If you haven’t read the first part of this story, here’s the link. Kindly read it before starting this one.

All of a sudden Adjoa started asking questions—weird questions like “You told me you sent that TV for repairs. How come you couldn’t bring it back?” I looked at her face. She didn’t look like she needed an answer to that question. Her lips kept twisting. It looked like she had more questions coming up. I asked her, “That was so many weeks ago. Why are you bringing it up now?” She answered, “It just occurred to me that you said the TV got spoilt. It also occurred to me that the TV didn’t come back again. I’m only wondering.” I told her, “The repairer said something on the board had crashed. He got a replacement but it was so expensive I decided to get rather buy a new TV.”

“Where did you send the TV?”

I stood still for a while. “Why are you asking me all these questions? What’s the direction?”

I’ve always had an escape plan when I don’t want to answer difficult questions from her. I will blow the issue out of proportion so I can get angry and walk away from the scene. Later, I will call and tell her, “If you think you don’t trust me, then we better not do this. How can you be in a relationship with someone and not trust him?” Most often she’ll apologize. She would soften up and tell me it’s not going to happen again. I was in a tight corner, so I resorted to that antics. “Why are you asking me all these questions? Did I ask you for money when the TV got spoilt? What will you do if I show you where I sent it to? Will you go for it and repair it yourself? Don’t ask me questions that will make me angry.”

She stood akimbo, tapping her foot. She knew something I didn’t know. When I walked away from the scene, I called Jerry; “Man, have you told Adjoa anything about that night when we went to the party?” He said, “No I haven’t. I don’t even remember the last time I saw her or spoke to her.” 

“If Jerry hasn’t spoken to her then who would?” I asked myself. 

Usually, when we fight, she would be the first to call but after that argument, she didn’t call me until I did. I asked her what was wrong and she said, “I still want to know where you sent the TV.” We had an argument again and this time she was the one who cut the line. “Eiish Adjoa has grown wings? Now she cuts calls on me?” We didn’t talk for days. I was the one getting scared because I didn’t want to lose her. I sent her a long text asking why she wants to know about the TV and where I sent it. She read the message and left me on blue tick.

It got me thinking; “Has she met the girl? Who could have told her about the TV? I haven’t spoken about the incident with anyone so how could she know or suspect anything?” These questions brought up more questions than answers. Finally, I decided to be a man and open up to her. I went to her house one evening; “That TV was stolen. Sorry, I lied about it.” She smiled but didn’t say anything. I continued, “Yeah, that’s about it. Unless you have more questions to ask.” She asked, “Who stole the TV?” I screamed, “What do you mean who stole the TV? If I knew who did, would I have bought a new one?”

She said, “You spent a night with a girl in your room. The next day, you returned from work and realized things in your room had vanished, including the TV. I gave you the opportunity to come clean but you never did. You rather chose to be angry about my questions. That’s fine. I don’t control your life. I can’t tell you what to do with it or who to spend your time with. I can only decide what to do with my own life so I’ve decided to live it without you. We are over. Go after that girl. You love her too, right?”

She walked away when I had a lot to say and a lot to ask. She wouldn’t pick my calls and she wouldn’t reply to my messages. The biggest question on my mind never got answered; “Where did she get that information from? Did she meet the girl? Was it something she planned with the girl?” She blocked my number and blocked me on Whatsapp. The only way I could reach her was to go to her house. Each time I went there, she slammed the door on my face. I knew the end has come. We didn’t talk for two months. Jerry called her but she didn’t pick. Minutes later, she blocked him and blocked him on Whatsapp too. I moved on. 

I was at a friend’s wedding reception last month when the MC called the first table to go for their food. A lady walked across my face. The way she walked briskly in a high heel drew my attention to her. I looked at her face. She looked familiar. She was wearing a dark spectacle with a lot of accessories around her neck. A woman you’ve seen naked can’t hide from you no matter what. She was the one. The girl who ran away with my belongings. It was the wrong place and time to approach her but I didn’t mind. I got up and started walking towards her. When she saw me she shook a little. She tried to turn away but she realized that I’d seen her. 

By the time I got closer to her, she was talking on the phone. I said, “You think I will never see you.” She kept turning her face away from me. What I heard was, “Please come quickly.” I held her shoulder and said, “Let go…” She screamed, “Are you ok? Where do I know you from? You can’t just walk here and talk to me anyhow. Do you know me or I resemble someone you know?” She even had the courage to remove her spectacles so I could look right into her face. Everyone turned to look at us. Her voice was loud enough to draw attention. I left her and went back into my seat. I kept my eye on her so she doesn’t vanish. She didn’t collect the food. She also returned to her seat. I realized she was ready to make a scene so I had to be diplomatic about it.

READ ALSO: Who Should I Marry, Green or Grace?

I got closer to her table. She was on her phone talking to someone. Because of what happened, everyone’s attention was on us. A man walked up to me and said, “If you have a problem with her, why don’t you wait when the program closes?” I didn’t even look at him. Minutes later, I saw this tall and well-built guy speaking on the phone and walking towards her table. Immediately the guy got to her, she pointed at me and said something I didn’t hear. Now, I had to run for my life before it got messy. I left the reception and went outside. 

I was somewhere far from the entrance when I saw the guy walking with her to a car parked right at the entrance. It’s sad to be a helpless victim. I needed the strength of Sampson to be able to stand that guy. I stood there and watched them as they drove away. If she saw me, I know she would have given me a middle finger as the window of the car rolls up. But I was satisfied to know that it wasn’t the girl who told Adjoa what happened.

So who could be that snitch? I suspect the neighbor whose son carried my TV to the roadside for GHC10. She’s the only one who could have known what happened because her son would have briefed her on what went on as the girl was carrying my things to the roadside. I’m convinced she’s the one but if she did it, what was her motivation? I thought losing my things was enough punishment. Why would she double it for me? For what? What kind of neighborly witchcraft is that?   


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