It’s been five months since she left but in my heart, it feels like yesterday. The wound still hurts as much as it did the day she left. Every time I think about her, I remember the words that closed the curtains of our relationship. “Love alone is not enough.” These are the words that ring in my head when I think about her. 


I wish I could ask her, “Did it have to end that way?” 

I loved her with my whole heart but apparently, it was no match against the American “borga” her parents had arranged for her to marry. 

I remember telling her, “I don’t have much to offer you now but I promise if you stay with me, I will give you the world someday. It won’t be long now.” 

That was when I got hit with the “Love alone is enough response.” 

Oh, you should have seen us a year ago by this time. You would think nothing could come between us. Maybe things were simpler and more fun back then because we were still in school.

The most interesting thing is, that I never even thought I would date her when I first met her. I was struck by her beauty, yes, but that was it. It didn’t go beyond admiration. I was too busy trying to get her to support my political ambition to focus on anything else. That day we spoke at length. In the end, she promised to support me. 

My political ambition didn’t work out but she became my friend. One day she made a post on her WhatsApp status saying, “Give me GH¢2000, and let’s get married.” 

I laughed when I read it. Just for fun, I texted her, “I can marry you tomorrow and even give you more money than the amount you want.” We both laughed and then spent some time catching up. That day was the beginning of our late-night calls.

At the time, school was on vacation and I was doing my internship at a law firm. She called me every lunch break to check up on me. Then in the evening, we would speak till we fell asleep. Those moments are one of the most exciting times in my life. 

I was already on campus before school officially reopened. So I went to her hostel to help her pack her stuff when she arrived. This brought us closer. We went on dates. We had good times together. 

In November 2023, I proposed love to her. She didn’t tell me yes. She didn’t also say no. She just said something that implied that she was not ready for a relationship. I didn’t try to force it but I reminded her of how I felt about her every time I got the chance. 

After six months, I was still unsure if I had a chance with her. This time around I needed to know whether or not she was interested in me. I felt six months was enough time for her to come to a decision. 

When I reopened the conversation with her she told me, “I am still not ready for a relationship because my mother is sick. I have to be there for her.” I understood her mom was sick and she needed to take care of her but I didn’t understand why it should affect our relationship. Besides, I wasn’t demanding too much attention from her. I loved that she enjoyed her space just as I did mine.

However, I had to respect her decision and let her go. That’s what I tried to do but she didn’t let me. She showed up at my place the next week and said, “Do you still want me? I am ready now.” Although I felt like turning her down, love didn’t allow me. I said an enthusiastic yes to her. It was a magical moment. We had our first kiss that night. 

Just a few weeks into the relationship, our problems started. She told me her mother had arranged for her to marry another man who lives in America. “My entire family supports the match,” she said. 

When I asked if she was interested in the man, she said she couldn’t disobey her family. This wasn’t what I subscribed to. I always told myself that my first relationship would be the one that would lead me to marriage. That is why I waited for so long until she came along. 

I felt she wasn’t ready to fight for us so I suggested we go our separate ways. She refused. She always wanted to be around and be a girlfriend knowing very well she wasn’t going anywhere with the relationship. The mistake I also made was allowing myself to be swayed by her. I should have stood my ground and walked away. But I was following love. 

About five months later, we were both out of school. I called her one night and noticed her behaviour had changed. She got angry about everything I said and ranted on and on. At this point, I had fallen deeply in love with her. So I made excuses for her. 

“Maybe she is stressed.”

“Maybe she is under a lot of pressure from her parents.”

READ ALSO: She Is The Reason My Fiancée Called Me His Friend In Front Of My Family

“By the way, what’s your family saying about the other man?” I asked her.

She said he was still in the picture. That was when I told her, I would offer her the world in a short time if she stuck with me. We all know the response she gave me. “Love alone is not enough.” 

I still don’t understand why she led me on, right from the beginning, knowing very well that she would leave me in the end. Or maybe the best question is, why did I think she would choose me over the other man? He had more to offer her than I could even offer myself at that moment. I had to delete my number and do my best to move on. 

As I write this story, I am working with a US company. Now I earn some good dollars. Sometimes I think of her and wish she hadn’t left me. In times like this, I think about calling her to tell her how my life has been since she left. I think about telling her I want her back. But every time the thought crosses my mind I also hear the words, “Love alone is not enough.” Then I back away. I just wish after all these months, it wouldn’t hurt this much.


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