us whole. I never thought there was any permanent damage done to that part of his body. He didn’t mention or complain about anything relating to that aspect either. As teenagers and young adults, we dated.
We talked about our little escapades. He knows exactly what I like in women. He knows what turns me on and what turns me off about them. I always knew he had a healthy sex life as well. When he met a woman he was sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, I was there by his side through it all. You would even think I was the one getting married on his wedding day. I was so happy for my brother. Although we are not related by blood, our bond is as thick as the bond brothers share so I call him my brother.
Now, this is where things got quite interesting. Or maybe I should say weird. I am saying this because Kumi’s wife sent me a message out of the blue complaining about their problems in the bedroom. She said, “Kobby, your brother doesn’t finish when we have intimacy. No matter how long we go at it, he never ejaculates. How are we going to ever have kids if this continues? He said it happened because of an accident he suffered as a child. Do you have any suggestions for us to overcome this problem?”
It was the first time I had heard about this particular problem. I thought we shared everything but it turned out this was something he couldn’t talk to me about. He is so confident that no one knows his problem that he goes about his business happily and confidently. I’m not an expert at these things but I suggested a few things off the top of my head for her to try. One of them includes masturbation. “Tell him to play with himself so that when he is about to cum, he puts it inside you.” That didn’t work. Nothing I suggested worked.
She said they could do it for the whole day but he would remain unfinished. They went to the hospital for several checks and solutions. The doctors have done everything possible but there seems to be no definite solution for this condition. It seems it’s a rare thing so there’s still research going into it. It would take time before something comes out of it.
While I am doing everything possible to help him through his wife, Kumi has been inviting me to his house frequently these days. It’s not the invites that bother me. It’s the way his wife dresses when I get there. She would parade in front of me in beautiful and short nightgowns. The kind that I like. Kumi knows it turns me on when women wear black underwear. So I was surprised that he didn’t budge every time his wife displayed her black lingerie in my presence.
Instead of complaining or acting uncomfortable, my brother would receive an emergency phone call, and then leave. Every time I go there this happens. Different designs, each one provocative in their own style. And he always drives off leaving me alone with her.
When I noticed what was going on, I always came up with excuses not to go over there again. That was when his wife sent me messages saying that Kumi wants me to get her pregnant. When she said this I told her, “There’s no need for that. I did some research and found a surgery that can correct the condition.” She answered that her husband suffered from the trauma long ago, so it was too late for for any corrective surgery.
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She was upfront about what they wanted from me. “All we want from you is a baby,” she requested. I just couldn’t fathom it. I planned to have a conversation with Kumi man-to-man, but I don’t know how to go about it considering that he hasn’t said a word about this to me.
I told his wife that I can’t do it. There are more what-ifs than there are answers. How am I going to pretend for the rest of my life when I see a baby that I know is mine yet act as if it’s not? Will I be able to look Kumi in the eyes and ask about his family when I know what I did with his wife?
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I have explained this to her but she sends me voice notes every day crying. Sometimes she would send me photos of herself in lingerie. All of it is not good for my mental health. I am sharing this story because I know she might see it. I don’t have anyone else to talk to about this. That’s why I’m hiding behind the anonymity this page has provided to address this issue.
Madam, I hope you see this and know that you are putting me in an uncomfortable position. If she doesn’t see it too, I am hoping the readers here would give me advice on how to handle this issue as best as possible. I know Kumi is a friend in need but I am a friend indeed so I can’t do what his wife wants.
— Kobby
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If they are that desperate, they should go to a fertility clinic for sperm from an anonymous donor. Suggest that to her Never do it for them. It is sin in the eyes of God and you will live to regret it
Of course, you can’t do such a crazy thing. Help them financially to go to a fertility clinic and get sperms anonymously. They have sperm bank, those clinics.
Don’t heed to pressure. If you do it you will regret it. It might lead to bitterness and hatred between you and your best friend. Tell them to pray , adopt or try artificial insemination. Most importantly chose your mental health over everything. If they won’t listen do the needful. Many couples are still together despite not having children.
You will lose this friend who you say is a brother for ever and bring too many other issues upon yourself. Please don’t. Fertility clinic holds there solution.
Find the courage and talk to your friend about it
And just tell him you can’t,if it is a child they want,they can even adopt.
Don’t give in to the woman’s pressure.
Be careful my brother. You are treading on dangerous grounds.
When push comes to shove, pls stay hidden or block them off if you need to.
You seem to have little idea of the varying consequences. The adverse effects are countless.
In a world where Satan remains blood thirsty, don’t become one of his victims.
Choose peace and sanity over adultery.
This pressure is more from the woman than your friend. When a woman is desperate, logic is thrown into the garbage
Spirituality aside, you are a man blessed with logical reasoning like we all. Sit down and critically analyse all the possible outcomes.
The next time you realise, she’ll be knocking at your door with that lingerie of hers If you remain tolerant.
Save yourself and that of your future wife any problem
God be with you