I’m on the verge of giving in to an affair with one of the rich men currently trying to get my attention. This is because for the past four years, I have absolutely no desire for my husband. I have no romantic feelings for him either. It’s not as if I am using this as an excuse to step out on him. Believe me, I don’t want to do it but problems in our marriage have pushed me this far. That’s why I am here looking for solutions so I don’t give in to my temptations.
Right from the moment we got married ten years ago, my husband lost his job. He would sit at home and wait for me to go to work and return to come and take care of him as though he was a toddler. He wouldn’t bathe or change his clothes. This man was literally a couch potato. He stunk as a result of his poor hygiene. It made me uncomfortable but I didn’t want to give him a hard time. I would look at him and think, “He must be feeling this low because he is now jobless. Let me do my best for him as a supportive wife so he can get back on his feet as soon as possible.”
While I was taking care of the bills and cooking his meals, my husband was sitting at home flirting with another lady. I found this out when I went through his phone one day after work. There was no evidence that they slept together. All they did was flirt. When I confronted him he apologized and promised to put a stop to it. Now, I know he is not a promiscuous person so I took him at his word and forgave him. Regardless, I was completely turned off by him. I was already halfway there with his refusal to keep himself clean and neat. So the flirting incident escalated it.
All his negative traits aside, he is caring and loving in his own way so I tried my best to make things work. I was sure that if he got a job, all of these issues would be resolved. He believed that too.
As a family, we would hold hands and pray for a financial breakthrough and self-control so he would stop flirting around. I did my best to keep the flame of our faith burning but years down the line, my man remained unemployed and continued to flirt with other women. He was always so remorseful and apologetic whenever I caught him.
Currently, he is into farming. I support this ambition of his with everything I have. Sometimes the harvest is not so bad, and we are able to sell the produce to support the kids’ education. But that’s how far it stretches. He never makes enough to extend to me or pay any bills. This is one of the things killing my interest in him.
I keep asking myself if I am being impatient but it’s been ten years since we got married. Ten years since I started taking care of him and the home. I do it because I know my family depends on me to bring home the bread. This is why I feel he should at least put more effort into getting a stable job while he does the farming on the side. I have had conversations about my concerns with him. Every time he tells me, “I am doing the best I can given the circumstances.”
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Tell me how as a woman I am supposed to be happy when I have never enjoyed my husband’s provision? The more I think about this, the more I don’t want him to touch me. He is also someone who likes to get down to the action when he gets the chance. Well, for the past four years, I turn him away when he tries. On days, he pesters me until I give in, I end up feeling abused. I am left with bruises too as evidence. And the whole experience leaves me empty, pained, and traumatized.
No matter how strongly I psych myself, I just can’t warm up to his touch. Even when he is being sweet and romantic, my body is repulsed and rejects him. I know things are hard but I understand that marriage is for better or worse. That’s why I am willing to continue praying for a breakthrough for him to get financial muscles. God is faithful so I know He will come through if my husband gets up and puts in efforts. That’s something he claims he does. I am not at home with him so I can only trust that he is not lying and that we will see results soon.
We Broke Up Because Her Mother Didn’t Like Me | Hot Seat
While we wait, I want to solve the issue of our dead sex life. Because he is no longer doing it for me, I am tempted to give in to the rich men who approach me for an affair so that at least I can feel the care of a man. Don’t get me wrong, I have spoken openly to my husband about my lack of feelings. He knows the reason is our financial instability. And he assures me he is working on it. He sees the torture I experience when he touches me so he has also lost interest in doing it.
I trust that he is not getting his needs met elsewhere. However, the fact that I am tempted to do it gives me the impression that he may also be tempted to do the same. And I don’t want things to get that far for either of us. So I am asking my fellow women out here, what can I do to rekindle my want for him?
I am already close to falling off the deep end. So I need all the advice, tips, suggestions, and anything that can do to help me regain my feelings for my husband before I mess everything up. Kindly counsel me with empathy and love in your heart. If it helps, I am thirty-six while he is two years older.
