I’m an SHS graduate living with my maternal aunt. She and her husband are well to do and I’m here to help them so they can help me go to school. My aunt was kind to me until I told her that her husband had made an attempt on me.

She wasn’t home. I’d finished bathing and was in my room dressing up. My door flung open and her husband walked in. I was totally naked so I rushed to pick a cloth to cover myself. He said softly; “I love what I’m seeing. Please don’t cover up. I’ll give you whatever you want.”

I covered up all the same. He drew nigh and held my shoulders while whispering in my ears. When he made an attempt on my body, I kicked with my elbow and broke free from his grip. Luckily for me, my aunt’s first son entered the house and started talking. He was my saving grace.

That same evening, I told my aunt what happened. You should have seen the angst in her eyes when she warned me never to say that again. “If I hear that from you ever again or from anyone, that will be the end of you.”

I called my mom and told her the same thing. She whispered, “Who else have you said this to?” When I said no one, she told me, “Don’t ever mention this to anyone, not even your aunt or else they’ll drive you away and you know there’s no future here for you.”

She advised me to protect myself from him; lock my doors and try not to be alone with him. I can try but I’m not sure of the success. I feel no one is going to protect me when the worst happens. This man looks at me lustfully. I feel the scorch of his eyes when I walk past him. I can’t sleep well and am always in a hurry to leave the bathhouse.

Building the Perfect Relationship| Chat & Chuckles Ep15

While he watches lustfully, my aunt watches me with fire in her eyes. I feel like a prey to both of them. My aunt’s husband will pounce to lay me bare on the floor. My aunt will come for my carcass and discard it. What do I do? Should I throw my future in the air and run back home?


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