I was on the phone with my ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. She called to verify some facts about her new boyfriend.

I dated this ex for two years and had a son with him, a son he hadn’t bothered to look for or take care of. He was good to me when we were together. It’s the conception of my son that showed a different side of him.

When I told him about it, he acted cool and made me believe it was OK. Days later, his mother called me. She told me her son wasn’t ready for a child so I shouldn’t dream of making him one. When I tried to explain my side to her, she screamed, “I don’t want to hear anything. Just do what you have to do.”

So I did what I had to do. I gave birth to a boy who looks like him. They didn’t come to name the child and didn’t do anything to show they were interested in us. He doesn’t even know how our baby looks like only for his new girlfriend to call me and start asking questions.

She asked if I was still in his life and how close I was with him because she didn’t want baby mama drama. I told her, “I haven’t seen this man or talked to him in two years so I’m amazed you’ll ask me about him.”

Again, she asked about our kid and the role he plays in the kid’s life. I was getting angry at this point. I asked her, “Did he tell you that he had a kid with me? Please we don’t have a child. He’s lying to you.”

He called. Someone I hadn’t talked to in two years called that very day apologizing for everything and begging me to tell the lady the truth. He said he was ready to be a responsible dad to our child and ready to pay for everything I’d lost since pregnancy. I asked him, “It’s your new girlfriend pressuring you to do all that? Or it’s genuinely from you?”

He answered that question poorly but I got the answer I was looking for the next time the lady called. According to the girl, until he made amends with me and the child, she wouldn’t be in a relationship with him. She doesn’t want the past to bite them in the future.

Building the Perfect Relationship| Chat & Chuckles Ep15

It left me wondering if my ex could do all that for a woman, did he love me? He left his own son for two years only to appear because a woman said so? Thinking about it makes me hurt. I’ve done this for two years already. I can do it for the rest of my life. He doesn’t have a child with me and there’s no way back into our lives. I’ve told him that and I’ve promised him we will never come to him for anything in the future so he should rest and live his life.

Am I being unreasonable?


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