A call woke me up one early morning. She was courteous. She spoke almost pleadingly; “Elvis, good morning. Please don’t tell me you’ve rented your place out. I really need it.” I was confused. I thought I didn’t hear what she said so I asked her to repeat herself. She said, “I’m talking about the place you posted that it’s for rent. I need it badly. I don’t mind if you ask me to increase your fee. Just take me to the landlord.” I told her, “Please, you’re talking to the wrong person. I’m not renting out any place.” She responded, “I’m sorry,” and then she cut the line. A few seconds later she called again. “Elvis?” I responded, “Yes, you’re calling the same line again.” She answered, “Then it’s not a wrong line so why are you telling me you’re not the one?”
Immediately the conversation stopped, another guy called. He was speaking pidgin English with me. He sounded like an old lost friend who had found his way back home. Just when I was struggling to figure him out, he asked, “The room dey?” I asked, “Which room?” He answered, “The one you posted that it’s available for rent.” I answered, “I’m sorry but you’re calling the wrong number.” Immediately the conversation ended with him another person called. I asked her, “Where did you see the post? Can you send me a screenshot?” She did. Immediately I saw it, I burst out laughing. I wasn’t the one who posted the advert. It was Alberta who did.
I called her, “Alberta, why did you do that with my number? What sort of witchcraft is that? Is that a game you want to play with me?” She answered, “This is just the beginning. You were always on your phone but when I asked you questions, you lied to me. Obviously, talking to people is your hobby. Stand well, you’ll be talking to a lot of people from now onwards. After saying that, she cut the line. I called back and it was switched off. That day, I received over a hundred calls from strangers. They were all asking to rent the room I posted on Facebook.
I had to switch off my phone. I turned it back on at 9pm and immediately I turned it back on, the calls started coming again. Some people had even sent me Whatsapp messages pleading for the room. The room was in East Legon. Well furnished with beautiful kitchen and bath going for Ghc400 a month. And according to the advert, the landlord was accepting only monthly payments. No advance payments.
From that day, I realized Alberta was on a mission. A payback mission of some sort. Or I should call it an act of revenge? Petty revenge. A couple of months before that morning, Alberta was my girlfriend. We dated for a year and a half and she caught me cheating, I think three times. The first two times she caught me I denied it vehemently. She had evidence. She had receipts to show for my infidelity but I came at her strongly, refuting her claims and pushing the agenda of love for only her. She saw through my lies yet decided to forgive me. She loved me and I could see it from everything she did but I don’t know why I kept cheating on her.
Maybe it was due to her stand when it came to shuperu. At first, I had to try for several months before she gave in. After breaking her walls, I thought I was going to have it whenever I needed it but no. I always had to fight for it. I had to give reasons. Sometimes I had to feign blue balls before this girl will grudgingly give it to me. I concluded it was always going to be like that so I started looking for gratification from outside of the relationship. The women I chose came with trails. I just have to admit that I chose the wrong kind of woman. They were just temporary so I didn’t pursue the quality ones. If she looked like someone I could get easy shuperu from her, I went for her.
Alberta started questioning me if I was seeing someone else. I brushed her off. She stopped asking and instead put it to me straightforwardly that I was cheating on her. I asked why she’ll accuse me of something she didn’t have evidence of and she answered, “I have evidence. Why is it that all of a sudden I’m getting infections? Where did I get the candidiasis from, huh? Are you not the one bringing it to me?” Well, I denied it flatly and instead of stopping cheating on her, I instead changed the woman I was seeing. She never stopped complaining. “Elvis, you’re putting my life in danger and your life too. Stop going after women and I’ll give you whatever you want.”
I stopped. And just when I thought all was going to be good between us, she started asking for protection before shuperu. “If it’s not on, it’s not in. I can’t trust your fidelity these days.”
I must admit, I’m not proud of what happened. I’m not happy about how I chose to lead my life and the danger I brought to myself and to her. When she started insisting on protection, I started going back to the women who will make me hit them raw because raw meant a lot to me. One dawn, a slap on the face woke me up. Alberta was holding my phone in her left hand while reading out pieces of chats to me. I was like, “How did you get my password?” Another slap, bam! I got angry and decided to fight back. I won’t hit a woman no matter what so I fought for my phone. I couldn’t deny this one so I wanted to bully my way through. She didn’t give me an inch to even process my thoughts.
