We were in bed together, basking in a blissful glow when my boyfriend took my hands in his and said, “I am moving to the U.S.A and I am not coming back. Long-distance will not work for me. Hopefully, I will meet someone there and you will find someone here too.”
I went from floating on cloud 9 to crashing on rocks. I wanted to die. I did not expect our four years old relationship to end the way it did. I swore off love and anything that has to do with it. It was around the same time that a guy I knew was trying to get me to date him. I kept telling him I was not interested but he wouldn’t give up.
One day I decided that I had to move on from the pain of my past and face the future. I thought about the guy who wouldn’t give up trying to date me. I gave him a call; “I am ready now. I will give you a chance.”
We talked about my experience with my ex. I told him it would take time for me to fully love again. It was in September 2015. We started dating and gradually I fell in love with him. In February 2016 we got married.
A lot has happened in our marriage since then. I don’t know if somehow, I missed the signs when we were dating. Or if he just hid it so well that I couldn’t have known.
Barely three months into the marriage, he started hitting me. He said he was correcting certain behaviors in me. It got to a point I couldn’t take it anymore so I started fighting back. There was a time he spent the night out. When he returned home I asked him, “Where were you?” He got angry and hit me, I hit him back. That day we fought. I threw all my strength at him but in the end, I lost. It turned out that he had spent the night with another woman. He came to apologize for his actions and I forgave him. We had our good days as much as we had our bad days. The bad days were really that bad.
Our walls were stained with the vision of fistfights and punches as if we lived in a boxing ring. He would hit on people close to me and insult them if they didn’t entertain him. He did it to one of my best friends. He tried it with my boss’s wife after he took her number from my phone. My boss sent me screenshots of their chats. When I confronted him, he said he didn’t know the person was my boss’s wife. My own sister said he tried to rape her. I asked him and his defense was; “Your sister walks around the house without wearing underwear. She is the one trying to seduce me.” At a point, I got tired of the complaints so I just turned a deaf ear to them. His behavior ruined my relationship with everyone around me.
Then came a time I lost my job. My only source of income was Facebook adverts that I did for people. It wasn’t enough to sustain me so I relied on him for certain needs. If we got into a fight he would take everything he ever bought for me; phone, clothes, slippers, everything. He returned them when he calmed down.
We live in a 2-bedroom house that he built after we got married. One room was ours and the other room is for the children. He moved me to the children’s room so he could have the master bedroom to himself. He only allowed me into his room if he wanted to have sex. Our marriage was full of fights and quarrels. If I was lucky, one week in a month would be peaceful. At that moment whatever love I had for him had diminished.
He locked groceries in his room including drinking water. If I didn’t have money, I’d have to buy water on credit from a nearby shop to drink. If the children were hungry, he would take them to his room and feed them, leaving me to starve. At a point, he even burned my clothes just because he could.
When I finally got a job, he started feeling insecure. He said, “You want to work so that you can pay me back for everything I have done to you. I won’t allow it.” The morning I was supposed to report to receive my appointment letter, I woke up early and went to his room. I had to prepare breakfast for the children so I went to take Milo and milk. My husband beat me up from 4:50am until I found a way to call the police and my father. My dad showed up and they got into a heated argument. My husband told my dad; “Your daughter is a thief. She broke into my room. She knows it is against my rules.” My father asked him; “What did she steal?” Instead of answering he took a knife and threatened to stab my dad. I took a long fork and stepped between them. We ended up at the police station.
He was detained. By evening no one had gone to bail him so my dad did.
The next day he took a bottle of schnapps to my father and laid prostrate before him and begged for forgiveness. My father forgave him and accepted the schnapps and then asked me to go back to him. After all that, I still got the job. When he realized I had a job, he told me his business was not doing well so I should take care of the home. I bore the responsibility of everything; electricity bills, school fees, books, feeding fees, clothes, and water bills. After 8 months of me being the breadwinner of the house, my husband brought home a car. I asked him “Where did you get it from?” First, he said, “My girlfriend who is in the military gave it to me.” Later he said, “That was a joke. I want to buy it so I can use it for Bolt.” Another time he said, “Actually, someone gave it to me. He wants me to use it to work so I can take care of the children.”
At that moment I asked, “Which one is the truth?” Things turned ugly after that question so I never asked again. He turned the car into a taxi and got a driver to work with it. It didn’t work out. He tried another driver but that too didn’t work out. He woke up one day and told me, “It is time you open up to me about things you did before we got married. The people you did those things with told me about it.” I looked at him in confusion; “What are you talking about? We’ve been married for six years so where is this coming from?” He started screaming at me “Either you leave my house or you confess! The things you did is the reason I treat you the way I do.”
I panicked and left for my father’s house. I had no idea what he was talking about but there was no point in arguing with him.
My dad invited him over and asked him, “What is going on? What did she do to you this time?” He said, “She used to be a prostitute before I married her. She tried to hide it but I found out.” I was devastated to hear my husband say that about me. Did he not know me at all? I was in the university and also working when we met. When he was broke, I sold my clothes to feed us. Why would I do that if I was a prostitute?
I finally had enough. I told him, “If you say someone told you I was a sex worker and you believe them then go and be with that person. I’m done with this marriage.” He accepted it immediately and left. My dad tried to talk me out of my decision but I told him, “I need space from him. This marriage has done me more harm than good.” I went to the house to get a few clothes. He took a broom and swept all my stuff and tied them in bedsheets and then said, “Take all your things. My house is not a refugee camp.” I took them and left.
