There’s an update to this story. If you want to read what happened after this, Kindly follow this link

She didn’t tell me about her ex until we were four months into our relationship. She had a call and something about what they were talking about got her infuriated. For several minutes she didn’t speak a word to me. I asked her what the issue was but all she said was, “It’s that stupid guy who is trying to give me a headache.” I asked, “Who’s that stupid guy and she said, “Is it not my ex?”

When she mentioned her ex, I thought maybe he was trying to get her back hence her anger. You know exes and their coming back attitude. But she told me that wasn’t the case and even said, “Who will like to be with that selfish guy?” So I continued probing until she told me what the issue was. When she and her ex were together, they were so sure they were going to get married so they did a lot of investments together which mostly didn’t go well. Their last attempt at investment was putting money together to buy a taxi. 

She said, “The car was for my cousin and the price was very cheap because he needed the money to travel. So we contributed money and bought it from him.” I asked her, “Why didn’t you sell it when you broke up?” She said, “We wanted to but we didn’t get buyers so we decided to operate it until we get someone to buy.”

Our love was new. She was always there when I needed her and she fast became the center of my world. My mom was the first person who encouraged me to stick with her. She said, “I had a dream about you and Efua. In the dream, she came with a baby in her hands and handed the baby to me, and told me the baby was my grandson. You know my dreams don’t fail. Take good care of her until you guys make my dream come through.” In my mind, Efua was the one I was going to settle down with. Not because my mom endorsed her but because I’d loved her from day one.

Seven months into our relationship, she called to tell me she had missed her period. I joked, “So I should help you look for it?” She said, “Don’t be silly. It’s a serious issue.” Three to five days later, we still couldn’t find her missing period. She got tested. She was pregnant. She asked, “What are we going to do?” I told her, “You tell me. I’m down for whatever you’ll say.” When I said I was down for whatever she would say, I thought she was going to say something like, “I’m keeping it so get ready to be a father.” But she said, “I’m not ready to be a mother, especially when we are not married.”

I said, “If marriage is the issue, then we have two options. We can do the knocking and wait until you deliver before we get married or we can arrange something small—knocking, followed by a traditional wedding and then we go to court and sign. That way we kill two birds with one stone.” She said, “It sounds like we are rushing. Let this one go. We didn’t plan for it. In the future when all is said and done, we can have another one.” I protested but she didn’t bow to my demands. One morning I called her and she said, “I’ve done it.” I said, “So you didn’t listen to me?” She said, “Thats’ the best option.”

READ ALSO: I Was Her Teacher In Class Four. Today, I’m Her Husband

One day I went to her house and met a gentleman there. They both shared the two-seater sofa. I greeted and sat down. They both talked for a few minutes and the guy left. “Who is that?” I asked her. She said, “That’s Ebo.” I asked, “Your ex?” She responded, “Yeah. He brought me money.” Another day I went to her house and she wasn’t there. When I called her she said, “I’m in Ebo’s house.” I asked, “What for?” She said, “I came for my money. What else could bring me here?” I started getting uncomfortable with the way she was seeing her ex every now and then. So I got someone who was ready to buy their car. I called to tell her about it and she said, “We are not selling anymore because it’s making us money.”

This brought a huge fight between us. I told her she was using the taxi as an excuse to see her ex. She told me I was stupid to think that way. For days we didn’t talk to each other. I was the one who went to her to apologize for what happened. I was there with her when her ex entered. He didn’t knock. He just entered like he was entering a place he owned. When he saw me he greeted me. I asked him, “Are you bringing money?” He asked, “What money?” He looked at Efua’s face. He said, “I came to see Efua.” From our interaction, I realized the guy didn’t know who I was and clearly, he didn’t come there to give her money.

That evening I asked her questions. She got angry. We fought. We stopped talking until I went to her to apologize for my mistake. 

One day, when I’d seen her with her ex and complained, she said, “Let’s make this simple. I and Ebo decided to come back together. I didn’t tell you because I wasn’t sure what I was doing.” I asked her, “So now you’re sure?” She said, “Yes I’m sure.” I asked, “So upon everything you told me about him, you still went back to him?” She said, “People change, especially when they realize their mistake.” I said, “Thank you for wasting one and a half years of my life only to go back to where you ran from. If it’s him you want then why did you come into my life in the first place? I pray he hurts you again just the way you’ve hurt me.” She said, “I know it’s not your fault. I’m sorry.”

We broke up in December 2020. I saw her recently and she was visibly pregnant. That pregnancy didn’t look like a three months old pregnancy—it looked five or six. I can’t tell for sure. We can only tell when she gives birth. She said she couldn’t give birth because she wasn’t married. Why is she pregnant now while unmarried? But wait…could it be that the pregnancy is mine? And she gave it to her ex so they could have another reason to come back together? I’ve done the maths and that’s a possibility. I’m lying here patiently waiting until she delivers. I’m praying my fears don’t materialize. 


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