— Titara
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Be careful lest you fall into adultery and God’s judgement awaits you
The supposed rich men out there are not worth it. Please don’t dig a whole for the devil to turn it into a manhole for you. Please stop your mental degradation of your husband and you will enjoy sex with him. DON’T CROSS ANY UNNECESSARY BOUNDARIES all in the name of sex. Remember this saying: THE JOY FOR A SIN IS JUST A MOMENT BUT IT’S CONSEQUENCES ARE TOO NUMEROUS TO COUNT.
It’s hard realy hard to meet both ends because by denying you a chance to go for those so called rich men you will feel you are being subjected to torture for that insantiable desire for someone ‘a man’ is already in you, however, ten years in a family is enough a time to realise how to convince & reconcil yourself with your man on marital issues, sex inclusive. Money is not a solution to man’s evry problem and in your case it can simply be the root of impending and endless troubles if you dont take your family issues seriously. Learn to love your husband because you have already comitted to him for a while.
There’s nothing strange about how you feel. Every woman wants to be protected and provided for. These are basic needs. You arr bad or wrong to feel that way. And because sex for women starts in the mind- when your man isn’t doing manly things it’s not strange to not be turned on by him. However, I think you need to get a neutral party to help the two of you communicate well. Also ask your husband for specific, attainable, small things which will make you feel pampered and loved- a new underwear set/,a nice body spray- … anything to make you feel you have a man without breaking the bank. Take advantage if ovulation time when yiur body is naturally horny to keep your sex life alive. The wages of sin remain death Sister.
Have you ever thought about the fact that you could be the one who is spiritually blocking you husband from getting a good job?. If I knew you and your husband, I will have counselled him to leave you ASAP. A man that can go four years without sex will lose his drive to succeed in life. In fact, you starved him long time before these four years you stated here. Just go out there and be the prostitute you really are and let him free to succeed in this life. T
Osei whanwhaniiii why isn’t his mother’s fault but his wives fault ? The wife has a luck that’s has made her a bread winner and what is his own luck doing for him? You’re a very foolish woman to call her a prostitute and God will judge you if you’ve ever cheated!!! How can you talk from your stomach to someone who is seeking for a council to put her temptation in check? Let all the women in your family takes care of their men for 10 years and see the result for yourself…Ofui next time talk from your head if only you have one
Osei whanwhaniiii why isn’t his mother’s fault but his wives fault ? The wife has a luck that’s has made her a bread winner and what is his own luck doing for him? You’re a very foolish wom to call her a prostitute and God will judge you if you’ve ever cheated!!! How can you talk from your stomach to someone who is seeking for a council to put her temptation in check? Let all the women in your family takes care of their men for 10 years and see the result for yourself…Ofui next time talk from your head if only you have one
Sammy, the brotherhood cannot disown me without having sought further clarification from me. Number one question: Do you know there is science confirming that men who are sex starved then to feel less motivated in life? This story she is narrating is wrong in all dimensions. Your man is farming and been able to pay for basic things at home but you are not satisfied. Do you know how many women have used their connection to get a man a job. Instead of exploring with him how he can expand his farm and bring in more money, you are trying to compare your husband to people who have a white collar job. Do you know that excellent wives motivate their husbands to excellent. I can tell you the husband has been frustrated by her attitude before she weaponised sex in the marriage. Any woman who weaponised sex is seeking to demoralise a man. Sorry for using the wors luck, but the drive of a man is brought down by a woman who weaponise sex.
Exactly, my thoughts too
Have you ever thought about the fact that you could be the one who is spiritually blocking you husband from getting a good job?. If I knew you and your husband, I will have counselled him to leave you ASAP. A man that can go four years without sex will lose his drive to succeed in life. In fact, you starved him long time before these four years you stated here. Just go out there and be the prostitute you really are and let him be free to succeed in this life. Most men have to wake up to the fact that if you pray with your wife but don’t see any results, then know that you can take another wife for good luck.
Please, stop attacking her as if you are God’s judgement sword. Even if not for anything, appreciate her for all the weight she has been carrying for all these years. She is a good woman.
Titara, you’ve been strong for so long and it’s admirable. God bless you.