READ ALSO: My Married Ex-Boyfriend Is The Reason I Can’t Say Yes To Another Man
Days later he went to the house in my absence and quarreled with my mother and drew public attention. My father slapped him and chased him away. They threw stones at each other. From what I heard it was a dirty scene to look at.
Later he went to report at the police station that his legal wife has left his house because he asked her a simple question. He went to his in-law’s place to see his children and he was beaten up. My mother and I were invited to the police station for questioning. The case was later dismissed.
Two weeks after the police issue he is asking me to come back. He tells me, “Do it for the children. They have to grow up with both parents. You don’t have to like me to do that. Let’s continue this marriage for the children. I will right my wrongs. I will make peace with your parents. I promise to be a better husband.” I told him, “Your family has to come and meet my family and apologize for what you did to my parents.” He said, “I don’t want my family to know about our problems. I will do the begging on my own and I will change.”
I am torn between going back and staying where I am now. My mind wants to go back because of the children. My body doesn’t want to be anywhere near him. Right now, I live in my parents’ house. I work and take care of my children. If I go back and he misbehaves I won’t be able to return to my parents’ house again. They have told me that they are not happy with my marriage. I’m no longer attracted to him. I even visited him and had shuperu with him but I didn’t feel anything. He is telling me that if I don’t accept him right now he won’t ask me again. I feel I need time to know if truly he has changed and see if I will fall in love with him again.
I’m lost. Do you think that is a good idea?
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Madam you don’t like peace. What assurance do you have that he’ll change. If anything use the case of Osinachi as your reference point. You might go for the children and you might never come back.
I wouldn’t advice you to go back. He hasn’t changed. He might locked you up and seized your happiness this time around. Stay where you are and build the future of your kids
It is doubtful that a man that exhibits these shameless character can suddenly change without steps being taken. For the sake of your sanity and children’s sanity….I believe it is better to stay at your parents and care for them until you’re extremely sure. His parents must be invited into the matter since he doesn’t respect yours
Eii, Do you need still need confirmation to stay away from this demon! I am even traumatized by your story! The brute beats you up, throws stones at your father, brings up lying charges against you and your mother, and you still need confirmation to stay away from him? My sister, you not only need to stay away from him you need to send him to the family court so you can gain sole custody of your children. They do not need his bad example – your sons may emulate his bullying and your daughters may become submissive and accepting of abusive behaviors. He even acknowledges his family will not support him in his despicable behavior!
I wonder what you’re going back there to do. You have a job and concentrate on it so that you can take care of your kids. Better days ahead. Besides, the right person will come at the right time. Don’t try to prove anything, you’ve done enough.
Dear, please run for your life ooo. It hasn’t happened once, neither twice nor thrice but on several occasions. He can never change from his bad behaviors. For the sake of the children but you will be suffering. You can go for your children and bring them to where you are staying now and take good care of them. I don’t support your going back.
Seriously Maya what other signs do you want to see before you file a divorce. Honestly do you want your kids to grow around a toxic father, who disrespect not just you but your family and friends….what kind of future will they have growing around a home where there is constant fighting. Think about your children…you are better of on your own than being with him, sorry but men like these don’t change….I hope you make the right decision….God speed🙏
Eeei sister what kind of signs do you need again to see the monster in him? Hmm it’s sad when you say that you aren’t married so you wouldn’t understand or it’s for the sake of the children that’s why you’re doing that but let me tell you one truth. My mom took that decision some 23 years back and it’s been full of violence. Unfortunately, we the kids are the most affected. A father figure for the kids may be good but look at the product you will produce as a result of all the things the kids might endure. Think deeply and thoroughly before you make the gravest mistake. Did you say he threw stones at your father? And fought your mom? And you still considering giving him a chance ? Don’t be a super hero in a marriage where your efforts are not seen. Mental health really counts for kids. Sad truth is; Most men never throw away their ego and actually sit to raise family so well. They go about doing a lot of hurtful things yet expect things to turn out well in the raising of their kids. Please think thoroughly and make right decisions for your kids.
Maya , I won’t mince words in calling you stupid!
You could have been in your grave by now but I thank God that you survive due to his Grace so that your story will wake those in the same situation with you from their slumber!
Did I hear you say you want to go back for the sake of the children?
Do you Know what will happen to them if you die in this monstrous marriage?
Love yourself first.
Never think of going to that God forsaken man again
if u go back he ll kill u
He took a knife to stab your dad and you want to go back🤣🤣? You don’t value your life eerr Is a matter of time and you will be stabbed to death. Go ahead and prioritise your marriage over life. Such a toxic marriage ! I pity you .
Please do not go back. If he beats you to death,your children will still end up having a single parent and it won’t be you. The children need their father, that’s true, but your children need their mother alive and in a good mental health as well. My sister, you’re a good woman who deserves more. This man doesn’t deserve you. If you settled for less earlier,please don’t make that mistake again. This man has definitely not changed. Your children will never want to see you cry and if going to their father will make you hurt badly,please stay away and move on with your life.
if he kills you and you die I would attend to your burial and eat rice … see your mouth .. you need a prophet to tell you that he wants to kill you .. he is mentally ill
Terrible idea to go back. You can’t even say it’s for the kids because if they see the way you’re abused, it might affect their outlook on relationships down the line. Stay away from the man