I screamed, “What do you want me to do, huh? What do you want me to do when you’re always giving me rules and regulations for something I could easily get from the outside?” I was sleeping in her house when she caught me. She opened the door and asked me to leave. It was around 2am. I softened my stand. “Go where at this time of the night? I’m not leaving.” She started pushing me out, I resisted and she started screaming. “I’ll scream rape if you don’t leave.” I walked out not knowing how I was going to make it to my place. I was on my way going when she sent the breakup text message and threatened a police case if I dared come closer to her. I felt she was overreacting so I ignored her.
The following morning she sent a text, “I’m going to text for H.I.V. Pray it’s negative or you’re dead.” My heart skipped a beat. I was shivering. I rather not know my status. I couldn’t stand the emotional stress. I called her several times that day wanting to know how the test went and she didn’t respond. She sent a text, “Go and do your own test if you want to know.”
From the way things were going, I accepted the breakup so I could rebuild my own life and become a better man. To me, Alberta was gone but this girl decided to spend the rest of her life to make me miserable. It started from that room advert she posted in a Facebook group. It took me several weeks to fight those calls off. A few weeks after that, I started getting calls from people who wanted to buy an iPhone. I asked where they saw the advert and they said Tonaton. Not long afterwards, people started calling me about a visa deal. Later, it was about the Ghana card. That I could help them get it the same day for free.
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I decided to turn my number off for good so I bought a new Sim. Nobody knew that number so I put it on my Whatsapp bio that whoever needed me should call that new number. That was the silliest thing I’d ever done. That very day, I started getting calls on the new number. They were looking for a plumber. It was no longer funny so I went to her house to warn her to stop it or else I’ll report her to the police. She said, “Oh, you see how frustrating it is when you fight something that won’t go away? I’m still fighting an infection you gave me. We are both fighters so let’s fight.” I had to plead with her to stop but this girl pushed me out of her house.
It’s been two years since we broke up but this girl hasn’t stopped tormenting my life. I don’t know what comes over her. Everything would stop for a long time and then all of a sudden bam, she will strike again. This past December was very hectic for me. People called my line for Afrochella tickets. They called for Raperholic tickets. They called for comedy tickets. My number sold all kinds of tickets at a discount this December. She has a new boyfriend. She flaunts him on her status. She’s supposed to be happy but this girl can’t forgive and move on.
A few days ago, I started having a series of calls from people looking for a job. They said they saw posters promising a job for SHS graduates. The salary the supposed job paid was GHC2,500 a month plus commissions. I asked, “What posters? Where did you see those posters?” Some said they saw it on walls. Others said it was given to them on a flier. I was like, “You guys are lying to me right? Who asked you to call me? Who employed you to disturb my life?”
Two years later, this girl continues doing silly things with my number. Now, she sees my call on her phone and she starts laughing. It’s no longer a joke but she laughs so hard about it like a child at play. She’ll then tell me, “It’s not me. I stopped long ago. I’ve moved on. Do your investigation well and you’ll know I’m not the one doing it. What did they call for this time?” She’ll then burst out laughing.
What Women Do When They Are No Longer Interested In You–Beads Media
She had stopped accepting responsibility for it but if it’s not her, who else could it be? It’s been two years ooo. We broke up two years ago but I’m still suffering from her devilish and childish schemes. She’s using me as a plaything just for her amusement. Can I arrest her for that? Especially now that she has stopped accepting responsibility. Is there a law I can hang on to cause her arrest? A law like ‘disturbing public peace.’ I’m the public and I’m tired.
Do you have any relationship experience to share? Email it to submissions@silentbeads.com
Good idea 😂😂😂
Get a restraining order or better still change your sim and don’t repeat that mistake of broadcasting the number on your status. Also be sure to block her at every level
Get a restraining order from the Police. On the other issue of fidelity please get tested for STIs and ensure you are clean and cleared. Any action against her can turn ugly if she alleges you willfully infected her and a test confirms her story
This is the funniest ever 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 my belly is bloated with laughter 🤣🤣🤣 beautiful revenge. My dear i believe you have learnt your lessons, get yourself a new sim and don’t repeat same mistakes
Do the same to her if this doesn’t stop. She will soon get frustrated and stop. Go to porn sites and post her number there that she is a hook-up girl ready for sex anytime in Accra. sometimes, say she is a sugar mummy looking for young blood for a pay of $1000 a month. She will stop cos the calls that will come she can’t stand them. Peace!!!!